
Reincarnated in Marvel Cinematic Universe

MC reincarnated in MC with wishes Please english is bot my first language the writing quality is going to be bad Also I write for fun so read it to pass time.

Anonymous2000 · Movies
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

Ethan POV

After the discussion, the Captain America blinders had removed and Clint, Sam, and even Natasha to an extent started to see Steve Rogers as a normal human with flaws like all of them instead of the Captain America propaganda.I really couldn't understand how both Clint and Scott left their Families in Civil War it really terrified me on how much influence he had when Scott just jumped to help even when he knew it was going against the Law which would result in him going to Jail and missing time with his daughter Cassie again and both of them blamed stark for it.

I sighed and thought "This is just a theory even though the Accords are not something I would agree with Steve must have another reason to go against them that is Bucky if the UN controls what missions should go in then that means no more searching for Bucky since the UN will want complete details about the mission.

I sighed and thought "The team now had a slight rift like Tony, Banner, Clint, and Thor all left the team as Rodney decided to stay and watch over Mr. sometimes my teammates don't tell me things so that he won't do something stupid. Natasha and Sam decided to be professional but one thing is for sure there is no blind trust in Rogers anymore."It was better than their one-sided blaming for Tony for all their troubles like Ultron and Accords. Also, Steve is a good guy he is just clinging to the past like it is true Peggy loved him at one point but she moved on married and had kids had a nice life he just couldn't accept that, If he says he loves Peggy that much then why kiss her niece Sharon just after her death it just makes it all worse.

I was brought out my thoughts when I heard Wanda who was with her brother "I heard you wanted to speak to me."I nodded and replied, "I heard you have a problem with control over your powers."

Wanda gave a nod and said "Yes."I sighed and replied, "I know a place that can help you learn how to control it."Pietro questioned curiously "Where is this place."

I bluntly replied, "It is in New York I will teleport us their but do not speak about this to anyone."Both see I was serious nodded as Wanda questioned "Do you hate me."

I sighed and replied, "No I just dislike your reason for going after Tony."Wanda nodded as Pietro questioned "Is it true the Hulk,Thor,Hawkeye and Ironman quit? Is it because of us?"

I shook my head replied, "No at least ironman quit for personal reasons while the banner is not sure Hulk will be happy with what Wanda did to him so he decided to stay in Stark Tower."Wanda and Pietro wanted to apologize to Tony and banner but hearing they quit made them feel more guilty.

I groaned feeling their guilt I made sure to fully shut off my empathy as I replied, "You don't have to feel guilty like I said Stark quit for personal reasons while I can relay your message to Banner."Both the twins now looked slightly happy hearing that as I grabbed both their hands and said "You will feel slightly dizzy so a heads up." both nodded as poor Ethan didn't notice Wanda's blush as they Teleprted to the New york sanctum where Master Drum who was in defensive stance seeing me slowly relaxed as he greeted "Mr.Hunt I didn't expect for you to enter the Sanctum like this."

I sheepishly replied "Sorry about that but Master Daniels can you get the Ancient one."Master Daniels nodded and went to get her as Wanda questioned "What is this place."I replied "Order of Mystic arts."

Pietro incredulously said, "Like magic."I nodded and replied, "Yes these people will be able to help Wanda with controlling her powers."I saw Ancient one soon enter the room with Mordo by her side as Ancient one asked "Welcome back Mr.Hunt and this must be Ms.Maximoff."

I just gave a nod as Ancient one studied Wanda and said "It is quite amazing how Ms.Maximoff here is able to use Chaos Magic also has a source, namely a demon named Chthon."Hearing this I thought "Also she does have the reality-warping powers which comes from the Reality stone that explains wandavision trailer a lot she must a warped reality to meet what she considered was her future with Vision was or is."

Ancient soon decided to teach Wanda her self seeing how dangerous her powers are it was wise of her while Pietro also decided to visit from time to time since it was not really that far from the Avengers compound.

I returned to the compound to see Natasha, Bruce, Thor, Clint, and Sam were discussing what they have to do with steve the moment they saw me Natasha was expressionless as I asked "So how are you doing with all the information about Steve."

Sam sighed and replied, "It was first hard to believe Steve would do something like that but just like you said he is human."I nodded and said, "True all of you have been more or less seeing the great Captain America, not Steve Rogers."Clint and Sam winced slightly hearing that Natasha knew to some extent she also did the same.

I looked at all of them and questioned "Next thing I want to know is why is there a personality report just on Stark why not on you, Clint or Steve."Natasha who heard this raised an eyebrow when she heard the question and replied "It was Fury's orders."

I once again questioned, "And do you believe the report you made on Tony is even true after all be was dying from palladium poisoning right."Clint, Thor, Bruce, and Sam who heard their yelled "What Tony was dying."

Natasha narrowed eyes at me and asked "I told Fury the personality profile will not be correct because of the palladium poisoning. But Fury declined saying this was enough."I looked at Hill for answers as she sighed and said "Fury wanted to keep Tony away from SHIELD he didn't want him hacking into SHIELD every now and then to find what SHIELD is keeping a secret from him."When I heard that I said, "So he used Natasha's report as a way to keep Tony as a Consultant."

I sighed and continued, "You know steve even Clint here has a biased view about Tony because of that report right the only one who didn't was Bruce here because he didn't read the report."Natasha knew it was true since Stark and Steve's first confrontation started out because of the report Steve read internally winced and Clint could not deny it since he did take the report as the truth also Sam's View on Tony was from what Steve told him.

I turned to everyone and played to a holographic video of Thor lifting Tony by his throat I questioned in irritation "Thor you are Asgardian for christ's sake if you lost control of your strength you could have killed Tony.Also what the heck is wrong with you people you were supposed to be a team, not one person stopped Thor or even reprimanded him for his action only thing steve did was shout 'Thor the Legionnaires'."Everyone looked down especially Thor who got his anger to get the best of him.

I sadly smiled at everyone and said, "You know Tony provided you with your gear, your housing,He even has Stark Relief Foundation is an organization that provides relief to the needy, as well as handle any casualties incurred during battles involving the Avengers and you all, take jabs at his ego when he says there can be another invasion."

This brought Natasha, Clint, Thor, and Sam lower their heads in shame.

Natasha then narrowed her eyes at me and questioned "So how do you know all these things."I smiled and replied, "It is one of my abilities."

I looked at Everyone and asked, "You know fury likes keep a lot of secrets like Coulson is still alive and well also the fact Asgardians were not the reason Fury started project Phase 2."

Hill who already knew about Coulson being alive said, "Yes Coulson is alive he was the one who gave us the info on Stucker's base he had been busy helping taking down Hydra agents from the Shadow."Both Clint and Natasha looked hurt as they were never informed about Coulson being alive.

After a small time of silence, Natasha asked, "What did you mean by Asgardians not being the reason Fury started Project phase 2."I shrugged and replied, "Fury had encountered in the 1990s a race known as Kree's and Skrull's he simply wanted to divert the attention to Thor after all he was the perfect scapegoat at that time. He also had a friend who could have easily helped you guys during the Chitauri invasion since she is really strong but I ma not sure she would have made it by then."But I doubt she could have come in time but it still would have helped.

More information about Captain Marvel kinda blew their mind a person so strong could have been a huge help during that time but they decided to talk to fury about it for later as I started to see Hill didn't know about this particular thing also didn't like the fact that Fury didn't call Captain Marvel during the Chituari Invasion.

I once again turned to everyone and said "You know the avengers initiative is good but with just a small no .of people it is just a fluke that you stopped the Chitauri invasion if Selvig had not created a fail-safe for the portal to close added to that the nuke being launched the no .of casualties would have been greater."

Every one of them knew they got lucky that time as Thor questioned "Friend Ethan you seem to know a great deal about all this are you a seer."I shrugged "In a way, also Thor what is Loki's eye color."This confused Thor who answered, "It is green."

I smiled and showed a video of Loki during the time of avengers and asked "So how is his eye color blue here."This surprised Thor as he questioned, "Was Loki not himself at that time."I sadly smiled and said, "That is something you have to ask him."

Thor looked down on the ground and muttered "If I only knew this before Loki is death."