
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs


Qui was right. The night was long, but not for the reason he thought. On this planet night was 24 hours long while day was 36 hours. He had completely forgotten details about the planet when he was surprised by Alduin's sudden appearance upon his landing. 

After 14 hours of resting Alduin sat up straight and observed his surroundings. He could immediately tell something was wrong. He slowly shook Qui awake whispering for him to remain quiet. Qui quickly woke up and followed Alvin's example. He too could sense something was off. Even at night there were no noise from insect or any other creature.

[Snake Shadow Skin]

Qui activated one of his techniques. His scaled skin became as black as night as he blended into the night. Anyone that was watch would have just witnessed Qui vanish into thin air. Alduin turned his head to see where Qui was, but quickly noticed that he had vanished. He could still sense his soul in the area but couldn't quite pin it down. He was sure Qui would strike when the time was right.

"Ke ke ke ke" someone started to laugh. "It seems your friend decided to leave you, huh beast." A 7ft tall green skinned alien walked out from the tree line. He clapped two hands together while his other set of held a two-handed axe over its shoulder. "It looks like I have you all to myself!" The creature sneered at Alduin.

Alduin could sense where O'polo and A'polo are on the planet. They were nearly a quarter of the planet away. He titled his head confused who this was.

"Ke ke ke. You don't need to worry about who I am" the alien spoke. "I've been sent here by the bosses to check out a rogue ship that illegally entered their planet. Looks like it wasn't a ship but some kind of machine."

The alien dashed with blinding speed towards Alduin. "Looks like this beast will be my prey!" In only a few seconds he had moved dozens of yards. He swung his left axe into the base of Alduin's neck just under his jaw only for it to bounce off Alduin's tough exterior. Noticing this he swung with much more force behind his next swing.

"[Giants Might]!" He cried out as he swung his axe in a different location. This time he aimed for the part of his neck that met his torso. His eyes budged as once again his axe bounced off. Seeing this he used Alduin like a springboard and jumped off of him doing a back flip as he landed on the ground. As soon as he landed he took off in a sprint circling Alduin. He quickly examined his axes and took note of the small cracks in his axe.

He was shocked by this. His axes were made out of an incredibly durable metal that would even give a Core Formation Realm cultivator a hard time to crack. He knew he had to be careful and strike when the time was right.

Alduin watched as his opponent circled him. He moved his head just as fast as the alien moved. His pale green flame eyes made the alien uncomfortable. He too began to feel what Qui felt. He hated this feeling! The more uncomfortable he was the more anger he felt. The more anger he felt the stronger he got!

After circling Alduin a handful of times he jumped on the truck of a tree behind Alduin. Like springs his legs coiled up before launching him forward and shattering the tree to pieces under his feet. This time he was prepared! He held both of his axe's with all 4 limbs and had them in a position to swing both from the same direction. If one axe couldn't breach his metallic hide then two would!

"[Shattering Strike]! [Battle Auromor]!" He yelled as his aura began to take on the form of armor. His aura took on the appearance of a suit of medieval armor with spikes on his shoulders and horns on his helmet. Even his axe's were covered in this aura further reinforcing their durability. 

When the aliens axe's were only inches away from Alduin's spine did he react. His metallic skin undulated as he activated his own technique. 

"[Hell Fire Cloak]" he spoke in a low tone. Yet, his words range like death's bell in the aliens ear holes. All of Alduin's body was instantly covered in pale green [Hell Fire]! As soon as it touched the aliens [Battle Auromor] it was set ablaze, slowly turning to ash. The alien had no other choice but to stop his attack mid-swing and kick off Alduin's back jumping away. It was already too late. Once his [Battle Auromor] touched his flames it quickly spread down his axe's and to the rest of his body!

He let go of the axe's in mid air but had forgotten about his feet. They too had touched Alduin's back. With his axe's now on the ground the fire didn't stop! The alien watched as the [Battle Auromor] was removed from the axe's did the axe's start to melt into a pool of liquid metal. Seeing this he started to panic! He was covered in this fire and knew if he let down that ability he would be reduced to ash!

The alien channeled more energy into maintaining his [Battle Auromor] as his entire body was encased in flame. Alduin didn't move from his spot. He watched the alien like a hawk. Observing everything the alien did. The alien was feeling the desperation of his life barely hanging on. The fire slowly consuming him and the unnerving look that Alduin gave him.

He stood still trying to concentrating on outlasting the fire. He pumped a much of his energy as he could into his [Battle Auromor] thinking the fire would put itself out. Unbeknownst to him he was literally adding fuel to the fire. The more energy he added the hotter the [Hell Flame]'s would burn. It was a vicious cycle. 

Qui watched the shadows the events transpiring before his eyes. He planned to strike a killing blow when the time was right, but when he noticed that this alien was at the Peak Core Formation Realm, possibly Low Liquifying Realm, he needed only a few seconds to charge a technique that could kill such a foe. Though that all changed when Alduin set himself ablaze. He had no idea what the fire was, but the sinister aura it gave off sent chills down his spine. A small part of him felt bad about how the alien was going to die.

"PLEASE HELP ME!" The alien begged for his life as his energy reserves were emptying faster and faster with each second. "PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS!" Tears began to well up as he knew his time was running out. Qui stepped out of his hiding spot turning visible again. 

"YOU! PLEASE HELP ME! CALL OFF THE BEAST AND LET ME GO!" The alien pleaded with Qui, who remained silent only watching the alien burn alive. There was nothing he could do. He was sure that Alduin could control the fire, but the alien had attacked first. They had no reason to leave him alive. 

Seeing that he was not getting any help his desperation turned to anger. "YOU KNOW! F*CK YOU BOTH! I HOPE YOU BOTH ROT IN HELL! I'LL BE THERE WAITING FOR YOU!" He yelled more at the two. He even cursed them and called them slurs in a language the two didn't know. Though his yelling didn't last long. Once his [Battle Auromor] burned around him, he was next.

As soon as the fire touched his skin it began to bluster then boiled into ash. He screamed out even louder! He all he felt was the searing pain of the fire. If he wasn't in a panicked state he would notice two things. The fire wasn't burning him because it was hot. It was actually extremely cold to the touch. It was just so cold that it burned. The other thing he would have noticed was that the fire didn't burn just his skin, but inside him as well!

Only Alduin knew this, though Lucas had caught on a little, but his fire didn't burn the flesh of his targets, but their very soul! Because of his Bloodline and Cultivation Path, all of his attacks inflict damage to one's soul. Only those in the Mid-High-Peak of the Nascent Realm could form any type of defense against these attacks. If Alduin faced anyone below his cultivation realm he would be able to kill them with little effort. 

Regardless how much death he had caused or how many he killed the sight before Qui made him uncomfortable. He still wasn't sure what the fire was, but one thing he knew it was evil. He couldn't explain the feeling he got looking at the fire, but watching their assailant be erased from, what he thought, was reality itself he grew more freighted of Alduin! He knew if he or even his master, Richard Mammon, fought Alduin they would die. Or in the best case become nothing but mangled bodies clinging onto life. 

What truly terrified him was Alduin's statue like appearance. He watched with a cold blank expression. Having little to no feeling about how much pain he inflicted on the alien that attacked them. Qui knew this feeling as he had done the same, but for him it was a state of mind. To Alduin, he thought it was just who or what it was. Only one word could describe Alduin. Ruthless. 

He mentally recorded everything that happened in only a few seconds to inform Richard Mammon about after the job. He had to explain how effortlessly Alduin killed a Peak Core Formation/Low Liquefying Realm cultivator with a single attack. Worst of all he had no idea how to explain the fire Alduin could control. He would just have to do his best.


Hundreds of thousands of miles away in large room two figures sat on thrones in the center of the room. Encircling them were exactly 100 candles lit with a blue/white fire. One of the candles flickered before going out. Smoke faffed out of the once lit wick. The two figures narrowed their eyes at the candle. 

"Looks like our cousin just died" one said through gritted teeth.

"It seems like the reports were right. Richard Mammon has sent someone to try and kill us" the other spoke nonchalantly. "Although I am sad. That was my favorite cousin."

"Hush brother. We have so many and many more eager to join out 100 Legion. We can simply fill the spot."

"Oh boo you. That was my favorite cousin! You'd be in shamble if that happened to yours. I just want to kill this person before filling that spot."

The first figure shook their head. They too were angry, but they would have their fun eventually. They were the targets after.