
Reincarnated in Pokemon as an experiment

This is my first fanfic so sorry if I have any mistakes and please tell them to me. I do not own Pokemon. Only my OC's

Aterror · Video Games
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10 Chs


In Limbo

After opening his eyes Arthur could see hundreds of ghostly beings he was suprised and screamed only to realise that no sound came out he realised he was also a ghost and remembered his past life and how unhappy he was and how he decided to end his life.

Maybe some may think he was foolish but he had no reason to live for and dying seemed more interesting than the meeting he was supposed to go to. I hope my will is followed and all my possessions and money will be given to the orphanage I lived in before.

Before I could finish my inter-monologue

a bright light appeared.

----------------------(read The prolougue)-------------------

I definitely volunteered as this must be the great truck-sama, ignoring the word experiment another flash of light and I was sitting on a chair with my old friend Ron sitting in front of me with a file in his hand

"Ron what are-" I stopped as I realised I could speak again then an emotionless voice answered back " I am not Ron I have merely took the form you are most comfortable with so as to not make you uncomfortable. Anyway greetings no. 001 for you have volunteered for the experiment of going to another dimension."

"Huh, I thought I was brought here by truck-sama."

" I thought you are supposed to have genius intellect yet you believe in some fantasy that there is a truck god, listen this is your first and last warning there is only 1 god in this dimension and I am one of his few million clone doing grunt work so act like a mature person or I will you throw into a another boring life you are only lucky you got selected out of millions of people."

I shivered realising that there I can discarded easily like trash,the clone continued" God has decided to make a another universe in this dimension far away from yours but he wants to make something new so you are getting reincarnated in another dimension you can live your life however you want as your soul will automatically collect data and we will take it from your soul and be assured it will not have damage done to it, now you may ask some questions."

" Why doesn't God send some of his clones to do this."

It took me 1 second too late to realise that I had fucked up by asking the wrong question the and then .PAIN, all I felt was pain the amount which makes you want to commit suicide, make you scream your lungs off but I couldn't it felt like days and months of torture went by when the pain left and I was back in front of the face of my friend which looked the devil's to me now.

" I already gave you your warning but nobody understands that without some punishment, by the way that was low setting and only for 1 hour do not ask questions unrelated or only you will suffer more, any more questions."

I quickly shook my head, as if I would ask any question after what just happened I needed to treat this more seriously as I realised this isn't a game or a novel where I am a protagonist and will survive anyhow no matter how weak he is.

The clone then continued as like nothing had happened "Now the dimension you are going to is 10284493 or what you might know as the Pokemon universe you can be given powers of your wish but they have to be of the same power system so no chaka,ki,dojutsu,zanpukto,etc., also for every power there will be a flaw, you can get only power that does not have a flaw."

I immediately without thinking ask for a system like in the novels I had read , the clone coldly looked at me and I realised that I forgot that is real and not a novel,also Pokemon did not have system so no to that.

" What about a status screen that only shows info about my Pokemon and me and what I know about."

" Granted, I will also not add a flaw as this not a power, also there will be no Ash(protagonist of Pokemon)as that is the flaw for having knowledge of this universe. Also there will be some changes to the universe as it is real life not some cartoon. "

Fuck! there goes the plan to follow Ash and his friends and what changes will there be, I hope not too many changes are made,fuck I just jinxed it.

Anyway let's hope this one gets approved" I want the best possible psychic talent."

"Granted, but you cannot ask for anymore wishes to make yourself powerfull."

"What! psychics are not that powerfull,so why is the flaw so big?"

" It is because you asked for best psychic talent which when trained fully will make you immortal and your personal power will be equal of the creation trio."

I grew silent at that as I realised how op my talent is but damn I wish I could use Aura as well now for my next wish I was thinking what else could I need as with my psychic talent most of my wishes are gone, wait a minute he said personal power right," I wish to be able to upgrade the potential of my Pokemon"

"Granted but you can use it on 6 Pokemon a year and only when you get your first pokemon will you be allowed to use it"

Ok flaw was not that bad but only 6 Pokemon damn there goes my team of more than 800 op Pokemon.I do not need anything more but I want this one for personal reasons.

" I want a family that loves me."

I had no parents in my past life, no one to love me I wanted to know what that feels like.

"Granted but you will have battle lust who loves the thrill of battle be it yourself or your Pokemon but it will only activate when you are in battle or you see someone strong ."

Not bad but not good either, thankfully it only activates for some time .

"I think it is enough now good luck in your next life."

It is the last thing I hear before I black out.