
Reincarnated in Fairy tail as Guts

A middle-aged man reincarnated in a boy body in another world with magic and monsters, in the world he watched before but this time he will live it and 400 years before the story begins, how he will live this new life, see his life yourself. ************************************ the MC will be Guts not the same person from berserk but he will have some personality like him though he is just reincarnated man, I love berserk manga and the mc of it, so berserk and Guts inspired me to make Mc like him a little. ****************************** I use Grammarly this is my first time writing so maybe I have mistakes and English is my 3rd language so I'm learning and having fun writing ********************** I will write when I have time I'm busy with study and work so you know... . if anything I don't know about the fairy tail world tell me.

The_Berserker · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

New Start with Information

General POV

It early in the morning, In a forest with massive trees, a log cabin was built close to a river, by looking closer one could see in yeard of it 2 people talking to each other, a boy is young around 6 years old holding a little dull iron sword bigger than his body he is Guts, and a man with a huge build holding the same sword in hand, he the father of Guts named Thors.

{pic of young guts and thors}.

Thors smailed and said: "guts it time to start your training, I will teach you how to handle swords, thoughts I don't have smaller ones your size but you will get used to it".

guts have an excited look on his face and replied: "sure, I want to learn to but.. didn't you said I will learn magic today ?".

when thors hears that his smile become wider and said: "indeed I said so, you will but the faster way to learn anything is to experience it yourself, now I will show you the basics of sword move remember it".

thors hold the weapon in his two hands stand in his position with his legs apart from each other and start performing simple sword techniques".

Guts watch him until finish and directly start doing the same but he has difficulty and that the sword is too tall for him and heavy for a kid to wield it, but he understands this the time any person start training even in the medieval era in his past world so the same can apply here.

when his father sees him with this enthusiasm become a little surprised after all you can't expect a kid to endure hardship from the first time he starts, he attributed to the stubbornness of children and he was happy Guts is at least strong-willed because this is just beginning of his long journey.



and just like that 3 hours passed and guts didn't stop striking his sword up and down, with heavy breathing and sweat all on his body, shaky legs and arms but his head is firm and eyes focused with light in them like a fire.

Thors have an open mouth for while now, he was shocked by how the boy can persist this long and soon enough found his answer 'Guts Magic'.

Thors thought: ' from how his magic works it is caster type magic, good to know he is like me it will be easy to teach him but what kind of magic?'.

and he walked closer to Guts and said: " okay stop now it's enough using sword for today".

when Guts hears him stopped and directly sit down on the ground and tried to regain his breath and stamina, he feels his hand heavy his legs are hurting and his fingers trembling, this feeling not new to him, it misses the yelling of instructors and his cursing, but that not a bad thing at least it calm for him.

after he has at least a breath to talk, his father said: " you surprised me today boy, and it a good surprise, you are a caster magic user ".

when Guts hear that become puzzled: ' i know I have magical energy in my body, I'm sure that keeps me standing earlier but he said caster ? is not caster supposed to mean the opposite, realising magic outside my body ?'.

Thors can see the confusion in his son's face so he clarified: " There are two main classifications of Magic Caster magic and Holder magic, the first type is magic that is expelled from the body as opposed to Magic done through the use of a weapon or outside source, and later is Magic that requires a Mage to use an external source to produce the Magic, and there are many subcategories for them".

after Guts understand the classification of magic his father hold him and take him to a bath in the river, and they get back home for food after all Guts need it the most after that training.

after another meal with vegetables and meat, Thors head to his room and said to the boy to wait for him and he just did that, after 5 minutes his father come back with few books in hand and put them on the table, look at the tired boy and said with a serious face: '' you already know how to read, these books have information of the world geography, magic, and things you better know now than later, read them until I come back, see you later ". and just like that he left with a sword in hand and bow in his back.

Guts take the books and enter his room to read them, the first thing he wants to read the book of world geography since he wants to know the place he reincarnated in.

he starts reading and his face gets a surprised look until he becomes shocked, after all, he finds out he is continent named ishgar and there is other two known as Alakitasia and Guiltina, ishgar is continent divided between different kingdoms and countries but the largest kingdom with most lands is located in the east of ishgar is 'Dragnof'.

with this revelation, Guts knew he is in fairy tail world and 400 years in the past, a fantasy world with many types of magic and monsters and he is in the most dangerous time where even a creature like a dragon that considered one of the strongest can perish easily, and he is just mere kid now with uncertain future.

this information maybe can make people scared or excited depending on the person, and Guts is the latter, a man who has dull life get a chance to have a new one with magic and wonders in another world, of course, this will make him happy but at the same time determined to train more because he is in close to the range of certain crazy black dragon, that if he didn't die first from the wars going between the kingdoms and countries.

after that Guts opened the book for magic, it said: ''Every type of Magic comes from the one magic, the original source of all types of Magic, magic is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection. Though Magic goes beyond reason, it is born of reason and it takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental ability to use it. One's magical powers are also tied to one's life force.".

and the book continues describing the type of magic like caster and holder, what subcategories exist in the two classes.

with Guts finishing the book he understands the theory behind the magic like he remembers when he watched fairy tail but he wasn't a big fan of it because it's too childish for him, now he has more information like the source of magic power for all mages.

Every mage has a container of Ethernano inside their body that determines the limits of their magic power. In the case that it becomes empty, Ethernano will come from the atmosphere and enter the mage's body and, after a while, their magic power shall return to normal, but he knew there is more to it after all you can become stronger with the second origin and that is If a mage somehow manages to unlock their Second Origin, they will then receive an enormous boost in magic power, or they can wait until the right moment to unleash the magic Power of their Second Origin to gain an advantage in the battle.

and that will make you go to another level and there is a special case for the Third Origin but that need a special person and situation to work.

The third book was about population and races that exist it like a typical fantasy world with many different races, of course, the human is dominating the land with population but dragons are roaming this lands freely under Dragnof or not, Wyvern, giant, damn goblin, and even demon and angels but they didn't appear for some time now, and there are legends about god race, thought Guts know all of this legends and rumours exist, he just hope he doesn't have to fight a god or meet one since they are the most overpowered existence in this world.