
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

Criminal Friends

Richard Mammon smiled. He had no idea how Kur could have known about this assassination, but it only made him more eager to meet in the Black Market. Although he wasn't sure if Kur was helping as an olive branch or so he would have to owe him one in the future. He didn't like to owe people anything, but he because he was surprised he would repay this favor later. To be able to surprise him if all people is truly a feat in of itself.

"Interesting" was the only word Richard Mammon spoke. He was silent for a few seconds as he thought of ideas before speaking. "Qui, you shall work Alduin to complete your mission. I want you to also study him and tell me what Cultivation Realm he is in and what techniques he can use."

Qui was confused by that. "Sir, I don't mean to quest your judgement but do you know that Alduin is a machine? He can't be a cultivator."

Richard Mammon simply laughed. "I keep forgetting you don't pay attention to the politics of the underworld. Let me ask you this. Do you remember the Black Marble Castle? What had happened to it?"

Qui tilted his head trying to remember. It sounded familiar to him but, like his boss said, he doesn't pay attention to politics of the underworld. He was a paid assassin and did his job. He didn't care who or what he killed. He only cared about a pay check and his family. Getting involved with underworld politics was messy and deadly.

"Kinda? I think it was destroyed and crashed into the ground, but other than that I don't know what happened."

"You are correct! It was destroyed. By that machine! In only a few minutes did that machine kill the Countess but also her body guard. The same body guard that had stopped your mission on assassinating her. This machine IS a cultivator! Kur has the power to create machine that's are able to cultivate. I've already reached out to him via a letter and have seen what his most basic machines can do. I'm curious as to if this is his most advance and how strong it is. Having an ally like him would be very rewarding."

Qui's mind was sent through the wringer! He turned back to look at the mechanical Wyvern. He couldn't sense energy off of it, but if this was the same machine that had killed the Countess, than it was definitely powerful! Even he couldn't get past that body guard. "I will see to it Sir" Qui knelt down with his head facing the ground. 

"Good. Now report back once the mission is done with a report on Alduin. The first Machines Kur had used were in the Cor Formation Realm. I'm curious has to see how strong Alduin is." With his final order Richard Mammon closed the communication leaving Qui in in silence. 

Alduin stood vigilant. He wasn't sure if whoever was in the ship would contact their master, assuming that it was Richard Mammon, or even work with him. He watched as the glass hatch of the ship slowly opened upward. Alduin saw an alien with a human like body jump out of the ship. The creature was only 3 feet tall with an incredibly skinny body. To any on looker they would think this creature was malnourished. He his skin was pitch black with streaks of red scales. His hair was nothing more but pale white feathers. His hands only had 3 fingers. Alduin thought he looked very much like a Dwartle, minus the shell. 

"I am Qui." The creature spoke. "I hope you are comfortable working with a Scaldarian." His words hinted at a life of prejudice and conflicts solely based on his race. Even being Shadow Scaled Path cultivator didn't help his case.

Alduin shook his head, "I care not what race you are, but how you may assist me in my Masters task. What can you do to assist?"

Qui reeled his head back expecting Alduin to be prideful like his relatives! He knew Dragons were one of strongest races with immense pride in themsleves, but their blood-relatives, the Wyverns, were much worse! Wyverns believe they are the ancestors of Dragons and deserve more respect and somehow beat Dragons in terms of pride! Although it's well know that upon birth Dragons are naturally stronger then Wyverns. This leads to many believing that Wyverns are

Only a few tears in his eyes began to form before he quickly blinked to get rid of them. He was dumbstruck by how Alduin had fully accepted him regardless of his race. I wanted to believe that he was accepted, but couldn't. His skeptical hat remained tight while dealing with Alduin, he was a Wyvern after all. Maybe there was some ploy to trick him and use him as an escape goat. 

Qui looked at him skeptically before explaining some of the techniques he could use. "I have techniques that allow me to turn invisible and even remain undetected by those in the Liquifying Realm. Under the right circumstances I can even heavily injure a Nascent Realm cultivator." He took pride in his skill. He wasn't lying that he could injure a Nascent Realm cultivator with a single attack as he's done it before. Although, he had weeks worth of preparation and tailing his target for just the right moment to strike. 

Alduin nodded thinking of ways to utilize Qui. "Are you able to turn others invisible and what information do you have on the targets."

"Did your master not give you any information?" Qui was puzzled by his masters action. "Do you not have access to the GalactiNet? It has the basic information of those two." Alduin simply shook his head and stared at Qui expecting him to fill him in on the details of their now shared targets.

Qui just sighed and ruffled his feathers atop his head. "Well O'polo and A'polo are twin Zanthrians. A green skinned 4 limbed humanoid race. They are incredibly powerful even without being Cultivators. O'polo and A'polo are both in the early stages of the Liquifying Realm. They follow the Raging Warrior Path. The more they fight the stronger they get. In the early stages of combat are they at their most weakest. My plan was to take them out in quick succession or take one out and then keep a low profile till the other lowers their guard again and then take him out."

Alduin simply tilted his head. "That plan takes to long" he lower his head biting the back of Qui's clothes and place him on his back. "We will head to them immediately and take them out swiftly." Before Qui could interject Alduin had already spread his wings as the propellers spun rapidly lifting them off the ground. Alduin roared loudly eager to kill his prey and return to his masters side. 

Qui on the other hand was freighted by Alduin's tenacity! He himself was in the Liquifying Realm, yet Alduin picked him up faster then he could react and took off. Even his flight speed nearly cause Qui to fall off his back! He gripped on to the spikes of his spine as not to fall off as they flew. 

"Do you even know where you are going" Qui cried out as the intense wind force him to duck down. 

"Of course! I can sense where they are on this planet!" 

Hearing this Qui began to speculate what type of Cultivation Path Alduin was on. Maybe a hunting or hunter type Path? To be able to sense prey on a planet as large as the one they were on Alduin also had to at least be in the Liquifying Realm! The it dawned on him. The words of his master echoed through his mind. If Kur could react a machine as powerful as a Liquifying Realm Cultivator, or a machine starting in that realm, just how powerful was Kur himself? He could create an army! Even riding on Alduin's back Qui's legs gave out and dangled in the air as they flew!

The planet was the size of Jupiter with an equally dense gravity, yet it didn't affect Alduin or Qui in the slightest. Alduin soared over lush green forests with large mountain ranges in the distance on his left, while on this right was a never ending ocean. Qui would have thought it was a beautiful sight if it wasn't for the wind blowing in his face forcing him to keep his eyes shut tightly. Just having them open for only a few seconds would instantly dry them out causing him mild pain. 

Even with Alduin's speed the it would take them another 10 hours of travel to reach their destination. As the sun began to set Alduin slowed himself. He still flew at a high speed, but now Qui was able to keep his eyes open and properly sit on Alduin's back. Now that he could open his eyes did a sudden realization of what was happening struck him. He was on the back of a Wyvern! They would never allow those to ride them. He was over the moon with joy thinking he was the first and only of his race to be in a position. He was on cloud 9!

While he road on Alduin's back he asked if the two could make camp for the night. As much as Alduin wanted to keep flying, since he didn't need to rest, he decided to listen to Qui. If he had to work with him Alduin didn't want Qui fail him from his fatigue. Additionally Alduin thought that he could naturally heal himself and regain some of his strength. It was a win win. 

Alduin found an open field for them to set up camp and rest. As they touched ground Qui jumped off Alduin's back and bowed to him. "Thank you for allowing me to ride on your back Alduin. I am honored you'd allow me to do so." Alduin looked at him puzzled before accepting his gratitude. He once again curled up like he had before as he waited for Qui, while Qui started a fire. The two sat in silence for some time around the fire that crackled very now and again.

As much as he wanted to ask Alduin questions, just looking at Alduin in his pale green flame eyes unnerved Qui. It was like looking into the abyss. Only to have the abyss look back and judge him. Almost like Alduin was simply judging the worthiness of his soul. He couldn't shake the feeling unless he looked away, which he did. He laid on his side facing away from Alduin asking to be woken up in a few hours to keep watch. Alduin rejected his proposal stating he can sleep and keep watch. Qui tried to argue, but it was futile. He had to accept Alduin's suggestion. It would be a long night.