
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

Villains First Scheme

Seeing as he had a handful of options he wasn't sure which 2 Schemes do to first. The one he didn't want to do was the [Extortion of Collation of Systems planet Mayor]. That would bring in too much Heat and cause problems where he didn't want any. Yet at least. He figured he'd get on the COS's bad side eventually, but he wanted at least some protection and money first. Narrowing down his risk and reward the two Schemes he decided on was the [Orbital Casino robbery] and the [Museum Heist]. 

These two Schemes gave him a combination of 70,000 credits, +50 heat and two rewards he had no idea how to use, but figured they were worth it. He accepted those two Schemes. 

[Orbital Casino robbery] and [Museum Heist] [Have been selected. Minions will leave the Villain Lair for 5 hours and come back with their credits. System will reward the use 10 VPs per 10 heat added]

Before Lucas could react 2 doors appeared in the main room he was in previously. Instinctually he knew this had happened, but followed his Dwartle Minions as they all marched in two single file lines down to the main room. As he followed them he saw two separate doors on either side of the room.

One was made of Oak wood with golden door knockers in the style of a lion holding a ring in its mouth. The other door was pure metal and looked like a docking door to a space station. 

Both doors opened as the first minion got close. Looking through the doorway was nothing but darkness. Lucas couldn't see what was on the others side of the door, but trusted the system. He watched silently as his minions crossed he threshold of the shadowy darkness. As the last Dwartle minion entered the door closed. Once Lucas was alone he slumped down against the wall and fell asleep. He was so exhausted he couldn't wait the 5 hours for them to come back.


The first set of Dwartle Minions found themselves in a large museum. It was enormous! It was nearly 2 miles long and a mile in height! The minions had entered from a door that just magically appeared in the center of the museum. The robots looked around for their target. They were after an ancient wyvern skeleton. 

As they looked around their sudden appearance didn't go unnoticed. Both security and a tour guide near by spotted them. The tour guide, security guards and civilians on tour were all aliens. The all stood roughly 6ft tall, varying shades of blue skin, four arms and hair color anywhere on the rainbow. The minion stood out like a sore thumb. 

"Can I please get security down to the winged reptile exhibit please. I'm counting 5 robotic intruders." The tour guide spoke into the radio on the right shoulder of his uniform. 

"Copy that" the voice of the head security officer spoke back. "They must be using some magic or technique to arrive here. I will have 8 of my men down there shortly. Please avoid with caution."

The tour guide followed orders and calmed the civilians down. He remained as calm as he could and herded his group to another section of the museum before leading them to the exit. There was a closer exit to them, but it was in the direction of the Robots. He wanted to part of that. 

"Okay men let's go down there and figure out what the hell is going on" the security chief said to 7 of the guards around him. He hasn't seen any action in quiet a while and was secretly happy these intruders appeared during his shift. He was a Low-Rank 3 cultivator and all the men with him were High-Rank 2. Each of them had prior military experience given their cultivation rank. "Okay men let's move out!" 

In the middle of the museum the Dwartle minions moved in unison towards their target. A 40ft tall and 60ft wide skeleton of a Wyvern. They were tasked with collecting the entire skeleton and bring back the skull for their master. Once they reached the base of the skeleton 2 of the minions started to climb to the top while the remaining 3 stood at the bottom. After they each got into position all 5 opened their chests revealing a suction like devise. They tore off parts of the skeleton and placed them over their chest and sucked the bones in. 

If Lucas saw this he would be shocked! He never built this into his minions. This must have been caused by the system when they entered this area for the scheme. 

Over the next 5 minutes the minions only had collected a tenth of the bones. As they were working the Chief security guard and his men all appeared. He whistled loudly to draw the robots attention before calling out to them.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" He wanted to sound tough, but he couldn't hide his excitement. It had truly been a while since he got to fight anything. He and his men waited a few seconds for a response, but the robots paid no attention to him. They continued to collect bones as they worked their way up and down the skeleton. 

"Alright men. Let's take them" he spoke with a grin. He and his men unleashed their aura. Anyone near them would be scared. High-Rank 2 and a Low-Rank 3 are the back bone of the military. Only Rank-4 would be considered elites. 

Sensing a threat the Dwartle Minions halted and turned to see 8 four-armed figured leaping towards them. Given their basic program they didn't react and let the figured coliid with them. The Chief took on one by himself, 4 of his men took on 1 and each the rest each got to fight one on one. 


The Dwartle Minions that were fighting one on one , including the one the Chief punched, stood where they were absorbing the punch. The only ones to get sent to the floor were the two up top that were both attacked by 2 guards at once. The Chief and his guards were shocked that their punches didn't even dent the robots! This was the first time they ran into a robot that could handle a punch from theirs. 

The most shocked of all was the Chief. He was a Low-Rank 3 and on the first impact he could sense that these robots were at the same level as him! He thought it was impossible! They were robots! How could they have energy in their bodies to grow and cultivate? It was the first time he's seen anything not organic with a cultivation level. Fear shivered down his spine. He knew he couldn't handle this. He needed to call for more back up. But before he could he was attacked.

The Dwartle Minion in front of him quickly reached out grabbed his face. He used all 4 arms to break free from the grasp of the robot, but couldn't muster the strength. He could feel his own energy being drained by the machine in front of him. He did all he could to break free from it's iron claw. He punched and kicked as hard as he could. He even used some techniques to infuse his attacks with his aura, but that was futile.

He managed to dent the robot holding him, but the more aura infused attacks he made the faster his energy was deleted. He felt his body grow colder with each passing second. His eyelids grew heavy. Glancing around he saw his men in an even worse state! All the men he brought were in the same predicament as him. They too had their energies drain and were like shriveled up husks of themselves. 

Seeing the sorry state he and his men were in he let go. He knew he wouldn't live from this, and accepted his fate. He messed with something he shouldn't have. His only hope now was that the COS would investigate this and make the person behind this pay!

With a renewed sense of vengeance the Chief Security officer screamed as his energy level spiked drastically!

"YOU WILL NOT TAKE ME" he screamed! Two sets of arms grabbed the robots hand and began to pull with all his strength. He could feel as he was finally getting some breathing room from the energy absorption technique the robot was using. Once he broke free she laughed in the robots face. He was over joyed he got away, but his mood quickly changed.

He had a grave expression seeing all his men dead. He could feel his energy pool was empty and if the robots got their hands on him again he would get his vengeance! Thankfully the robots ignored him. The Security Chief chalked it up a faulty program of the robots. If he would have known the real reason he would have been furious and would have been tempted to fight them. The robots let him go because they deemed him "Not a Threat". He had no energy to fight. He couldn't hurt them with out his aura and barely hurt them with it.

They saw no reason to go after him. He had been neutralized. 

The Security Chief limbed back to his office and did his best to contact the actual police. He originally didn't because he thought the robots were easy targets. And he didn't want someone else taking the credit for their elimination from the COS. 

Now that they had more time the Dwartle Minions continued their work. They spent the next hour collecting what they needed. They actually increased their pace as their programming predicted that a stronger force. They managed to finish collecting all the bones, but it would still take the rest of the time for the System to process their job, bones and convert it all into credits for its user. 

As the Dwartle Minions made their way back to the door they were spotted by another force. It was the same race of people s the Security Chief and Tour guide, but each of them were Low to Mid-Rank 3 cultivators. They all wore the equivalent of riot gear for cultivators of their rank. Seeing them the Dwartle Minions ignored them and quickened their march towards the door. 

The new police force were eager to get these robots. They were confused by the report stating these robots were Low-Rank 3 Cultivators. They too, like the Security Chief, had no idea how an inorganic machine could have a cultivation level. And a high decent one at that!

As they got closer to their target the Robots had already managed to make it back to their door. The group of officers tried to peer into the doorway, but all they saw was darkness. The picked up their pace trying to reach any robot before it entered the door, or they were ready to follow them in. As soon as the robots began to enter the doorway and close the door behind them the lead officer managed to grab the door handle just as the door closed. 

He quickly flung the door open only to see the wall of the museum before him. He stood in disbelief that the robots got away. Whatever technique they used to get into the museum had to be a high one. The protection field around the museum would block any mid-Rank 5 teleportation skill from working. He and his team stood their in silence. Contemplating what to say to their superiors.