
Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes

It all began with a needle of light that pierced the heavens. It tore the veil and dazed the darkness. It streaked across the Elder Darkness until it struck a shell, and light unlike before poured forth. —--------------------------------------------------- Ravian is one of a kind, born to a world of fantasy from a father not of that world, and raised alongside siblings who were nothing like him. He was content however and his father had prepared for him a great future, as he did with all his siblings. But the transgressing light struck on that fateful day, and Ravian vanished, taken to another world just as his father once had. Sigmund is an orphan born to the modern world, a young adult living on his own for years since he left the orphanage without adoption. His life was largely uneventful and somewhat empty, with only friends and no one to call family. It was finally that, on an uneventful day, a force dragged him away, to another world. Both Ravian and Sigmund awakened in a world of fantasy, separated from one another at first. To Ravian, it was a familiar but strange world. With so much in common, yet just as many differences to note. To Sigmund, it was a strange but familiar world. Like the fantastical stories conjured by the creative minds of man, but made real. Finding one another as strangers in this new world, Ravian and Sigmund banded together in a world of magic and dragons that knew neither of them, or at least not at first. Secrets are uncovered and destinies are written, here is the story of Ravian and Sigmund, two strangers in another world. —--------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Daily • Bursts of New Chapters may be published according to author's mood. —--------------------------------------------------- * Art on the Cover is mine, made it on Canva :D Disclaimer: For those who don't notice, it's an original fantasy novel and so it is unrelated to any event of the real world.

The_Open_Sky · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Audience with the Baron

As dawn broke, the travelers prepared to depart, the scent of morning dew and fresh earth filling the air. "Safe journeys to the Barony," Ravian bid them farewell, his eyes already turning back to the castle that now seemed more like a home. The travelers mounted their horses, their faces flushed from the morning chill, and nodded their goodbyes. With the prospect of noble recognition now a waiting game, Ravian felt a sense of both relief and anticipation.

Retreating into the castle, Ravian found himself in his study, a room filled with the aroma of freshly inked parchment. Intricate sequences of letters and corresponding images, and magical holograms of cellular structures adorned one corner of the room, while another table was covered in an array of colorful gemstones, each glowing faintly with inner light. "Time to delve into magic," he mused, settling into a chair carved with intricate runes. The scent of burning incense filled the room, as if sanctifying his new endeavor.

Ravian was aware of his overflowing magical power, a force that seemed to pulse through the air around him. Glass vials filled with various chemical solutions sat neatly arranged on a shelf, their colors vibrant under the soft light. "I can't remain confined here forever," he thought, his eyes scanning the tomes he had recently written from memory. He could only suppress his power for a week or two at most, and the idea of becoming a recluse in his own territory was unappealing.

His thoughts drifted to the specialized studies his father had taught him. A microscope sat next to a collection of slides, each containing a different biological sample. Nearby, a mortar and pestle held a freshly ground mixture of rare herbs and minerals. "It's a start," he thought, the room humming in agreement.

"That's what research is for," Ravian concluded, his eyes narrowing in determination. A set of alchemical tools lay on another table, ready for the intricate work of potion-making. He couldn't venture out until he'd constructed at least a prototype of the device. The room seemed to brighten, as if sharing his resolve.

It would be a long endeavor, he knew, even without any other distractions. A complex diagram sketched on parchment lay next to a quill, detailing the flow of magical energy through gemstones. "Well, time is something I have plenty of," he mused, rolling up his sleeves as he prepared to embark on this new project.


As the travelers emerged from the cold, whispering forest, they were greeted by the sight of Seraphel's Vale, a bustling mountain town that seemed to spring up like a gemstone in the rough wilderness. The air was filled with the mingling scents of woodsmoke, freshly baked bread, and the distant tang of iron from the blacksmith's forge. "Ah, civilization at last," one traveler sighed, his eyes taking in the fortified manor and castle that loomed on a hill, overlooking the town like a protective guardian. Stone walls encircled the settlement, punctuated by watchtowers where archers stood vigilant.

Navigating the dirt roads with practiced ease, the travelers made their way toward the inn. The town was a hive of activity: merchants haggling over prices, children running through the streets playing tag, and minstrels strumming lutes in the square. "It's good to be back," another traveler remarked, recognizing familiar landmarks like the old well and the statue of some long-forgotten hero. The inn's wooden sign, creaking gently in the wind, was a welcome sight.

Upon entering the inn, they were greeted by the warm glow of a hearth and the inviting aroma of stew. "Three rooms, please," the lead traveler requested, placing a few coins on the counter. The innkeeper nodded, handing over the keys with a welcoming smile. "Enjoy your stay," he said, already turning to attend to another customer.

Once settled, the travelers wasted no time in preparing to deliver their goods to the Baron. They hitched their horses to the carts and began the uphill journey toward the castle. The road was steep but well-maintained, lined with cobblestones that had been worn smooth by countless hooves and wheels. "Almost there," one of them encouraged, as the castle's imposing gates came into view.

Arriving at the castle's entrance, they halted their carts and looked up at the towering stone walls. Guards patrolled the ramparts, their armor glinting in the sunlight. "Hail! We seek entry to deliver goods to the Baron!" one traveler shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice. A moment later, the sound of grinding gears filled the air as the castle gates began to creak open.

"Looks like we're expected," another traveler noted, relief washing over him as they guided their carts through the now-open gates. The courtyard was spacious, filled with the sounds of clanging swords from the training grounds and the chatter of servants going about their duties.

"Let's unload quickly and see if the Baron has any news," the lead traveler suggested, already eager for the next leg of their journey.

The travelers began unloading their wares, their eyes keenly watching as the Baron's treasurer approached, flanked by knights in light armor.

"Good day, sirs. I trust the journey was uneventful?" the treasurer inquired, his eyes scanning the goods laid out before him. The merchants among the travelers stepped forward, ledgers in hand, ready to discuss the financial particulars.

"Indeed, the roads were clear. Now, about the payment," one of the merchants began, opening his ledger to the appropriate page.

Meanwhile, the rest of the travelers were led through the stone corridors of the castle, eventually arriving at a grand chamber adorned with tapestries depicting the history of House Seraphel. The room was spacious, its high ceilings supported by ornate columns. A large, oaken table stood at the center, surrounded by cushioned chairs.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable. The Baron will be with you shortly," one of the knights announced, gesturing toward the seats.

Upstairs, Baron Alaric Seraphel sat in his study, a room filled with shelves of books and scrolls, alongside glass containers holding various gemstones and vials of chemical compounds. His desk was cluttered with parchments, each neatly stacked according to their importance. The room was illuminated by a crystal chandelier, its light casting a warm glow that accentuated the Baron's focused expression as he penned his approvals and rejections.

The door to the study creaked open, and a veteran knight stepped in. "Baron Alaric, the travelers have arrived and are awaiting your audience," he reported, his voice tinged with respect. Alaric looked up, setting his quill aside. "Very well, Sir Eamon. Have them settled in the audience chamber. I'll be down shortly."

Rising from his desk, Alaric took a moment to straighten his doublet and sheath his dagger back onto his belt. He then made his way downstairs, his steps echoing softly on the stone staircase. As he descended, he recalled the times he'd accompanied his late father to similar audiences, a practice that had prepared him well for this role.

Entering the audience chamber, the Baron's presence immediately commanded attention. His deep blue eyes scanned the room, meeting the gazes of the travelers who had frequented his Barony before. The room seemed to brighten as he stepped in, his confident stride and the subtle grace in his movements reflecting his capability as a young ruler.

"Greetings, esteemed travelers. I trust your journey was as smooth as the roads of Seraphel's Vale can offer?" he began, his voice carrying the weight of both authority and genuine interest.

The room was filled with a sense of familiarity as the travelers settled into their seats and Baron Alaric Seraphel took his place at the head of the table. "So, what tales do you bring from the south?" Alaric inquired, his eyes twinkling like the first stars of the evening. "Ah, the southern meadows are as vibrant as ever, I take it?" The grizzled merchant responded, "Indeed, my Lord, the meadows were a sea of colors, like a painter's palette come to life."

A young woman, her eyes alight with the excitement of storytelling, chimed in next. "We've brought spices and textiles rare to these parts," she announced, her voice tinged with the thrill of exotic lands. Alaric's eyes widened as if he had just discovered a hidden treasure. "Spices, you say? Our winter meals could certainly use some exotic flavors."

"They'll make your feasts the talk of the kingdom," the young woman assured him, her eyes sparkling like gemstones. Alaric grinned, imagining the burst of flavors and colors that would soon grace his dining table. "Well, it sounds like our winter feasts are about to become legendary," he said, clearly pleased with the prospect. "I look forward to experiencing these exotic additions to our cuisine."

A seasoned adventurer among the group cleared his throat, his voice carrying the weight of many hard-fought battles. "The journey was not without its challenges, my Lord. We faced treacherous terrains and even bandits on our way here," he said, his eyes narrowing as he recalled the perilous journey. Alaric's brow furrowed like a storm cloud gathering on the horizon. "Bandits, you say? That's troubling news indeed. I'll have patrols sent out immediately to investigate."

"That would be wise, Baron," the adventurer responded, his face etched with concern as if he were visualizing the bandits' next move. "They seemed quite organized, more so than the usual rabble we encounter." Alaric nodded, his mind already strategizing the best course of action. "I appreciate the warning. We'll take immediate steps to address this threat."

Alaric then shifted the conversation, his tone becoming as somber as a winter night. "On the topic of challenges, we've had our own share of difficulties here. Recent monster attacks have devastated three of our villages, causing significant loss of life and property." The travelers exchanged worried glances, their faces reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"That's terrible, my Lord. We had heard rumors, but we didn't know the extent of the damage," said one traveler, his voice tinged with genuine concern. "Is there anything we can do to help?" Alaric looked at them, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and resolve. "Your continued trade is help enough for now. Rest assured, we're taking measures to rebuild and fortify. The repair efforts are underway, and we're doing our best to ensure the safety of our people."

The room was adorned with rich tapestries and warm, flickering candlelight, casting a soft glow on the faces of those present. Intricate woodwork framed the walls, and a grand hearth crackled in the background, filling the air with a comforting warmth. Baron Alaric Seraphel sat at the head of a long, polished oak table, his eyes meeting those of the travelers. "Hearing tales from wanderers like yourselves always broadens my perspective," Alaric remarked, genuine interest coloring his voice.

A seasoned traveler, his face lined with the marks of many journeys, met Alaric's gaze. "And we're grateful to have a noble who values our stories," he responded, his tone reflecting a deep-rooted respect. The air was thick with a blend of comfort and concern, as if the room itself held the collective experiences of everyone within its walls.

The conversation took a turn, steering toward a subject that had been simmering in the minds of all. "You know, we stumbled upon something rather... unusual on our travels," the grizzled merchant began, his voice hushed as if sharing a secret. Alaric leaned forward, his eyes widening slightly, "Do tell. You've piqued my interest."

"We found a castle with a silver dome, something completely out of the ordinary," the merchant elaborated, his eyes searching Alaric's for a reaction. "A silver dome, you say? In our kingdom?" Alaric's eyes sharpened, his curiosity transforming into keen interest.

The room was bathed in a soft glow, emanating from the intricate chandeliers that adorned the ceiling. Their crystal pendants caught the light, scattering it in a kaleidoscope of colors across the walls adorned with tapestries. Baron Alaric Seraphel's gaze settled on Elara, a young woman known for her storytelling prowess. "So, Elara, you mentioned a Lord Ravian? He sounds as captivating as the castle he resides in," Alaric said, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly, yet revealing nothing of his prior knowledge.

Elara leaned forward, her eyes shimmering as if mirroring the enigmatic aura of the castle's lord. "He was incredibly welcoming, my Lord, but there's an air about him that's hard to describe—almost as if he's not just a lord but perhaps a wizard as well," she elaborated. Alaric leaned back in his ornate chair, steepling his fingers. "A wizard, you say? And what gave you that impression?" he asked, his voice tinged with a curiosity that went beyond mere politeness.

Thorne, a merchant seasoned by years of travel, chimed in next. "It wasn't just Lord Ravian, my Lord. The knights at his castle moved with a precision that seemed almost supernatural," he said, his eyes widening as he recalled the experience. Alaric's fingers drummed softly on the armrest of his chair. "Supernatural? Now that's a word that piques my interest," he mused, his eyes locking onto Thorne's.

The room seemed to pause, as if holding its collective breath. The flickering candlelight played upon the faces of those present, casting shadows that seemed to dance in rhythm with the unfolding tale. "Could this be the dawn of a new noble house in our kingdom?" Alaric finally ventured, his words tinged with a sense of gravity. "It's a possibility, my Lord," Thorne replied, "especially if Lord Ravian is as powerful as he seems."

Elara picked up the thread of the conversation again. "He certainly carried himself with a confidence that seemed beyond his years, almost as if he's seen more than we could imagine," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and respect, maybe something else as well. "Ah, a young man with an old soul, perhaps," Alaric mused, his eyes twinkling as if he were piecing together a puzzle.

The atmosphere in the room was thick with intrigue, each word adding another layer to the enigma that was Lord Ravian. "Well, this has certainly been an enlightening conversation," Alaric concluded, "and it seems we all have much to ponder." The travelers nodded in agreement, aware that their tale had planted a seed of deep curiosity in their noble host.

Alaric leaned back in his chair, his eyes reflecting a newfound curiosity. "Perhaps I should pay this Lord Ravian a visit myself," he mused aloud, contemplating the political advantages that could come from recognizing a new noble, especially one establishing territory in uncharted lands. The room filled with nods and murmurs of agreement, the travelers sensing the weight of the Baron's words. "It would certainly be a journey worth taking, my Lord," Elara added, her voice filled with a sense of wonder.

The atmosphere in the room shifted subtly, as if everyone present sensed the closing of a significant chapter and the beginning of another. "Well, this has been an enlightening evening," Alaric said, his voice imbued with genuine appreciation. "Your tales have given me much to consider." Thorne nodded, "And your hospitality, as always, gives us comfort on our journeys, my Lord."

With a gracious wave of his hand, Alaric signaled the end of the audience. "I look forward to our next meeting. Safe travels, and may your paths be clear," he said, his voice warm yet filled with a sense of finality. The travelers rose, their faces reflecting a mix of relief and anticipation. "Until then, Baron Alaric," Elara responded, her eyes meeting his one last time before they exited the room.

Thank you for reading!

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