
Reincarnated into Twilight & The Multiverse

FallenEnt · Movies
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Y'all know the site, just search my username. I won't be holding chapters over your head or anything like that. Just support me if you like my works.


(No, I'm not doing a scene. I'm not good at them)

The next morning

Alice understood why she had to return to her house and couldn't ask Hadrian to take her to school himself. So she snuck directly into her room through the window she had deliberately left unlocked. As soon as she was in her room, she heard her family headed for her door. In a panic, she ran into the bathroom to take a shower.

After procrastinating for as long as she could, she exited the bathroom to see all the women sitting around her room.

"Details. Now." Esme said calmly, with a small smile.

"Alright. What do you want to know?" Alice said, giving up.

"First, did you do it?" Esme asked.

"...yes." Alice admitted.

"Second, how big?" Rose asked.

"Nine inches..." Alice squeaked out while everyone else in the room had their jaws on the floor.

"Are...are you serious??" Edythe asked hesitantly.

"Yes, though he doesn't think he's that big." Alice said.

"That's normal. It has to do with their point of view on themselves." Esme explained.

"Third question, how good or bad was he?" Emmett asked, busting into the room before the women tackled and pushed him out.

Before they could finish getting rid of Emmett, Alice answered quietly "He didn't get any sleep. The only reason he made me leave was because I need to go to school."

That was enough to make everyone stop what they were doing while they registered her words.


Later that day at school

"Why does Alice look both happy AND sad?" Bella asked Edward at the lunch table.

"She can't be with her mate here at school. Don't forget, publicly, she's seventeen. How would it look if a twenty two year old was dating a seventeen year old?" Edward whispered.

"Oh. Wait, she's Hadrian's mate?? I thought they just liked each other!" Bella said.

"Oh, they do." Emmett said gleefully.

"That explains why she's sad, but why is she happy? I'm assuming she knew before and she wasn't this happy yesterday at school." Bella said.

"Ah..." Edward was failing, trying to find an excuse.

"What's she thinking?" Bella finally asked.

"I don't know. I've been trying to not read everyone's mind." Edward lied.

"Fine. Emmett, do you know?" Bella asked.

"Well..." he started to say before he was interrupted.

"NO, he doesn't." Rosalie said without looking away from Alice.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, Bella looked at Alice with a look of shock and whispered "You did it with him?" before her face turned tomato red after realizing what she said out loud.

Alice looked at her in shock. "How did you figure it out?"

"It wasn't that hard to figure out. And after all that talk about how I need to wait until I'm eighteen!" Bella whisper yelled.

"Don't blame him. Don't forget that I am over a hundred years old...and I kinda trapped him." Alice defended Hadrian.

"Trapped? Trapped how?" Bella asked, noticing everyone around the table were growing smirks while staring at Alice.

"I wore a very questionable outfit while we were watching a movie it may have been similar to." Alice answered.

"What movie?" Bella asked.

"The Mummy." Alice answered plainly.

"That did it. He's always been fascinated with ancient civilizations." Bella said in realization.

"Seriously? I only picked that because it's the skimpiest thing I have that isn't basically a bikini." Alice said.

"Yeah. Anything related to ancient civilizations will do it. Greek toga, Japanese kimono, African Jane...the list goes on and on with nothing on underneath or see through. The only reason I know is because I got him very drunk on his twenty first birthday and asked him. I thought it would give me ideas for when I got older." Bella said before remembering Edward was right next to her, causing her to lower her head and start devouring her salad.

"Thanks!" Alice said with plans going through her head.

"Please stop, Alice. I don't want to hear all that." Edward said.

"I thought you said you weren't listening to people's thoughts." Bella said.

"I lied. That was DEFINITELY not my information to give...and he didn't want to disappoint you by having you realize what was going on." Edward admitted.

"Makes sense. He is my over protective big brother, after all." Bella said before finishing her meal.


End of week, end of baseball game

"Oh, you brought snacks." James said before lunging for Bella. After noticing she was protected by everyone, he saw me off to the side with Alice standing in front of me, all alone. "Two for the price of one!" he snarled out before running for Alice and myself.

Before he could get halfway to us, I sped around Alice. Grabbing James I did the only thing I could think of.

"HULK...SMASH!!" and proceeded to prove that vampires could break from things besides other vampires and shifter teeth.

While I was blacking out from my rage moment, he was targeting Alice, not me, I heard Emmett yell out "Hell yeah!"

Thanks to my tunnel vision, I failed to notice the other three vampires (not a mistake, AU) escaping while everyone else were stuck watching me in shock and a bit of fear.

After I was done I walked back to Alice while staring over my shoulder at James and saying "Puny Vampire."


Y'all know the site, just search my username. I won't be holding chapters over your head or anything like that. Just support me if you like my works.