
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Risks. Fun Risks. Gifts.

It had been an entire week since Megumi had arrived as both he along with Hashirama and Mito were filled in with the information about the things happening in the shinobi world in their absence and how things now worked.

Hashirama was particularly happy with the way in which Minato his current successor was running things.

They all discussed and debated quite a few plans in which Sakura played the biggest role because she knew the most about the entire situation. Mito was amazed with the sheer amount of information that Sakura knew right off of the top of her head and praised her quite a bit which caused her to feel pride in her hardwork and secretly also in Megumi since he was the one who had formed the basis for it.

Although this also allowed her to use this work as an excuse to avoid Megumi for the rest of the week when everyone teased her for her secret tryst with Megumi which had been discovered by Mebuki.

Megumi in the mean time understood Sakura's needed for some time alone and began planning further ways to improve his current strength.

Megumi, sitting outside in the window sill of his room, looked at his gloved left hand that he could feel and held up with the control of his version of the limitless technique.

The technique was pretty much the same as what it was in Jujutsu Kaisen but it was much riskier for Megumi to use and keep up as the invincibility it provided him.

One part of the technique was essentially Megumi isolating a domain around himself that plucked him out of the domain of the planet itself, he was in simple words a moving version of Hashirama's domain statue but it took too much chakra to maintain such a thing that completely isolated him, so he singled out and used a single unique property that belonged to a domain.

The second and the more important part of the technique was Megumi using this property of the domain to enhance or improve the control of his affinity inside the boundary. This part of the technique enhanced his defenses and made him nearly invincible with the help of his elemental space manipulation which allowed him extend the space around himself to a ridiculously high degree, practically creating infinity.

So just like the original technique it expanded the space in between the object and Megumi with differing scales of distance as it reached closer and closer to Megumi's body, effectively making it look like the object had stopped moving when in fact it was moving but just over such a large distance that it looked stuck.

For example, one centimeter at the start above his skin might feel like an inch but a single nano meter above his skin would feel as long as a few trillion kilometers, meaning no matter how fast you moved toward Megumi you'd always end up only trying to get closer and closer to him, like a white hole, you'd need infinite energy to ever actually even be able to touch him.

The worst part about this entire technique was the ridiculous amount of chakra it needed to stay up as well as the amount of mental gymnastics Megumi had to do to figure out exactly where and how his domain needed to move along with him and his body so that he didn't end up sliced and botched up by his own domain becoming even more disabled.

The thing that Hashirama regarded as the 'soul' was a complicated piece of substance that just like the body had its own quirks and properties which could be manipulated consciously as long as one knew about them. One such property of the 'soul', a very important one according to Megumi, is the property that allows it to remain incorruptible, that is, no external sources can ever affect or damage it without using any internal means and methods. Meaning in the end you could technically be the only person who could do any real damage to your own soul.

A domain was basically the conscious expansion this one property of the 'soul', using it to mark the entire area that was inside this uniquely expanded area as separate from the outside or more accurately part of the inside of the person. This gave the user of this ability the means to control and define exactly what could and could not exist inside their domain, theoretically they could control atoms, but practically that way was too complicated to do so and things like Nature chakra and other people were kept out by demarcating the types of spiritual energies that could enter into the domain, this practically ensured nothing alive from outside could ever enter inside without permission.

The stationary domain that Hashirama used was little more complicated since it also measured the exact amount fo physical energy inside and kept that constant as well with the help of several seals that Mito made, allowing him to only need to feed chakra into it constantly to keep it up.

The trouble with Megumi using his domain while moving around was that he was constantly editing around his 'soul', to fit the dimensions of his body and actions he was performing with it so that it stayed around his body like a protective cover. This was risky because a simple mistake could cause Megumi's ethereal body or the 'soul' to just fall out of sync with his body and send him into pure land before he even ever had the chance to realise what was going on.


With a sigh Megumi calculated the clenching and unclenching of his left arm and right leg as he moved them around a bit, performinging a few exercises so that he could make moving them seem second nature in life and death cases to free up his brain's ability to think.

Flicking his hand after circulating chakra through it, a few shiny metallic balls appeared in his hands floating around and slowly spinning as they were teleported from his room in Hashirama's domain and then teleported back when he flicked his wrist again.

Teleportation had become almost instinctive to Megumi at this point as he had learnt to poke holes in space and connect the two areas to bring what ever object he wanted to through it.

It was much less efficient than the Hirashin on a smaller scale, since he was still poking the same hole in space to move objects through them. But on a larger scale his method was ridiculously more efficient since the size didn't matter.

The most important reason that Megumi used this method of teleporting things instead of Hirashin was its lack of seals. He didn't need to mark any objects that needed to be teleported and could teleport objects at any distance and any size as long as he could 'sense' them. He did this by using his ability to tune into the Universall Sage Mode he found to expand his senses the entire universe, theoretically this should allow him to know everything that happened in it, but practically there was no way he could recognise what he was looking at unless he knew about it before hand. Tuning into the Universal Sage Mode and expanding his senses was essentially subjecting his brain to a flood of universal information from which he filtered out the information he could recognise, so he was not omnipotent but more like a clairvoyant.

So as long as Megumi knew a place or had been there before, he could point out where exactly in the universe it currently was and what was happening there with on in it.

'I need something light to refresh my head and brain. It feels cooked.'

'Also, what should I get for Sakura next month for her birthday? Hmm...'

Getting up as if he was going to stand on the air in front of himself, Megumi teleported in front of Sakura's room as he knocked on it softly, twice.


After the sound of soft footsteps, Sakura opened the door and peeked through but slammed it shut as soon as she saw Megumi on the other side.


Instead of the sound of wood hitting wood, the door slammed shut with a dull sound which Sakura thought was Megumi's hand.

"Oh my god! No! I'm so sorry Megi!"

"I was just feeling shy and slammed the door all of a sudden reflexively!"

"I didn't think your hand would be there!"

Sakura flung open the door and began to hold and try and heal Megumi's hand but then suddenly stopped as she looked at the white fabric in front of her.

Then with a scowl on her face looked back up as she said, "Give me back my worry." in the most deadpan voice possible as Megumi just smirked and pushed her inside as he shut the door behind himself, causing Sakura to tense up.

"What are you doing!?"

"What do you think I'm doing my dear Rura? Did you think you coul avoid me like you've been doing recently?"

"I- I wasn't trying to avoid you!"

"Then? Do you want me gone now?" Megumi whispered into Sakura's ear.

"N- No." Sakura replied, as she clenched her hands around Megumi's kimono.

Megumi then began moving towards her face as Sakura squealed, "Megi it is the good for us to be like this so soon!"

"Oh!? So it is alright if I come in later?"

Blushing furiously Sakura stumbled into the wall behind her as Megumi pulled off a kabedon.

"So..? Ready..!?" Megumi whispered into Sakura's ear once again.

Sakura's heart raced with anticipation as she suddenly felt Megumi place his lips on hers and then the feeling vanished as she found herself in a forest looking at an adult Megumi standing a few feet in front of her, wearing an annoying smirk.

Realizing that he was just teasing her and had pulled her into his mindscape after she let her guard down, she felt cheated.

"How dare you do that to me Megumi!!"

"Hey I was only teaching you about a famous phrase, 'Constant Vigilance'" Megumi replied, making a sagely expression on his face.

In a fury of emotions she charged at Megumi hoping to pummel him into the floor.


As they fought each other in hand to hand combat, Megumi soon realised what he would get for her birthday next month.


"Are you sure that is all you want?"


"It just needs to be made entirely of chakra metal?"

"Yep and make sure you add this circuit inside it exactly! If you need any help to make the circuit perfectly then let me know and I'll try to find a way to help."


Kizashi had become very happy today when Megumi said he had an idea for a weapon and needed his help to make it.

But when he looked at the katana that Megumi had designed, it looked extremely simplistic. So simplistic in fact that when Megumi requested that it be made out of chakra metal, he thought it was going to be a waste of chakra metal to make such a plain looking weapon.

But Megumi insisted, saying he had something amazing in his mind and needed the weapon to be exactly as he had designed it to be.

So kizashi relented and agreed to make the weapon Megumi had made a request for, all by himself, as it seemed to mean a lot to him.


Megumi looked at the fluffy little bunny that he had just teleported into his hands as the bunny squealed with joy at meeting him after nearly a whole month!


"Hehe, yes, I know! I missed you too Kaguya!"


"Who's a good girl!?"


"Yesh! You are my little baby!" Megumi said in joy as he held kaguya to his face and rubbed his cheeks against her soft fur.

Megumi played on with Kaguya in the backyard of the house as Sakura looked at them both from the window feeling jealous for some reason.

'I'm a good girl too though.'


Suddenly Sakura felt the fur of the soft little kitten that Megumi had made for her.

She hadn't asked Megumi how he had made the kitten, and everyone else had just assumed that Megumi had found the cat from somewhere, but Sakura didn't really care about it, all it meant to her was that she could carry around a piece of Megumi with her everywhere she went. Something that just reminded her of him all the time.

Smirking a little, Sakura picked up the little kitten and lifted him into the air as she mimicked Megumi and spoke with a little louder than normal voice so that Megumi heard her.

"Who's a good boy!?"


"Yes! My little kitty is the best boy in the world!"


Sakura felt her heart melt at the emotions the cat displayed as she began to rub her face into the kitten's furry little stomach.

"Oh! Look at the princess who has finally decided to smile!"

Megumi commented as he looked at the smiling Sakura who was rolling around the floor while playing with the little cat.

But as soon as he made the comment, Sakura went back to maintaining the frown on her face with an audible, "Hmpf."

Since the day Megumi had played with her emotions by leading her on, Sakura had begun to ignore Megumi, and playing with him in mock anger, waiting for him to appease her.

Sakura though was getting a little worried, since it had been nearly a whole month since then. They did spar regularly, but handling the businesses took a lot of Sakura's time and energy and she wasn't able to spend a lot of time with Megumi in the last few days.

Especially since she had been given new products to introduce in the markets.

Along with the contract paper she had made herself. Megumi had given her a sort of book that could be connected to a printing machine, through which people could make their own books like the one Megumi had first made. Along with a lot of books that Mito-Sama had made using Megumi's machine.

Megumi also told her that he was working on something like the game which she had earlier used to train herself in swordsmanship, so that everyone else could use it for themselves.

She was especially looking forward to this, since she wanted to continue fighting in the game that she was fighting in earlier as Megumi had promised her it was going to get harder and more fun.


A/N: This is a scheduled chapter that I have tried to upload so that it reaches you guys on the right time even as I am travelling. I hope it has worked.

Thank you for reading!

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