
Reincarnated With Five Others(hiatus)

at the end of their lives the sinners the assassination group formed by a group of brothers only wished that they would be together on their trip to underworld. but life gave them another chance, born into a new world, each equipped with a supreme treasure the survival of the whole world is on their shoulders. Will they be able to meet each other and stand against all odds. -----------------

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17 Chs

On Our Way-3

[Quill P.O.V]

I woke up early in the morning, I had a deep fulfilling sleep. Agatha was still sleeping, I decided to wake her up and be on the move, I had heard yesterday that the princess of Neptune would pass by this city at noon, I didn't want any unknown hinderance in my journey hence I decided that we will leave in the morning.

I shook Agatha to awaken her up. She looked as if she was dreaming, she suddenly pulled me into a hug. I was flustered. But I soon calmed I understood that she was deep in sleep, and must be dreaming something.

I sighed and decided to let her sleep for five more minutes.

No, I am not doing this because I want to hug her, I am not such a cheap man, am I?

After some time, I opened my eyes, uh it seems I dozed off for some time. When I opened my eyes and saw the red fiercely blushing face of Agatha. What flustered me more was my hands were on her butt and they were touching the butt.

I quickly backed off, sh*t how can a gentleman like me do such a horrendous thing. I wanted to tell her that this was not as it seems, but I decided to play it shameless and act as if nothing occurred.\

"Get ready we will be leaving today," I said.

She just looked at her feet acting shy. I walked out of the room to give her the privacy that she needed.

Soon she came out after tiding herself. We went to another restaurant to have a breakfast I couldn't bear to go to the restaurant I went yesterday. The restaurants were fully packed because many people were visiting the city most of them mercenary and fighters who were not affiliated to any magic and knights' school. Luckily, we found an empty seat for two at the corner of the restaurant. We ordered meat and bread to eat we kept talking. I was also focussing on what other people were talking a thing I picked up when I used to be an assassin

"You know that the princess will be passing through here," man 1

"Duh, why do you think I even came here, I heard that she is a heavenly beauty that transcends the world,"

I was intrigued hearing this, wasn't it too much of an exaggeration to say this, and even if she was a beauty she would be rotten inside, all the royalty are, they think themselves as some mighty beings above the denizens of the world often abusing and acting as they pleased. The incident in my previous life had filled me with intense hate for any royalty.

We soon finished are food and went our way towards the gate. We saw many soldiers and knights patrolling the streets. It was a knight's duty to protect the king and the royalty because of this I had seriously considered if I wanted to join the academy, but my dream to go to school overcame my hatred for the royalty and I decided that I will go to the academy and when it was time to serve the royalty I would run away making some reasons, or would take a job to protect the villages rather than the royalty.

We soon reached the gate, the flow of people coming inside the city was ten times higher than the number of people going outside. So, we quickly passed through the gates and went on our way towards the circular black wall which was rising to the heavens.

It seemed as if it was night when you looked at the walls.

The circular wall was called as the divide. It was said that the walls divided the world into two realms the inner realm and the outer realm and only the strong ones could go to the inner realms.

No one knew who made these walls and no one has ever known to climb and reach the top of the wall.

All the six countries had their capitals situated near the wall, as there was said to be a dungeon there and it had become a major tourist spot as well as a mercenary hub.

We were still far away from the capital. We soon made our way and decided to take a straight path towards the walls. We soon entered the forest. We were talking to each other and were walking holding each other's hands.

We killed all the monsters on the way.

Suddenly Achiya came out of the gem scaring Agatha off.

"Why are you scaring her Achiya," I said slightly annoyed.

Achiya didn't say anything and just sat on my shoulders.

Agatha looked at the beautiful rainbow coloured bird and muttered "So beautiful,"

She tried touching Achiya's feathers but Achiya didn't let Agatha touch her.

Agatha didn't seemed offended, and asked me, "Where did you find such beautiful bird."

"uhh it found me rather than me finding her," I replied.

When we were talking, suddenly we heard a war cry followed by multiple weapons clashing nearby, we turned towards the noise and started walking towards the place to see what was going on

this chapters a little late, sorry I was a little busy will continue on sturday with two chapters.

Next chapter

#saving damsel in distress

SHEPHARDBOTcreators' thoughts