
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

The First Minion

Now that everything was in order, Lucas began to work on his first minion. 

The only problem he faced when making his minion was the amount of materials he had. When he examined what he actually bought with his credits were only enough to make 10 robots. He was annoyed by this, but nothing he could do. His first job was trying to come up with a look of his robot, but ran into some restrictions by the system. 

[Minion Robots can be no more then 3ft tall]

[Minion Robots can only do menial tasks]

[Minion Robots are built to serve, not fight. They must have the base level of defense]

[Reminder][Minion Robots will automatically start at Low-Rank 3]

Lucas was perplexed by these rules. How could a minion not fight, but serve. Wouldn't they have to fight if they were ordered to serve him? And how are they so much STRONGER then him! They are starting a whole two ranks higher then him! They better be good at doing whatever their job is. 

Once he went over his restrictions Lucas had an idea. He pulled up the [System Store] page and looked through all the skills. He narrowed down to his search to skills that were 100 VP's or less. Lucas frowned when he saw the list. There were only 12 skills with that he could purchase. Thankfully he had a skill he actually saw was useful! [Jury-Rigging Lv1]. 

It was a skill that gave him insights into how to well jury rig machinery. If he ran into a problem that arise from the miss aligning of parts or miss matching parts. He would be able to easily figure out a solution. 

With the last of his VP's spent he was truly broke. No credits left. No VP's to spend on.

All he had was the material to make his minions. He rolled up his sleeves and finally got started. Given the restrictions he wanted to make his minions very basic. He had a feeling he would make more specialized robots in the future. 

Wanting to start small and basic Lucas came up with a simple robot. It would be the max height of 3ft tall, would be humanoid shaped, with blank faces. Not saying they were emotionless, but were completely blank. Like a mannikin. He then began to work on the infrastructure of the robot. It was a surreal experience being able to do things like this and just automatically knowing the information. 

It was like he spent many years learning robotics without wasting the time. It was almost instinctual. He spent the next 2 hours working out all the innards of his 10 minions. They all laid out on the floor of the workshop. It was like he took the nervous system of a human figure and placed it out on the floor. He was put off by his handy work, but also impressed. Next was the metal frame that would house this electrical nervous system.

Next to his large smelter were dozens of molds for the metal. All he had to do was hold one in his hands and think of the part he needed. The mold would then shapeshift into the shape and size he needed. He didn't have to measure anything or replicate an existing item. It was quiet amazing. He began to toss the metal sheets he would use for his minions. He couldn't examine what properties the metal was made of, but he could tell it was much tougher then Tungsten, but as light as Aluminum. The Villain System really wanted him to succeeded. 

It took him another 4 hours to finish all the molds of for his minions, and another hour for them to cool down. Lucas wasn't sure why this stage was going quickly, but assumed the System played a roll in it. Once all the casing was done he began to lay the framework of his robots out next to the mechanical nervous system he built. 

As he placed all the metal around he ran into a problem. For the humanoid structure he was going or it was too complicated for it's size. If he was able to make the minions larger he wouldn't run into this problem. The hands for example were the most egregious of the problem. He originally wanted 5 fingers on each hand, but given the size of the minion the fingers looked very fragile. regardless of it's material. The same problem could be said for it's feet. The other problem he ran into was the actual body structure.

He wanted it to mimic a human as much as possible, but found the wiring needed more room or some parts of the metal structure would pinch it and break. His only solution was to reshape the body and frame. He collected all the metal and resmelted it. Thankfully the metal didn't degrade during this process. The only draw back was he wasted another 5 hours repeating this process. 

After resmetling all the metal, again, he was happy with his results. The overall frame was much bulkier then before. It reminded Lucas of how a dwarf would look. If they were made of metal and only had 3 fingers and toes.

Actually. When he placed them all next to each other like he did before his minions looked different. He thought they would look like dwarves, but they looked more like weird stocky aliens. What threw him off the most was the faces. 

They were smooth with no facial features. No eyes no nothing. He had built the sensors behind the face. This was so if they got into a scrap they couldn't be blinded by their enemy. He was curious how durable and strong his minions would be. They were made from a unique metal and were at the Low-Rank 3 at the start of their creation. His mind began to run wild thinking how powerful more specialized robots would be!

He slapped himself to wake him from his day dream. He had to focus on the task at hand rather then dream about something that hasn't happened yet. Focusing on the task at hand he rummaged around for some tools and grabbed a wielder.

With everything laying out he only had two things left. Wielding and actually building his minions and then programming them. 

It took Lucas 2 whole days to wield his machines together and make sure they functioned properly. He had large bags under his eyes from staying up 2 days straight.

There were many times when he was wielding he fell asleep only to be woken up by the flash of the wielder. He didn't even realize he worked in his sleep. Not only was he sleep deprived, but also starving and dehydrated. He forgot to make a canteen and room for him to sleep and eat in. In between making his minions he would take short 2 hour naps. After his two days were up he worked on their programming.

Thanking the gods for looking out for him the System had a handful of premade programs. Granted they were very basic in their coding. On top of that he only had access to the "Drone" program. This enabled his minions to follow simple orders, but couldn't react to issues. Example would be if he told his minions to disarm a target they might break their limbs instead of just removing the weapon. This was the issue with the basic programing, but Lucas couldn't do anything about that. For now at least.

He was so sleep deprived, hungry and thirsty he didn't care if his minions were perfect right off the bat. He wanted them out as quickly as possible to make him money! He needed a canteen and room for himself to rest in!

Lucas rushed through the programming of his minions and hoped for the best. He wasn't broken up about his minions being subpar because of this. He had other concerns to deal with. After another 4 hours of making sure each minion was fully built with their programming ready he typed in another command to turn his robots on. He watched wide eyed as his minions went from a laying down position slowly rose to their feet. They all stood in perfect formation of 2 rows of 5. 

He saw them for all their glory. Although now that they were standing an active. They more looked like smaller versions of a teen turtle ninja's from a show he watched as a kid. He chuckled to himself seeing this before a new screen popped up.

[Minion Bot built]

[Completion rank: C-]

[Minion Bot Name; TBD]

[Hp: 1,000]

[Energy: 300]

[Power: 45]

[Programing: Basic Minion]

[Description: A basic turtle/Dwarf like robot. A Low-Rank 3 robot with the power to lift up to 5,000 pounds. These minions are extremely basic and can only preform tasks to a minimal degree. Next time please edit the programing for better results]

[Reward] [Schemes tab is now available] 

Lucas' jaw almost dropped to the floor. "What a sassy system you are! I think I did pretty well for being starved and dehydrated as I am!" He yelled back at the system, but it never replied. Souring his mood further. "Well since my minions don't have titles, but look like a turtle/dwarf hybrid I will call this model the Dwartle bot!"

Now that his robots had a model type he directed his attention somewhere else. He switched over to the Schemes tab he quickly went to it to see what all the fuss was about. 

[Scheme List]

[With the comm center able to send Minions on Schemes to collect credits]

[5 Schemes unlocked]:

[Bank robbery] [Reward 75,000 credits] [Heat level +10]

[Drug smuggling] [Reward 50,000 credits and 4 pounds of Cosmic Grass] [Heat level +20]

[Extortion of Collation of Systems planet Mayor] [Reward 150,000 credits] [Heat level +40]

[Museum Heist] [Reward 20,000 credits and 1 ancient bone] [Heat level +20]

[Orbital Casino robbery] [Reward 50,000 credits and Black Market Ticket] [Heat level +30]

[Each Scheme requires 5 minions to preform at a given time. Once Schemes picked new ones will become available after they are completed]

"System. Can you explain a few things for me? What is the Collation of Systems and what do these Heat levels mean?"

[Simple. The Collation of Systems is hundreds of thousands of star systems all united together against much larger and more powerful Galactic civilizations. The COS only has a handful of High-Rank 5 cultivators. To become a mayor of a planet requires one to be High-Rank 2 or Low-Rank 3 cultivator]

[Heat level shows how much 'heat' police or any other official of similar position are after you. When you reach different levels of heat these police forces are able to follow your robots back to the lair and attempt to apprehend you]

"Is there a way to lower heat?"


Lucas paused and waited for the system to explain. "Well are you going to tell me?"

[No. User has no heat level and does not require schemes to lower heat]

"You really are a sassy System!" Even if he didn't like how sassy the system is he was grateful for it. It made him think the System had a personality of its own. He was just glad he wasn't really alone. "Now what schemes should I preform first?"