
Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes

It all began with a needle of light that pierced the heavens. It tore the veil and dazed the darkness. It streaked across the Elder Darkness until it struck a shell, and light unlike before poured forth. —--------------------------------------------------- Ravian is one of a kind, born to a world of fantasy from a father not of that world, and raised alongside siblings who were nothing like him. He was content however and his father had prepared for him a great future, as he did with all his siblings. But the transgressing light struck on that fateful day, and Ravian vanished, taken to another world just as his father once had. Sigmund is an orphan born to the modern world, a young adult living on his own for years since he left the orphanage without adoption. His life was largely uneventful and somewhat empty, with only friends and no one to call family. It was finally that, on an uneventful day, a force dragged him away, to another world. Both Ravian and Sigmund awakened in a world of fantasy, separated from one another at first. To Ravian, it was a familiar but strange world. With so much in common, yet just as many differences to note. To Sigmund, it was a strange but familiar world. Like the fantastical stories conjured by the creative minds of man, but made real. Finding one another as strangers in this new world, Ravian and Sigmund banded together in a world of magic and dragons that knew neither of them, or at least not at first. Secrets are uncovered and destinies are written, here is the story of Ravian and Sigmund, two strangers in another world. —--------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Daily • Bursts of New Chapters may be published according to author's mood. —--------------------------------------------------- * Art on the Cover is mine, made it on Canva :D Disclaimer: For those who don't notice, it's an original fantasy novel and so it is unrelated to any event of the real world.

The_Open_Sky · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Subterranean Peculiarities

In a chamber awash with ethereal white light, Ravian stood at the center of a tableau that seemed to blend artistry with alchemy. His fingers danced in the air, each movement conjuring tongues of bright flames that licked at a mysterious black metal. The metal seemed to yield willingly to the fire, melting and fusing together as if guided by an unseen force. Simultaneously, his other hand weaved intricate inscriptions into the surface, the flames carving out patterns that resembled complex circuits.

Sparks flew in a mesmerizing dance, each one a tiny star birthed from the union of magic fire and strange metal. Ravian's upper body was bare, revealing his well-defined musculature that contrasted with the long black trousers he wore. The absence of his cape allowed him the dexterity needed for the intricate work before him.

With a flick of his wrist, Ravian brushed his dark hair aside, revealing his intense golden eyes focusing intently on the task at hand. For a fleeting moment, his gaze met that of the Carminex that held the black metal panel in place. It was as if the creature understood the gravity of its role in this alchemical ballet, its arthropodic limbs adjusting ever so slightly to accommodate Ravian's fervor.

The black metal panel itself was a marvel, its surface now adorned with inscriptions that glowed faintly, as if imbued with a life force of its own. It was held aloft by the Carminex, its spider-like limbs gripping the panel with a precision that suggested a deep understanding of its master's intent. The creature seemed to anticipate Ravian's every move, adjusting the panel's angle just so.

Ravian's flames danced with precision over the black metal, tracing the circuits that intersected at areas he had previously marked with shallow depressions. His fingers had earlier pressed into the material, creating these guiding dents for the intricate work that followed. Now, he narrowed the flames, their bright tips etching increasingly smaller circuits designed for a future flow of some mysterious fluid. The air filled with the scent of molten metal, punctuated by the soft hiss of the flames.

Upon closer observation, the layout of the circuits bore a striking resemblance to a two-dimensional network of blood vessels. Each intersection coincided with one of the circular dents Ravian had made earlier, serving as junctions in this complex roadmap. The flames flickered and hummed, as if singing a quiet song of creation, while Ravian's focus remained unyielding.

Not all depressions were uniform; some deviated from the circular shape, taking on irregular forms that hinted at slots for something more. These particular indentations seemed designed to house gems or perhaps some form of organic matter, their shapes too specific to be mere coincidence. Ravian's eyes flickered momentarily, acknowledging his unique dents before resuming his work.

The atmosphere within the chamber seemed to thicken, the ethereal white light reaching a crescendo of brilliance as if in symbiotic resonance with Ravian's focused energy. Each spark that flew from the union of flame and metal was like a fleeting star, illuminating the room in a transient burst before dissolving into the ambient luminance. The room itself felt like a living entity, its very walls pulsating in silent anticipation of the alchemical marvel taking shape at its core.

With a subtle alteration in the form of his flame, Ravian meticulously refined the dents at each intersection, sculpting them to align with a mental blueprint only he could see. The teachings of his father echoed in his mind, a guiding philosophy that advocated the harmonious blending of biology into magical craftsmanship. It was a principle that had never led him astray, and now it guided his hands as he prepared the slots for their future occupants: specialized organs and finely ground gemstone dust, destined to serve as magical regulators for the flow of his own blood.

As he worked, Ravian envisioned the flow of his blood coursing through the labyrinthine network of circuits, each pulse imbuing the magical machine with life and purpose. This was no mere experiment; it was the birth of the first prototype designed to transmute his magical emissions into adamantine, a metal renowned for its magical conductivity and supernatural strength.

The complexity of the task was not lost on him; it had taken days of relentless experimentation to arrive at this design. The gemstones of this world possessed unique magical properties, requiring Ravian to translate his existing knowledge into a new lexicon of arcane science. Measurements had to be recalibrated, theories reevaluated, but now, as he stood on the cusp of realization, every moment spent in trial and error seemed a small price to pay.

His golden eyes flickered momentarily, a brief lapse where he allowed himself the luxury of satisfaction. But just as quickly, his gaze sharpened, his focus redoubling as he returned to his work. There was still much to be done, and Ravian, ever the perfectionist, would settle for nothing less than the flawless execution of his vision.

The revelation that adamantine was a material exclusive to his home world presented Ravian with a conundrum. The absence of this magically conductive metal in this realm meant he had to resort to unconventional means to acquire it. The notion of extracting it from his very bones crossed his mind, but the idea was immediately dismissed. Ravian had always found a certain distaste in the act of self-mutilation; even the frequent necessity of drawing his own blood sent a subtle shiver down his spine, a faint but palpable ripple in his otherwise unflappable demeanor.

To circumvent the discomfort of such a gruesome process, Ravian found an alternative: a sparring match with Wulfric. The castle he had conjured from the depths of his arcane abilities included a training hall, a space he considered indispensable in any residence he would call home. The hall evoked memories of his formative years, days spent under the tutelage of one of his father's most trusted generals. It was a sanctuary of sorts, a place where he could hone his skills and, in this particular instance, achieve a necessary objective.

A few days prior, he had engaged Wulfric in combat within these very walls. The duel served a dual purpose: it was both a training exercise and a means to acquire the bone fragment he needed, but without resorting to the unseemly act of tearing it from his own flesh. As he reflected on that battle, Ravian realized how fortunate he had been in their previous encounter.

Wulfric had proven to be a formidable opponent, exceeding expectations, displaying a range of combat techniques that he had not revealed in their initial skirmish. This time, Ravian fought without the aid of his enchanted cape, a garment that amplified his magical abilities. Even so, Wulfric's tactics were astonishingly diverse, ranging from wall-crawling to lay traps to summoning torrents of seeds.

Moreover, Wulfric demonstrated an uncanny ability to transmute the very concrete of the training hall into tendrils of vine, manipulating them as if they were extensions of his own limbs. Ravian found himself hard-pressed to defend against this barrage of attacks, each one a testament to Wulfric's divine power. Truly, he was fitting to be called the Forest God.

It was a calculated risk, allowing himself to be struck in such a manner, but the payoff was worth it. A small fragment of bone, imbued with the essence of adamantine, broke free. It was a minuscule piece, but it was sufficient for his needs. Ravian could sense it, a tiny shard imbued with the potential to bring his magical machine to life.

Days after their sparring session, Ravian found himself contemplating the implications of Wulfric's newly revealed abilities. "Had you unleashed even a fraction of that power in the village, the outcome might have been quite different," he mused aloud, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and curiosity. He was grateful that Wulfric's earlier arrogance had led the Forest God to rely on brute force rather than the more nuanced tactics displayed during their duel.

"Still, I suspect you've yet more tricks up your sleeve," Ravian continued, speaking to the empty chamber as if expecting Wulfric to materialize. The god's varied abilities had been sufficient to fracture some of Ravian's adamantine bones, fragments of which now formed the core of his experimental panel. It was a sobering thought, one that reminded him of the ever-present need for vigilance and adaptability, he may have bested a god so quickly but sloth and pride is paid back in blood and death.

With a final flourish, Ravian completed the intricate circuitry on the prototype, his fingers deftly placing the specially prepared organs into their designated slots. "Now, for the final touch," he whispered, his golden eyes glowing with anticipation as he prepared to anoint the machine with his own blood, the catalyst that would bring his creation to life.

However, before he could complete the ritual, the chamber was rocked by a sudden tremor. "What in the heavens—?" Ravian exclaimed, steadying himself against a nearby table. The room quivered as if in response to some external force, the ethereal light flickering erratically.

His senses extending through his bat-swarms and Carminexes, Ravian perceived a disturbance in the castle's very foundation. A hole had appeared in the basement, a dark void that seemed to lead to an unknown realm.

"It appears my work will have to wait," he said, his eyes narrowing as he considered this unexpected development. "Something—or someone—has just made this day far more interesting."

"Guard the panel, and ensure that nothing disturbs this chamber," Ravian instructed the Carminex, his voice imbued with a gravity that left no room for error. The creature, a biological marvel resembling a fusion of bear and spider, adorned with red beetle-like scales, clicked its arthropodic limbs in acknowledgment. Satisfied, Ravian exited the ethereal chamber, donning his attire with practiced ease before fastening his enchanted cape around his shoulders.

With purpose in his stride, he descended towards the castle's basement, drawn to the enigmatic hole that had so abruptly appeared. "Let's see what secrets you hold," he murmured, leaping into the abyss without a moment's hesitation. The sensation of freefall lasted precisely three seconds before his boots made contact with solid ground, the impact absorbed in a whisper-quiet landing.

Brushing off any stray particles of dust, Ravian activated his night vision. What greeted him was a sight both awe-inspiring and perplexing: an intricate cobalt gate stood before him, its design a labyrinth of interwoven patterns. "Fascinating," he mused, his eyes narrowing as he attempted to extend his psychic senses beyond the gate.

To his surprise, the gate acted as a barrier, impenetrable to his psychic probing. "Now this is very interesting," Ravian said, a note of genuine curiosity coloring his voice. Given his ability to passively detect sentient life within a five-mile radius—unless shielded by magic—the gate's resistance was a puzzle begging to be solved. "It seems I've stumbled upon something that demands a closer look," he concluded, a smile growing on the edge of his lips.

Thank you for reading! This'll be the last solo chapter with Ravian for now. Let's see what Sigmund's been doing so far.

Word Count - 1844 Words

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