
Reincarnated in Pokemon as an experiment

This is my first fanfic so sorry if I have any mistakes and please tell them to me. I do not own Pokemon. Only my OC's

Aterror · Video Games
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In Wataru manor

MC's room

2 years later

'A lot has happened in these 2 years I have seen that my grandfather and servants favour Lance over me as most of his requests are accepted and most outsiders as well favour him but Lance is clueless right know so that is a good thing '

' Atleast my father and mother are not partial but these last 2 years have been the best of my life as I never felt this loved before especially my mother who dotes on me more'

' I have also proven to be a genius as the shocked look on their face when l spoke 2 months earlier than average and by learning everything faster.'

He giggled remembering the gaping face of his father and mother when he called them mama and papa.

"Jack, Mama is calling you for lunch otherwise you will not get icecream in the evening." said a 2 year old girl.

I turn and smile happily at Clair, a loli through and through right now with cheeks which are begging to be pinched, blue hair which is tied in a ponytail, big innocent eyes and a small pout.

I can't help but sigh mentally that her mother died giving her birth, she thinks Julia is her mother and why would she not, mother always wanted a daughter and Clair was fulfilling her wish of raising one but due to his wife's death uncle Chris has been ignoring her as she reminds him of his dead wife,father and grandfather don't care about her and Lance bullies her as she does not have red hair like us.

I and mother are the only one that play with her and take care of her so she has grown extremely attached to us she literally does everything with me bathing, sleeping, eating.

"Well then we should hurry right, we don't want to miss icecream and let Lance take all of it." I said after walking up to her and pinching her cheeks.

"Jack stop that." she said giving me a glare and puffing her cheeks,She took my hand and we walked towards the dining table,everybody was sitting there, grandfather and Lance looking annoyed,Chris with loss and sadness in his eyes, mother looking happily towards us and father with no particular emotion.

I felt Clair flinch, I knew her father looking at her with sadness and loss will not make her feel comfortable at all, so I took charge and brought her to the table and made her sit.

"What took you so long, Clair?"Lance said angry at her for getting to lunch late.

His comment not at all helping towards her depressed mode.

"She went to fetch me, Lance"

He was about to ask more but father interrupted "This is enough talking, bring the food."

The servants came served the food and left, everybody knew no talk during eating but after eating it was okay this was also the time we made our requests or ask for something we needed, Lance like always has been asking for

a pokemon from a month ago and like always was denied, this was the first time I was asking something and not something outrageous.

"Father, can I learn how to read and write."

Everyone including the servants looked at me as if I had grown a second head, they knew I was a genius but reading and writing begin on 5 years and I was just 2 years and instead of playing I wanted to study.

I looked at my father awaiting his approval.


Lester's (pov)

I looked at my son with an calm and indifferent face but anyone who knew him very well could tell he was very shocked inside

after all what kind of 2 year old ask for studying.

I look at my son his straight blood red hair, big eyes and cute looking cheeks he could see he would grow up to be a lady-killer and he might even have 2 to 3 girlfriends at the same time but his violet eyes had always thrown him off as they looked of a adult.

He always wondered how he got that eye colour as neither me or Julia had that colour,

Wait a minute! could he be a psychic, all psychics had either pink of violet and aura users would have blue or silver eyes, that would explain his genius but an awakening this young, even the best psychic family's heir awakened at 7( Sabrina) and she was considered once in a century genius and here his son was about to awaken in a few years.

I always worried for my second son as I know Lance was safe with the heir position but what about Jack? Thankfully our family's luck is good and I can be assured of his future.

I should get him a normal teacher at first and should he continue to prove his genius I would have to go to Natsume family(Sabrina's family) to hire a teacher as to not let his potential go to waste but let me test him a bit.

"And why do want to learn that ?" I asked and released a 100th of a pressure of a champion level trainer towards him.Most people(ordinary people) would tremble, jumble their words ,He started sweating ,Julia was looking worried towards him and angrily towards me, Father and Chris were looking towards him in interest and other children were also sweating to mine and others suprise he said "Mother reads us storybooks before sleeping and we fell asleep midway through and mother never finishes we always fell asleep halfway through so I want to be able to read on my own and finish the story book."

Absolute silence after hearing his reply and digesting it somebody chuckled and everybody except the kids started laughing, even father had a twitch on the corne of his mouth he reply was so cute and innocent to such a serious question, only a child will have such a weird reason to study.

" Okay, son you will have your teacher day after tomorrow."


Jack's Pov(MC)

Mentally breathing a sigh of relief as I had nearly told the truth of mean being a reincarnate person but what was that pressure I am pretty sure he used a little but I was so helpless under it.

Anyway looks like I will able to read in a week and learn what changes are in this universe of Pokemon.


A month later

Lester's pov (MC's dad)

Looking at the report given by the teacher I could not believe it, Jack learned all the teacher could teach in a month, meaning he had learned to read and write to the level of a highschool graduate , now I was sure he was a psychic.

Looks like I would have to contact the Natsume clan in saffron city I picked up my phone and called patriarch of the Natsume clan,Steven Natsume .

"Who is speaking this is the patriarch of Natsume clan speaking?"

"It's me Lester Wataru."

"Oh,Lester what does the house of dragons

need my help for."

"This is a personal request from me, I am pretty sure my son is a psychic and he's about to awaken in a few years so I want someone professional to teach him.

"Don't joke with me Lester, my daughter awakened her talent at 7 and she is once in century genius, your son is about 2 years old and has begun awakening?"

"He has violet eyes, is a genius and has learned to read and write to the level of a high schooler in a month, wise beyond his age and most importantly withstood 100th of my pressure."

There was short silence as steven needed to digest all this after a while he replied"Damn, you are ruthless to put your son under pressure but if what you said is true then there

is a high chance he is a psychic."

"So, are you sending someone or not?"

There was a silence for a while and then he answered "Ok, I am going to send my daughter to test his talent and if he is a psychic then she will tutor him."

"Are you kidding me right she has just started her journey 2 years ago she must only 18 right know." I asked angrily.

"Don't underestimate her although she is just 18 she has already become an advanced psychic and has become arrogant for doing it at such young age, after seeing your son she will see that there is always someone superior."

I was shocked that she has already become a advanced psychic so young.

"Ok I will send someone to pick her up when she comes."


Sorry for the delay I am in last year of highschool and my college entrance exam 1st attempt are just 10 days away so I will not able to post regularly till end of april as I have continuous exams

Also there will be a lot of time skips in the next few chapters as I dont want to bore you guys with childhood and school stuff

And thank you guys for your support ☺️