
Reincarnated in Pokemon as an experiment

This is my first fanfic so sorry if I have any mistakes and please tell them to me. I do not own Pokemon. Only my OC's

Aterror · Video Games
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10 Chs


In a Hospital in Johto (No pov)

A person was walking in a circle he seemed stressed he looked like 30-year old man with red hair sharp features on his and a cape on his back face that any woman will fall for but right know there was a frown on his face another voice suddenly said

"Don't worry Lester, Julia is a strong woman she and the children will be healthy."

Lester glared at his brother who had an amused smirk on his face, he looked 2-years younger than him had teal colour hair and had some similar sharp features and was very handsome "Don't talk shit when you are more stressed in situation like these Chris and if I remember correctly Sophia is to give birth in few months right, I would then see how you handle the situation."

Chris laughed knowing he had removed some of his brother's stress, even though he was a champion level trainer he stressed like a teenager before his exam day.

His thoughts were interrupted when the light to the operation room shut off and the doors opened the doctor came out and announced "Congratulations Mr.Wataru the mother has given birth to twin boys and all of them are in good condition."

Lester ignored the doctor and ran in with a goofy smile on his face like he had just lost his virginity.

Chris chuckled and walked to the doctor thanked him and promised a generous reward and went to check in on his nephews.

Lester was holding his 2 kids like they were 2 pieces of glass and could be broken by a single touch.

"Honey can you give them to me."

He looked over to his wife, she was a beautiful woman but her state was not good her blue hair was unkempt, she bags under her eyes, her skin seemed pale like it had never seen the sun.

" Are you okay Julia?" he asked with concern in his voice.

" Yes, the doctor said I am only exhausted, it will only take a week for me to be in full health ."

"Then you should rest."

"No, I will hold them first." she answered with stubbornness clear in her eyes.

"Ok, hear you go"

She looked down at the two kids both of them were sleeping , one of them had light red hair like their father and the other had blood red hair.

" What are we going to name them?" she asked.

"Well we decided that if we had twins we would both give 1 name, I name this one Lance Wataru." he said picking up the light red hair coloured infant.

"Well I will then name this one Jack Wataru." she said looking at the child in her arms with love in her eyes.

The child as if responding to her opened his eyes, purple pupils looked back at her with confusion in his eyes.

Then Chris came in and looked at his brother and sister-in-law, he was happy for them and wished his wife's delivery also goes successfully.

"What! Brother you named them before I got in here that is not fair."

"You should have come in here sooner slowking." Lester taunted with a smirk.

" And you should have slowed down and not ran in here like a hungry snorlax who saw food." Chris shot back.

"Boys calm down, you are gonna wake the kids and you I'm sure you don't want that." Julia said with her eyes daring them to try.

Both brothers cowered under her gaze as if a prey shivering from looking at a predator.

"Yeah, let us get out of here and leave you three for some rest." Lester said and dragged Chris with him before he said anything that will make his wife angry.


One week later

Wataru mansion

In an ancient looking Japanese mansion in the main hall 3 people holding 2 infants came in and sat down in front of an old man with graying hair, moustache and beard he was Lester and Chris's father and the previous patriarch of Wataru clan his name is Gavin Wataru he is the strongest trainer of Wataru clan.

"Father look these are your grandchildren Lance and Jack Wataru." Leste said.

Gavin looked at them and happily said"Thanks Arceus everything went well and nothing happened he even blessed us with 2 children."

But then Gavin had a sad frown on his face,Lester noticed this and asked "What's wrong father?" Gavin looked at Lester and said "Who is going to be the heir between the 2 of them?" .

Lester and Chris froze and Julia looked concerned at this, they knew the heir will get preferential treatment and more resources and techniques than the other brother, the same thing happened between and Lester and Chris and it because of it Chris grew up in jealousy of Lester as he was the heir and did not talk to him till he matured and got married and took the position of Blackthorn City Gym leader.

Julia did not want her children to hate each other and was against it but could not do anything as it was in the rules of the clan as a heir must be trained from the age of 2.

Lester looked at his 2 children and decided and said that" Lance will be the heir as he was born first(1 min earlier) but I will love both of them equally and want all of you to that."

Even though Lester said that he knew that other people will treat Lance with more favour because he was to become the next head of the Wataru clan.

Gavin looked at a servent and said "Let it known that the Wataru clan has a heir and that we are holding a banquet hall next week."

Chris looked at the sleeping figure of Jack and sympathize with him as he had to go through the same treatment and decided that he had to look after this kid more.


Mc pov

From Birth

'What where am I?'


'What the fuck' he thought not expecting a voice in his head.

[I am Help system given to you by the god clone before you ask any questions I have a message from him would like to listen to it?]


['This system is a gift from me because you forgot to remove a flaw from your powers this system is just an AI who can answer your questions based on what you know also it will not help you unless you ask for it'-Clone]

'Damn how could I forgot removing a flaw I would have become OP as hell.' mentally berating himself he asked 'System where are we and can't I move my body?'

[Host is a baby in his mother's womb about to be born.]

'Huh, wait if I am in a womb right know how do I have coherent thought right know, babies only form consciousness when they are at least 5 month old also how is my health and and my mother's.'

[Host's psychic talent is passively boosting your mental attributes but will fall in and out of consciousness as Host is a infant and has little energy and Host and his mother are completely fine and you will be born without any complication.]

I was about to ask more questions when I suddenly felt a pulling force pulling me outward the rest of the time was blur my birth umbilical cord getting cut off getting spanked and crying, the next moment my eyes opened I saw brown eyes looking lovingly at me and I knew she was mother she had blue staight hair,cute features and a beautiful face.

'System has anything important happened till know'

[Yes, Host you and your twin has been named by your father and your uncle came to visit]

'Wait, twin why didn't you tell me about him?'

[Host didnt ask about him so I did not tell.]

I read the reply with deadpan, what kind of bullshit is this looks like I have to handle my wording carefully or else I would be robbed of important information also I cannot depend fully on it I need to be on lookout myself.

'System I am going to call sys from now on also tell me about my family'

[Request acknowledged, the Host's name is Jack Wataru, your brother's name is Lance Wataru, your mother is Julia Wataru, your father is Lester Wataru and your Uncle is Chris Wataru, you will notice them in your memories]

Huh that person looks familiar but I can't remember but that cape! wait did you say Lance, I am twin brother of Lance also wasn't Wataru Lance's Japanese name Wataru,also looks like Claire is Chris's daughter,looks like this too much thinking as I am sleepy again.


Wataru manor

1 week later (after the discussion of the heir)

'This is boring as hell how do protagonists deal with this.'

[They use the power of time skip, Host.]

I deadpan at the system, anyway looks like we are out of the hospital.

'System what happened during the time I was sleeping?'

[Your father has decided that Lance is the heir of the Wataru clan.]

'What does being a heir mean?'

[ I don't know host, also there is a party next week for the birth of heir of Wataru clan]

'Lance being heir most likely means that he will have preferential treatment, I don't how to feel about that as it will most likely lead to Lance being arrogant and mistreating me'

'I will think about that when the time comes right now I should think about the agonizing 2 years of pooping and peeing, and now I once more feel like sleeping'


next chapter will a info dump and time skip and background of this au Pokemon universe also there will be a harem I have decided on 2 and if you ask I will add 1 at most of you want anyone else the women are,comment on anyone else you would like

