
Reincarnated With Five Others(hiatus)

at the end of their lives the sinners the assassination group formed by a group of brothers only wished that they would be together on their trip to underworld. but life gave them another chance, born into a new world, each equipped with a supreme treasure the survival of the whole world is on their shoulders. Will they be able to meet each other and stand against all odds. -----------------

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17 Chs

On Our Way-2

[Quill P.O.V]

We started our journey towards Triton, we were currently walking towards the next city to rent a horse or if financially possible a carriage. Agatha was currently weeping silently walking besides me. She was sad for leaving her mother alone for the first time.

"Don't worry we will surely see her in three months, three months will fly away very fast," I comforted her.

She just nodded her head. I wiped her tears away, and said, "Now, no crying we should have a happy journey."

She smiled which was felt like a looming flower for me.

This was currently a free time for us. Achiya had entered the white gem and was most likely talking with Mighty. We soon reached the entrance of the city of Nalad. It was a barely passable city, ruled by a single aristocratic family. We soon started standing in a line. In most of the kingdoms even in my last one, the guards used to harass the females, this had caused a lot of problems for the Kingdom as many of the female warriors liked to travel as ordinary people.

The first one to tackle the problem was the kingdom of Neptune, it was said that the princess of Neptune was once travelling in disguise, and had once been tried to be taken advantage by the guards and so them doing similar things to other female visitors.

She soon persuaded her father to pass the law that all of the guards of each city should be Eunuch's.

It was said that the Royal army had an army battalion consisting only of eunuch, this was done so that they could not be seduced by female assassins, and eunuch would also train harder as they had nothing else to do.

The idea was a plan of a genius. I had heard my friends back at the village telling me that other armies have also started setting up the battalion.

We soon reached the start of the line. The moment the guards so Agatha his eyes brightened, but then dimmed suddenly, confirming the rumours going around.

"5 copper Drachmas, per person." I gave the guard the 10 copper drachmas, some of which I had earned by selling the hides of animals I hunted during last week.

We entered the city; the city was not as buzzing as I had initially thought. People were minding their own business, few males would throw lustful gaze towards Agatha, but didn't act, I didn't mind them looking at her unless they take it too far like staring at her for far too long that it makes her uncomfortable. I was always of the mentality that though people are in a relationship they still are two separate entities, men should not look at the women as possessions.

We soon entered a restaurant, which was looking shabby yet clean, it was fully empty, and we sat on a table. Agatha was looking happy and was hugging my arms, a man came to us, he was an old looking man with a beard so large that it reached the ground.

"What would you like to have?" the old man asked.

"What do you have?" I asked.

"What do you want? We will make what you want?" the man said slowly.

"I will have two fried eggs, with tomatoes? What about you?" I asked Agatha.

"I will have the same," she said.

"We don't have eggs." The old man said slowly as if he had all the time in the world.

"Give us fried potatoes and milk" I said.

"We don't have potatoes and milk," the man said.

"That's why I asked you what you have, make anything by your choice." is this man crazy or something.

The man walked away slowly, that I thought he was only going to reach the kitchen after a year, I ignored him and started talking with Agatha, soon we got bored and I even dozed off for an hour something finally our food reached us. When I saw what he brought for us I almost chocked him to death, he had brought plane rice and a small piece of pickle.

"after three hours you brought us only rice," I asked him, "Did you go to harvest rice or something."

The man kept the food on the table and went away without even looking at me.

We started eating, I couldn't believe what had happened the food was so…





Plain, yes I thought that with his attitude he would have cooked some awesome food, but the food was so plain that even water tasted more than the rice but as I was hungry we quickly ate without stopping, I quickly paid him and we went away.

When we came out of the restaurant it was already dark, we decided that we should go to an inn for a night, though it would cost some, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

I went to an inn called Noida inn; I went to a middle-aged man who was sitting behind the table.

"Can we have two rooms please?" I asked

"Only one room is available," the man said lazily

I frowned hearing that there was only one room. "Are there any other inns nearby," I asked

"No," the man said

I looked at Agatha she was blushing furiously

Seeing this even my ears turned red

"Give us that room," I said

"20 bronze drachmas"

I paid him he led us to the room. The moment he opened the door I was stunned it was a brightly lit rooms with mana stones but what was the most embarrassing thing was that the room was set up as a nuptial chamber.

"What the hell is it? Why did you set it as bridal chamber? Agatha had turned blood red now," I asked the man

"Well this room was booked by a couple for their marriage time, but the bride ended up running with the servant boy of the inn and hence this room was empty this is the only room available."


[Agatha P.O.V]

We were going to enter the bridal chamber for the first time, I couldn't stop myself from looking at Quill's handsome face. I blushed even more furiously. I entered the room behind Quill and didn't dare to look straight. I soon sat on the bed, anticipating, and fearing the night.

According to what mother told me, it should be painful as well as pleasurable. I sat on the bed, my heart was beating madly, I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

I heard Quill walking towards me, with each of his step's each of his step was like a boom in my heart. He reached near me I could see him stretching his hands,

Was he going to kiss me? Are we going to do the forbidden?

But I saw that his hands pass by me and pick up a sheet

"I will sleep on the ground you can sleep on the bed," Quill said.

I was stunned hearing his words.

"Idiot" I yelled angrily.

There is still some time for the R-18 stuff.

they will have sex further in the story not now.

next chapter tomorow ...

SHEPHARDBOTcreators' thoughts