
Reincarnated With Five Others(hiatus)

at the end of their lives the sinners the assassination group formed by a group of brothers only wished that they would be together on their trip to underworld. but life gave them another chance, born into a new world, each equipped with a supreme treasure the survival of the whole world is on their shoulders. Will they be able to meet each other and stand against all odds. -----------------

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17 Chs

On Our Way


A week has passed since I visited the 'lowly creature forest' the name given to Phoenix forest by Achiya. I practiced extremely hard this week and I am close to muscle cleansing realm. During the fight with the snake I had made progress in the Dharma chakra arts. During this week I had finally achieved the first level of the arts. I can now infuse fire element into my chakram making it blazing hot.

But what had stumped me during this week was that Agatha has entered the muscle cleansing realm and she also has achieved the first layer of icicle sword arts; she also had made significant progress in heaven freezing arts.

Currently I was having a fight with Agatha, though she has made significant progress and was currently in a higher realm than him, but she lacked the practical express, currently she had frozen the ground with her heaven freezing arts, with a thin layer, and was gliding on the snow, this was the movement art of heaven freezing, the ice glide.

She was fast, I was having a hard time keeping up with her, I noticed that though she was fast, she couldn't break her speed easily, I moved further back, she began accelerating to attack me, when she was at her maximum speed, I swung my sword bending down, causing ice to pile, she tripped and fell face first.

I burst out laughing seeing the scene. Agatha's stood up her whole face was red I didn't know if it was because of the coldness of the ice or because of the embarrassment.

"Let's go home, we will leave tomorrow for Triton, so we should spend today with our parents. After all we wouldn't see them for a while." I spoke to her.

I began walking towards my house, a bird suddenly flew and sat on my shoulder, it was Achiya. Agatha and my parents had tried getting close to her, but she would never even go near to anyone else but me.

Agatha was also happy seeing the bird, but she didn't show it, she just harrumphed as if she was angry with the bird.

I accompanied Agatha to her home. Agatha was raised by a single mother; I don't know about her father but what she had told her was that her father had left them after her mother was pregnant.

"Hello aunty." I said politely. I admired Agatha's mother very much, most people would abandon their child if they were in a situation she was in and try to start a new family, he admired her courage to go against the social norms and continue to take care of her child. He absolutely hated people like Agatha's father who would abandon their child without taking responsibility.

"Hello dear, come in." Agatha's mother said.

I politely rejected, "No, thank you aunty, you should spend the day with Agatha, I wouldn't want to interfere." Without waiting for her reply, I ran away.

I reached home. I could se my mother preparing a feast for us, I had brought meat from the forest, and she was cooking food. Though she was sad, she didn't show it on her face, she was smiling to hide her expression.

Even I was sad, I began helping my mother in cooking the meal, we didn't talk to each other during the process but we both knew how we felt. Sometimes you didn't need to tell the other how you feel they just feel it, talking makes it feel as if you are quantifying it.

We soon prepared the meal; dad also came from the farm. We sat and ate the food, we talked and laughed a lot, no one talked about me going away tomorrow, everyone consoled themselves saying that this was just a temporary separation and we would soon be together.

"Son, go to sleep. You have a journey tomorrow you should sleep." Dad said.

I went to sleep, my heart was heavy because Mighty has still not woken up, he didn't want to leave them without any protection. He also wanted to give Agatha's mother the protection.

While I was swimming in the ocean of thoughts,

He heard, "Did you miss the greatest, the awesomest, the mightiest Mighty."

"Phew, finally," I said releasing a sigh of relief, not waiting for him to speak I said, "Did you create the protection."

"Of course, I created them I even made you a blade with the snake's spine, and also protective clothing."

"You collected the snake's corpse?" I asked

"Obviously, who would leave treasures lying on the ground." Suddenly a sword appeared in his hands. It was a black sword with a golden handle. It had the predator aura like the one possessed by the snake. I kept the sword away feeling excited, I had never used the weapons of such high quality.

"Hey, do you know about this bird." I asked.

Mighty looked out from the gem to where Quill was pointing and shouted, surprised, "Achiya?"

"Hey Mighty, how are you doing?" Achiya said.

Suddenly Achiya vanished into the space and when he tried to enter, I was denied entry. I let them be and went to sleep. I was happy that I could give my parents protection.


Next day Quill woke up began getting ready, he packed dry rations for the journey and pit them in a bag, he didn't show them that he had storage space. Rose was also helping Quill getting ready, she was shedding tears, but she didn't weep. She didn't want Quill to see her crying.

Quill decided to give them the piece of jewellery.

"Mom, I want to give you this." I gave her necklace made from compressing the snake's eyes, and inscription carved on it, it was shining and giving off light, it really looked beautiful.

One glance at the weapon, and Ron and Rose could already tell that the necklace was special, but they didn't question him, after all everybody had secrets, Quill also understood that they knew, and he was relieved that they didn't question him because he didn't want to lie to them.

He also gave his father a bracelet formed from the other eye of the snake, he also accepted it without questioning him.

"Son I also want to give you something", he took out a sphere of the size of a human eye, this was golden in colour, the moment Mighty and Achiya shouted together, "holysh*t, gold concentrate"

From their reaction Quill came to know that this was something that was very precious, but he didn't say anything and accepted it, "Son be careful its heavy."

Quill prepared for taking it, the moment he took it in his hands, he fell down. The sphere was very heavy about 10 tons. It was really heavy, for a moment Quill thought that his father was playing a prank on him.

Mighty quickly absorbed all the insides of the concentrate, leaving on the shell. This Quill could lift. "thanks dad"

Quill soon departed from his house and started going towards Agatha's house. The moment he went away Rose broke down and started crying,

"Don't cry, after all everyone has to create their own story, after all, that's the beauty of life." Ron sighed

Quill went to Agatha's house and picked her up. Both were crying, Quill consoled both of them. He gave her mother another protection made from the tusk of the pig, though not as beautiful as the one that he gave his mother it was still beautiful. Agatha's mother accepted it when I told her it was protection; Agatha was also gratified.

We soon went on our way out of the village. On the way Agatha pouted her lips and said, "You didn't give me a necklace."

Quill slapped her ass and said, "I will buy you one when we reach Triton."

And thus, started the journey of Quill.

extra chapter for every 10 power stones

SHEPHARDBOTcreators' thoughts