
Setting Off

"What's the inventory looking like now? How much food, water, and materials do we have saved up?"

We were all sitting at the table, and Rhefia was asking the questions, the head of our Family looking at me as she began to go over the numbers with us.

"Currently, we have a few hundred pounds of flour, a few hundred pounds of corn, fifty some odd barrels worth of water, ten barrels worth of milk, a barrel of butter, a few hundred pounds of meat, a hundred intact pelts of all shapes and colors, quite a bit of wood and stone, and all the other herbs, berries, vegetables and the like are in high quantity as well. The only thing we don't have too much of is Aoak Metal, but we still have roughly a hundred chunks of it, which should be enough for us to reach Birchan."

The Deerkin nodded, and the rest of the family seemed surprised for just a moment at the raw amount of things I had stored away...

Just for a moment though, as they quickly returned to normal as Rhefia asked "What about the house? Is it something that you can just 'move'? Or the carriage, is that an easy craft?"

I nodded to her, gesturing to the house around us.

"I can keep all the materials I used to build this and move it wherever I want, so that's fine. As for the carriage, I'll need to tinker around with it tonight, but by tomorrow morning or noon we should be good to set off. The only thing I think we're going to NEED is money, and that can be arranged as soon as we reach a village, right?"

Rhefia shrugged, her lips pursed as she said "Maybe, maybe not. Some villages don't have a lot of coin going around in circulation, so they might not 'buy' anything from us, instead deciding to try and trade things for our goods. Though, if we stop at a large village or a city, we can get coin quite easily too. Fur is always desired, and so is meat. Besides that, we can always sell our services to someone as well; quite a few villages will want some kind of animal or monster hunted down, and..."

She stared at me for a moment before coughing, and I smirked at her as I finished her sentence, saying "Sex is rather lucrative, isn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah it is..."

Giving her an eye roll, I glanced over at Yiksa, who shuffled around slightly when I looked at her.

"Well, we should be fine either way. Alright, everyone go to bed; we wake up early and depart when we can."

Watching everyone get up, I gave my daughters a goodnight kiss as they all slipped into bed together, leaving Yiksa, Rhefia and I at the table.

"Yiksa, I was curious..."

The Dark Elf stared at me, her head tilted as she waited for the question to come.

"Are you alright with having sex with random people, or are you wanting to remain... exclusive to the family?"

Rhefia raised a brow at that, while the Dark Elf pursed her lips and stared at the table.


Strumming her fingers on the table, the Dark Elf remained silent for a few moments, her green eyes narrowed as she thought about it.

My reasoning for asking was simple; if she wanted to live a sexually open lifestyle, and we were going to constantly be on the road, why not earn some money while enjoying ourselves?

Sex made money no matter where you were; everyone wanted to have sex, no matter the culture, environment, race...

It was just a guarantee.

"You're asking because you want to profit from sexual services, correct? I wouldn't mind, as long as I am allowed to decline some of the 'customers'. I do have a say in that, yeah?"

"Of course. If you had... remained how you used to be, this discussion wouldn't be happening, but... here we are. So yes, if you don't like the person, refuse them. I doubt people will try much when Rhefia and Aethisia are standing right there..."

The Deerkin snorted, rolling her eyes at me before getting up.

"Well, if that's all then, let's go to sleep."

Nodding, I got up and gave her a kiss, saying "Go on up first; I need to tinker around still..."

"Don't be long, Astra. Since we'll be on the road, I want to relieve myself as best I can..."

Moaning as her hands dug into my ass, I nodded again before smirking at her, pecking her lips as I whispered "I know, dear... I feel the same~"

Letting go, I waved her goodnight and watched as she dragged Yiksa upstairs, before I moved over to the workbench that sat in the corner.

Opening the menu, I thought of the parts of a carriage that I would need; the wheels, axels, the 'bed', the tarp covering, the drivers seat, the two shafts to connect to the Geri...

As I envisioned each piece, the recipe needed for them popped into the crafting table, and I began to craft each individual part.

With them all in my inventory, I created a rather large carriage, big enough to be a merchants carriage while still having space to seat four in the back, while two would be up front.

Going outside, I pulled it from my inventory and stared at it, smiling to myself as I saw the carriage sitting on the ground, waiting to be used.

To avoid suspicion, I filled a few barrels with various materials so that they could be seen by others, letting them know we were 'merchants', while also avoiding the questions of 'where did you get blank?'

When that was finished up, I stretched and made my way upstairs, diving into bed and finding myself under Rhefia, greedily milking her thick cock before passing out in a sweaty pile, our love for one another displayed in the intense lovemaking.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts