
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

A Villain Is Born

"So when does this tournament start" Lucas asked with a smile on his face. He couldn't hold his excitement back.

The two gods smiled back as Evlora stepped closer. Lucas had to steel himself for he thought she would step on him, yet as she stepped closer her size shrunk to the same height as him.

"You will be sent off in a few moments. To test the Champions skills you will not get to meet your rivals till you meet them in the Tournament Realm. You must rely on your own skills and judgment when fighting your rivals." She paused and gave him a huge. He felt such a warm embrace. As though the world and everything were okay. It was utter peace for him.

Even as she stepped back form hugging him Lucas still felt the warm embrace. "Now my Champion it is time. Just know we will be watching and checking in on you every now and then."

Before Lucas could ask anything else a pillar of light surrounded him as he began to fall. He could feel wind rushing past him as the light nearly blinded him from the events transpiring around him. He had to shield his eyes for the light just grew brighter and brighter. The wind around him blew faster and harder almost as though it was trying to knock him off course.

He felt as though he was falling for an hour, but I'm actuality he was falling for 2 minutes. Falling through time and space into another dimension. From the world of the dead to the world of the living in this new universe.

The wind paused for just a moment before another more intense burst of air broke the stillness. But in the pause Lucas got a front row seat to the beauty of the universe before him. In that split second pause he saw himself floating through space. The beautiful sea of dazzling stars. Comets flying past him and a very large gas giant near him. It looked almost like the realm of the gods. white clouds with red and blue swirls of dust flying through it's atmosphere. Before he could truly apricate the beauty of the vast universe the second burst of wind blew past him and sucked him away. 

He closed his eyes tightly. Before he knew it the wind had stopped and he was standing still. He opened his eyes to a brightly lite white and grey room. He couldn't see where the lights were coming from, but the room itself looked sleek and clean. Lucas felt like he was in a futuristic science fiction world. As he looked around he was stunned by the sight behind him. Space!!

The glass window showed outer space. Millions of bright stars twinkling. He awed at the sight. He began to see asteroids pass by his view. More and more before he realized he was in an asteroid belt! A perfect location for a Super Villains lair.

He stepped closer to get a view and quickly noticed his own reflection. He was relieved he looked like himself. Same brown hair, green eyes and light stubble on his face. He also noticed he was actually in a much better shape then his previous life.

Directing his thoughts away from his previous life Lucas quickly pulled hip his system.

[Welcome to the Super Villain System]

[Before your starter package is made. Please select your Villain Archetype]

[Mastermind] a summoner type Villain. You summon creatures or build them to do your bidding.

[Shadow] a stealth type Villain. You hide in the shadows and strike when your prey least suspects it.

[Dominator] a control type Villain. You use your mind to bend those around you to your will.

[Corruptor] a striker type Villain. You use comics or elemental powers to strike your enemies down.

[Brute] a tank type Villain. You use your physical prowess to crush those. If no one can do it, do it yourself.

"Huh. This is interesting" Lucas was surprised by his options. Seems like the system based his archetypes off of a popular MMO he played as a kid. City of Rogues.

He went over each archetype to pick the one he wanted. [Brute] was the first to go. He knew he wasn't the type to just smash heads. He was a planner. That eliminated [Shadow] as well. [Corruptor] would be really fun, but that would put him in the monster damaged. Lucas prefers to sit back and get things done through those around him. He doesn't want to be in damager. He wants to be as far from it as possible. That only left him with two choices. [Mastermind] and [Dominator].

Seeing the clear choice he picked [Mastermind]. Both that and [Dominator] were very similar, but he didn't want to force people to work for him. He'd rather have willing people, or summons.

[Mastermind Archetype selected]

[Now please pick a Mastermind Path]

[This will influence skills, summons and rooms to the villain lair]



[Big Boss]



[Demon Binder]


"Great another tough choice!" Lucas was frustrated. He felt like he had to jump through dozens of hoops just to get started! With a deep breath Lucas calmed himself. The choice he was going to make would influence how he interacts with the universe.

He took his time and spent the next 30 minutes going over his paths. First was the [Robotics] path. He would gain skills to be able to create his own robotics and other skills to empower them. [Necromancy] was pretty explanatory. Don't wanting to have corpses and blood everywhere he immediately rejected that path.

Next were the [Big Boss], [General] and [Grandmaster] paths. Again, these were very similar. One you become the leader of a crime syndicate. Another was a paramilitary force. And the last one was the master of a martial arts sect.

The [Demon Binder] and [Shaman] were the most unique. The [Demon Binder] allows one to summon and make deals with demons and devils. The stronger the demon or devil the more complex their contracts will be. While [Shaman] is a summoner of elementals and fae creatures. This path too require one to make contracts with their summons.

Weighing the pros and cons of each path. Lucas picked [Robotics]. It was a no brained. With the [Demon Binder] and [Shaman] he would have to make contracts and deal with other beings that are very chaotic. The other 3 would just be normal people and that was far too boring for him. [Robotics] was the obvious, and only, choice to be made.

Once he made his choice he felt a surge of energy course through him. Lucas fell to the ground as a torrent of information was forced directly into his head! He clenched his entire body from the pain. Information on science, math robotics, programming, and even information on sentient AI was thrusted into his head. After some time the pain started to subside. A grin appeared on his face. He has all this information and an wild imagination. He was excited for what he would create!

[Archetype and Park chosen]

[Villain Starter Package is available]

Seeing the system can finally progress he opened up his starter package.

[Villain Starter package]

[Thank you for choosing the Villain System. This system will help you become a Super Villain and take over the universe. This starter package contains 40,000 Credits, 100 Villain Points, and book on basic cultivation. Please note user is starting at cultivation Low-Rank 1. System level is also at 1. System can not level up higher than users rank. Each rank equals 10 System levels]

Before Lucas could say anything a book materialized before it. It read [The Basics of Cultivation]. He was startled that the system would just grant him this, but made sense. Who else was there to teach him what to do.

After some time of reading his book he learned the very basics of cultivation. He knew he didn't really have time for that he opened up his Villain System and checked out his stats and any other tab he could find.

[Lucas Kromwell Low-Rank 1 Super Villain]

[Archetype Mastermind, Robotics Path]

[HP: 200]

[Energy: 400]

[Minions: 0/20]

[Henchmen: 0/1]

[Lair Power: 0]

[Lair Connections: 0]

[Research: None]

[Heat Level: 0]

[Skills: Robotics Lv1, Engineering Lv1, Programming Lv1, Metallurgy Lv1, Battery Management Lv1, Ballistic Lv1, Laser Lv1, and Plasma Lv1]

[Blessing of Abundance: Gain 200% more mana and all skills using mana are 20% stronger]

[Blessing of Insight: Able to learn new skills 50% and able to spend VPs to copy skills you've seen]

Lucas whistled looking at his skills!! He was quite happy with his starting skills. That was until he went to the [Store] tab and found hundreds of other skills! Not just skills for his robots, skills of all types! Some to make him immortal, age wise. Others gave him genetic modifications, or skills to fly or breath in space. He was taken aback by how many skills there were! Granted it made sense since he is in a new universe that is vastly different then his.

He also spotted a few more tabs, but some were greyed out. The only one he had available were [Lair Building].

Seeing as he had no other choice he tapped on [Lair Building] tab. As soon as he did his vision changed. He went from a first person to a third top down view! He could see himself in a small room and a gigantic asteroid he had called his lair. He could see he was on the middle floor of hundreds of floors he could possibly work with in the asteroid. He also noticed he had a handful of types of rooms he could make and that each square foot a room would cost him 100-500 credits!

Not sure where to start the system fed him information directly into his head. Almost instinctively he knew he needed to preform Schemes to generate more credits, but was stuck. He needed to make a workshop, to build his robots, a power room to power his lair and a comm center to launch schemes from. There were other rooms he would need, but these were the most important to get started!

Knowing he needed to save some credits for a rainy day he planned to make a 100x100 room for each one he needed. Till he saw other stuff he needed to purchase. The generator alone was 10,000 credits. Even if it gave him 20 [Lair Power] it was a huge rip off!! Seeing as he really had to manage his spending he lowered what he needed.

He made 20x20 sized rooms for the 3 types he needed. 6,000 credits for that alone. 10,000 credits for the only generator he could get. Then he spend another 20,000 credits on the workstation and a single radio station to get a [Lair Connection]. This would allow his minions to leave the base, some how, and make money. With the last 4,000 credits he spent it on material to make his robots.

And with that. In a blink of an eye he was broke. He had just got there and was penniless. He slapped his cheeks to cheer himself up and focus himself. His first job was done and had many more. Once he left the [Lair Building] section his viewpoint changed back to his first person self. It was slightly ajar, but he quickly acclimated himself.

He then made his way to his workshop, which was sandwiched between the generator room and the comm center room. He would check those out after. He needed to make minions so he can make money!

In the workshop room he saw he had many workbenches that preformed different tasks. One was just a vat of molten liquid that would break down the metal into a more suitable form. Another was for giving his robots shape and another one for testing and programming them.

It was time to get working.