
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs


Lucas slowly opened to his eyes to pure darkness around him. Even with his eyes open he couldn't see. He felt as though he could have just kept his eyes closed and nothing would change.

He began to turn his head tk look around for any light or any object. Nothing. It was as though he was floating in void. He couldn't tell what was up or what was down. He didn't even feel cold just hollow.

"Hello!" He called out into the void.


"Well this is just great. This is some lucid dream I'm having. No more late game nights"

Lucas started to walk. Even though he wasn't walking on anything or in any direction. He walked nonetheless.

After a dozen minutes walking Lucas finally saw a small dot of light far in the distance. A smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw it. He quickly took off in a sprint towards the light.

"HEEEEYYYY" he yelled out. His arms flailed as he tried to wave and draw more attention to himself. "IS ANYONE OUT THERE!"

After sprinting for a minute he started to run out of breath. He was out of shape and overweight. Lucas breathed heavily as he slowed his pace.

"Phew. I need to really get out more. Though for a dream I don't have much to control over this."

Just as he started to complain he felt the void around him move. Moved faster then anything he's seen before. The void around him moved as the light grew closer. It's grew larger and brighter the closer it came to him. Lucas had to cover his eyes from the light.

"Hey easy! Turn down the lights! It's too bright!"

As though the light listened it started to dim.

"Oh sorry about that young man. He he. I always enjoy testing new souls" an old male voice spoke.

Lucas lowered his arms and saw two people standing in front of him; an old man in a black and purple robes and a beautiful women in a white dress.

With their appearance the void around him was now pure white with pink and blue swirls floating in the distance. He glanced back up to the two in awe.

"You know I've had dirty dreams before, but never with an old man" Lucas said with an embarrassed smile. "Although you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen." He spoke to the woman.

She had short brown hair, tanned skin, dazzling green eyes and a petite yet elegant figure. She giggled while holding her hand in front of her mouth.

"Oh be still" she spoke. Her voice was smooth yet made Lucas feel as though they were old friends. "Lucas Kromwell. I'm sorry to say this, but you died. You had a heart attack after gaming for 10 hours straight. That's what happens when you drink too many energy drinks without properly eating and exercise."

Lucas's jaw dropped before he blink and collected himself. He licked his lips and exhaled all the air in his lungs. Once he took a deep breath he had calmed himself.

"Well. If I'm dead what do you two want with me?"

The two figures looked at him shocked by how well Lucas took his death.

"Ahem" the old man cleared his throat. "Are you not going to beg for your life or curse the world before?"

Lucas just shrugged and shook his head. "What's done is done. I lived my life and had fun. If you two are here then you must be gods and giving me my souls verdict or reincarnating me for some reason."

The two were once again shocked by his comments!

"Don't look at me like that" he spoke nonchalantly. "I've watched plenty of anime and read lots of books to take a guess as to why I'm here."

"Ahahahahaha" the old man gave out a tremendous belly laugh! "I knew this kid was smart.

"You're absolutely right" the woman said. "Lucas Kromwell. You are correct. We have brought you here to reincarnate you for our purpose. I am Evlora the goddess of Growth and this my father Modeus the god of Knowledge. We have brought you here as a form of a bet between gods."

"That's right" Modeus spoke as he summoned a staff and tapped it into the air. The blue and pink swirls in the void began to move and shape into a table with 3 chairs. Just as Lucas blinked he and the two gods were moved and sitting at the table.

A sheet of paper appeared in the middle of the table. It showed 12 circles with 12 symbols representing each god. Evlora pointed to two symbols.

"This one represents me and the other is my father. Every eon us gods compete in our Other Realm Tournament. We split into 6 teams and each of us picks a Soul to be our champion. There are some restrictions in the Soul we pick, but that doesn't matter. We grant our champion a magical system to help them conquer a universe. The champion that wins will be given any wish. The gods that win also become the new rulers of our pantheon."

Lucas looked over the paper and noticed a handful of symbols he's seen. One was a moon, one was a coin, another was a hammer and anvil and another was a skull. He could guess who or what theses gods were, but others he couldn't.

"So what type of Realm will I be entering and what will my system be? Do I get any more blessing or gifts from you two?"

Lucas asked more then a dozen questions and the gods patiently answered.

"We will be sending you to a realm of space travel and magic. Each champion will be in opposite ends of the realm and must conquer it all. They can kill their rivals or subjugate them. It's their decision." Modeus spoke. "Think of a realm like a universe ever expanding. Although this Tournament Realm does have a boundary of an endless infinity wall. There are other minor realms hidden in the Tournament Realm with treasures that can help you."

Lucas nodded his head listening to the explaining from the gods. He learned that this Tournament Realm sounded similarly to a table top game SunFinder. A science fiction take on the ever popular Trolls and Treasure's games. The Tournament Realm had both magic and science along with fantasy races and space travel on Solar Ships. Lucas again thought it was odd the Solar Ships looked very similar to Treasures Planets movie of ships. He wondered if the Gods just stole ideas and created them or humans just happened to mimic the gods? He pushed his thoughts back.

"So I will have access to magic in this realm or how does this work?"

"You will become a cultivator" Evlora spoke. "You will start in Spirit Forming level of cultivation and have to work your way up to God Breaker level. Your system will help you guide you on your path. Now before you learn about your system you must pick how you want to cultivate and we well grant you blessing to help you."

"Should I learn my system and then pick my cultivation?" Lucas asked.

"Absolutely not" Modeus spoke. "When you challenge another Champion born competitors systems will be turned off for the time being. You must use your own power to overcome your foe. That being said you may use your system to aid you with being originating from the Tournament Realm"

Lucas paused and went into a deep thought. He read between the lines. The systems were there as a crutch to quickly raise the Champions strength, but not dictate how they train. He thought this must be a trap from previous champions! He knew he wouldn't fall into this trap and began to think of his own fighting style. I'm ever game he always played as controllers or manipulators. He wouldn't always fight on his own and summon things to fight for him. And when he did fight he was squishy, but elusive. He was a true glass canon with speed.

As he thought of his ideas Modeus smiled as he read the young man's mind. He knew he picked a worthy Champion this time.

"How do you wish to fight?" Evlora spoke.

"I wish to be a glass canon with speed. I want to be able to control the battlefield, but also be able to summon things to fight for me. I only want to fight as a last resort."

Evlora paused for a moment and thought of the perfect blessing for him. As she moved her arms and summoned a green light in the palm of her hands the surrounding changed again. They were no longer sitting at the table, but standing. The two gods were giants compared to Lucas now.

"Lucas Kromwell I grant you the blessing of abundance!" Evlora's voice was like silk. She waved her hands as she spoke and the green light shot out of her hands into Lucas's chest. He felt a warm sensation in his chest that quickly spread throughout his body.

"This blessing will grant you more energy then even the most gifted people of mana. You will be able to summon any and all those you are able to. As you cultivate your power your mana will skyrocket along with you. This is my blessing Lucas Kromwell."

"Oh I have the perfect blessing in mind" Modeus spoke with a gleeful smile. A dark purple light emanated from his staff. He rose his old wooden staff and tapped it on the ground. A pulse of purple energy irradiated from the staff and washed over Lucas's body. Lucas clenched his teeth and fell to his knees in pain. He felt like he was being hit by an intense wave of heat!

Although the single second felt like hours Lucas picked himself back up and wiped the sweat off his brow. "This is my blessing young Kromwell" Modeus spoke like a father to their child before leaving the nest. "It is the blessing of Script. A powerful tool only your imagination can fully utilize. You now know the basic 20 times of the universe. Use them to create magical arrays."

His mind was filled with countless thoughts. Just as Modeus said Lucas could see 20 different runes in his head. One was the rune for cold, another was for sharp, another for flat and one for pressure. Alone they were basic, but combined he knew he could create many things.

"Thank you" Lucas said with a bow. "These blessing will truly help me in conquering the Tournament Realm."

"Now for the last part is the system" Evlora said. "Now there are 6 systems. The Hero, The Villain, The Builder, The Priest, The Leader and the Demon. Now not only will you get a system, but you will receive two blessings. One from either of us."

Lucas's eyes lit up hearing the systems and just as he was about to make a choice Evlora raised her hand. "Ah aha ah. You do not get to pick your system unfortunately. Each god team randomly picks their system and we received the Super Villain System. This system will help you become the greatest Super Villain in the realm."

Lucas's smile slightly faded hearing this. He didn't want to be the Villain! The villain always loses! He also didn't want to be evil, but staying true to himself he accepted the hand dealt to him. He couldn't change what has happened.

"Although there are some rules you must follow. No r@pe or directly harming children. No torturing children or anything like that. Just because your system is the Super Villain System doesn't mean you can be evil. We have programmed this system to harm you if you stray this path."

After hearing the rules Lucas was fine with them. Things like that truly repulsed him so he was glad to hear the same went for the gods. Although he did feel mixed emotions about receiving the Super Villain system. He always thought it was be fun to be a Super Villain, but never wanted to be evil. Even if he was the "villain" doesn't meant he had to be evil. He bag me to think of becoming more a Thief or scoundrel or something similar.

"So when does this tournament start?"