
Reincarnated In Sweet Tooth

[-A man got reincarnated into the netf**x series Sweet Tooth. Would he survive the virus or succumb to it? He didn't watch the show.-] !!This is my first time writing a story. I would rarely upload as this is just for my entertainment, and I would like to share it with you guys. I would warmly embrace any reviews or suggestions.!! I don't own anything. I only own the character that I made. English is not my first language so expect some wrong grammar and stuff.

Gamer_Gamin · TV
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6: The Truth

"Hey! Wake up, kid." Spoke ???

I groaned and slowly sat up and said."I'm not a kid."

"You are to me though," said ???

"I'm like 19 years old or something, plus didn't I tell you that i have a name?" I tiredly said to her. And i added, "And when am I gonna learn yours?".

The woman smirked and said, "You won't as i don't see no use to it."

I looked at her with my mouth hung open in disbelief. "Woman, how would I call you if you won't tell me your name?"

"Call me Julie." she said with absolute confidence. "Plus, if I hadn't saved you from those gun shots, you have. You wouldn't be here, so you should at least thank me for it."

"Fine!.... Julie, I thank you for saving me." I sincerely spoke glad that I'm still up and kicking though barely as my posture is like that of an old man.

Julie smiled and said, "No problem, now wait right there, and I'll get you some fresh boiled soup." I nodded and sat back down albeieth slow with a sigh.

I then thought of the events that have unfolded recently. Rumors has it that there's a boy hybrid that can talk and I still can't get in contact with Jane and the others it seems like they have destroyed anyway of communication with me not like I doubt them but maybe after seeing what I've done maybe just... maybe they have lost their trust in me. There were teenagers dressed in animal costume hunting me down for no reason at all, and I did not absolutely stole some of their supplies.

Julie returned with some vegetable soup and gave it to me, to which I calmly ate. As I was eating, Julie spoke.

"So... where are your parents?" She said, looking at me with a curious glint in her eyes.

"Don't know... probably dead." I replied as I continued eating.

"They got the sick?" Julie questioned.

I shook my head and replied, "No... Car crash."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Said Julie and I told her that it's fine. Julie then thought of another topic to divert the current one.

"Ummm... how about siblings?"

"I have one... a younger sister. A hybrid. " I raised my head and looked at her eyes to see if there was any distain or disgust, but I found none. I inwardly sighed in relief that Julie was not one of those hybrid haters.

"A hybrid? What kind of hybrid? Does she have a name? " Said Julie with a genuine curiosity about what kind I'd hybrid. Hope is.

"First, yes, a hybrid. Second, an ape like, and third, her name is Hope." I replied.

Julie nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer, but then she paused as if contemplating something.

"What is it? spit it out, " I said, annoyed by her hesitation to speak out her thoughts.

"Is.... is she still present?" Julie said and then proceeded to awkwardly smile at me.

"What?" I said visibly, confused about what she said.

"Sigh* Hope... is she still alive?" Said Julie.

"Oh... yeah, she is." I said casually.

"So.... where is she?" Julie questioned.

"She's... somewhere safe." I slowly said as I still miss my little sister.

"Ok! Enough questions about me." I said. "My turn to ask questions."

"Sure... what do you want to know?" Said Julie.

"Is your real name Julie?"

"No, next."

"Why did you save me?"

"Because i want to." Said Julie in a tone like 'isn't it obvious?'.

"Sigh* Fine... last question. What's in the attic?" I said as I thought of many possibilities as to what is hidden inside.'Could it be a dead body? An adult room? A portal to another realm? Or is it some research paper on how hybrid came to be?' I inwardly chuckles at my last thought as it is so ridiculous.

I got brought back into the living world as Julie finally responded.

"It's my friends stuff," said Julie, and I was about to ask for a more specific answer, but from the looks Julie gave me, it seems like it isn't possible.












Weeks past, and my wounds have now mildly healed. I could've gone, but I stayed as my useless 3rd sense started ringing once more. With Judy and I bonding, yes, she revealed her name as she said that I'm trusty. She also revealed to me what actually is inside the attic and i read almost all of them, though i could've killed her then looked into the attic, but once again, my useless 3rd sense ringed. At first, i thought that she's capable of killing me, but I figured that's not it, and I came to the conclusion that she had a significant role in the happenings in this world. So I decided to stay put and watch.

"Is the blueberry wine done yet?" I said, and Judy replied from across the room. "5 more minutes!"

A few moments passed, and a knock well... more like banging on the door echoed throughout the hall, then a voice of a kid followed.

"Hello~~..... hello~~ hello~~~"

Just then, Judy came running and screamed. "Go away!"

The kid said something, but it's inaudible from where I am. Then Judy took a stick or something.

And said, "Get off my porch!" Judy threatened them by swinging the weapon and followed by silence, so i got curious and stood up, ignoring the occurring pain from my wound. I then approached the front door. As I came into view, I saw a deer kid, a black dude, and a female teenager.


"You're still alive." Said Judy whispered.





Judy let them in, and I greeted them.

"Hey." I said with a wave of my hand, and Gus said,"Who are you? Do you know my mom as well?" He optimistically questioned much to my amusement.

"Sort of." I said with a small smile.'Of course I know her, I've read about her work on you.' I thought.

"What's your name." said the B-dude.

"Jess." I casually said as I reached for a hand shake, to which he accepted, and I ask "what about you two?"



"Nice to meet you. Let's go to the living room it's better to sit rather than stand."

We entered the living, and Jepp and Bear sat on the sofa while Gus sat on a couch. Judy then arrived with the blueberry wine.

"Hope you like blueberry wine." Said Judy.

"So how long did you both live here, Miss..." Ask Bear.

"Ever since things went to shit. Don't include that freeloader over there he's just temporarily staying here till he's all healed up." Said Judy with a quick change of attitude when she spoke of me like i did something bad to her, which I didn't... well I... jumped, scared her one time, but I didn't think she'll be this angry about it.

"Call me Judy," said Judy. While I'm flabbergasted as it took me weeks to gain her trust while some stranger that just arrived already gained it!? Of course, I didn't voice it out.

"How do you know about Birdie?" Jepp questioned.

"We used to work together. Oh, then one day... she saved my life." Said Judy.

"Whoa!" Gus amazed that his 'mom' saved a life.

"I came back to check on her here when the Sick started. Found people ransacked the place. I tried to stop them, but... they left me for dead." Said Judy.

"Last Men?" Bear then questioned.

"It was before their time." Said Judy "it was the military. Your mother found me. Took care of me. Nursed me back. She let me stay here with her. Like i dod with that ungratefull brat, " She added while looking at me, to which I just grumbled and looked away.

"So, she's a doctor?" Gus questioned.

"Well, not exactly." Said Judy while she scratched her hair. While Gus looks dejected and said. "She doesn't live here anymore, does she?"

Judy then took a deep breath and replied, " I'm afraid not."

Jepp then quickly said, "So, where did Birdie go?"

"I honestly don't know. One night, she packed a bag, and she went out to look for you." Judy said she then added," I begged her not to go, but she wouldn't listen. That was ten years ago. And I've been alone here ever since... then I found this brat. " she pointed at me. "Injured with a gunshot caused by a last man. And i took care of him till he's ready to go. "

"Fort Smith," Gus said.

"Sorry?" Said the confused Judy not getting where Gus is getting at.

"The flower holder. It says "Fort Smith Labs." Said Gus as he rummaged through his bag and took out an ID. "It's the same as Pubba's!" Gus exclaimed.

"What's a Pubba?" Said the still confused Judy.

"It's his dad," Jepp said.

'Now that I think of it, I think I heard that name before Jepp...' With me thinking, I subconsciously tuned out the rest of the conversation. "Oh! Thomas Jepperd! The football player for the Guardians leader!" I said out loud, bringing all eyes into me.

"Oh, uhm.. sorry." I awkwardly apologize. "Oh, are you gonna show them 'that'?" I questioned Judy as I saw her reach for the safe that contained the key for the attic.

"What 'that'?" Gus looked at me and questioned.

"It's for the attic." Judy quickly interjected before I even opened my mouth. "Birdie asked me to keep it safe, in case anyone came looking, but I think she'd want you to see it."

"Let's go!" Gus excitedly said. To which I grimaced, but Jepp saw it, and Bear aswell. I waited till Gus was out of sight and said, " he might not lika00e it." Gus then came down and said,"Hey, you guys coming?"

"Uh, yeah."

I stayed downstairs, and I said to Judy, "That's favoritism. You let them go there on the first day while I stayed here for weeks, and only until then, you trusted me." Judy then smacked me at my stomach where the wound is located, and I recoiled back in pain. "Don't mess with me." Judy smugly said as she looked at me, writhing in pain.

TO BE CONTINUED! [Sorry for the late upload

Word Count: 1,721

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