
First Days of Spring

"Come on dear, wake up~!"

Shaking the shoulders of my wife, I rolled my eyes as she grumbled, turning her head to the side as she threw the blanket over her head, blocking out the morning sun.

"Rhefia, wake up dear! It's morning!"

Grumbling again, she reluctantly sat up when I tugged the blanket away from her face, making me roll my eyes and sigh as I stared at her.

"Come on, get up! It's the first day of spring!"

Blinking blearily at me a few times, she rubbed at her eyes before yawning, her amber eyes unfocused as she muttered "Awesome... tired..."

Watching as she was about to plop back down on the pillow, I rolled my eyes again and yanked the pillow away, making her frown as she half heartedly glared at me, that action sapping more energy from her as she yawned again.


Pouting, she looked up at me as she sighed, stretching her arms and back out before reluctantly getting up from the bed...

And falling straight into my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist and her face buried between my breasts.

Feeling her breathing against my chest, I reached up and stroked her hair for a few moments before gently pushing her away, much to her disappointment.

"Come on, breakfast is ready. And Aethisia is waiting."

Blinking some more sleep from her eyes, the Deerkin yawned as she followed me downstairs, before confusedly asking me "Why is she waiting?"

Glancing over my shoulder, I reached back and flicked her brow, making the woman mutter "Ow..." as I said "It's the first day of spring, dummy. You and her are going out to see if anything else is stirring after the winter. Y'know, to hunt?"

Hearing the word 'hunt', Rhefia's eyes widened slightly as she nodded, before she stretched again as she joined our daughter at the table.

Camara stumbled out just as Rhefia sat down, her pregnant stomach obvious considering she was shirtless.

Plopping down besides Aethisia, Camara leaned her head on her younger sisters shoulder, the white haired Deerkin smiling warmly at her sister turned lover as she placed a kiss on her brow.

Finally, the remaining two people in our family were in the kitchen, but...

"Ah~! Just like that Dama~! Right there~!"

Well, they weren't cooking, that's for sure.

Ignoring the sight of Kalia being bent over the counter, I moved the pot of stew over to the table, ladling it out for everyone before going back to grab a loaf of bread.

Since they were going out to hunt, I wanted the two to have something filling, especially considering it was still a little chilly outside...

Sitting down, I began to eat as well, the two Dark Elves joining us a minute later when Yiksa finished up, carrying a satisfied Kalia over to the table alongside her.

Everyone ate quickly, leaving little in the large pot to clean out.

"Alright, we'll be going now love~!"

Hearing Rhefia's excited tone, I rolled my eyes as I placed a kiss on her lips, smiling at her as I said "Be careful dear. Come home safe."

Sinking her hand into my ass, she grinned down at me as she nodded, saying "Of course I will~!"

Kissing her again, I walked out with them and watched them slip into the forest, the two Deerkin visibly excited at the idea of hunting again.

Going back inside, I helped clean everything up before clapping my hands together, getting everyones attention.

"Kalia, you and I are going to be planting as much as we can today, and you'll also be expediting everythings growth. Yiksa and Camara, you two will be refining whatever we manage to harvest today and setting it aside, so that I can store it away. Camara dear, don't strain yourself alright? If you feel weak or need to take a break, do so. Yiksa can handle a few minutes on her own."

Everyone nodded, and we made our way outside as well.

The air still had a sharp nip to it as we exited the house, and the ground was still a little wet from the snow; in fact, patches of snow still laid on the ground, albeit sparsely.

The trees were beginning to bud, and the clouds in the sky were still fat and gray, almost threatening to snow on us again.

However, it was officially spring; the tell tale sign was that it hadn't snowed in two days, and that the air was warmer and calmer.

Kalia and I moved towards the old fields, which I had fenced off.

Taking a variety of seeds from my inventory, I handed them to Kalia.

We were going to plant wheat, corn, Nettla Leaf, Vetusberry, all the herbs, and I left some land for Kalia to experiment with.

I hoped that she might be capable of growing crops via her own magic, and we would need to see if that was true or not by the end of the day.

For now, we needed to plant hundreds of seeds, take care of them for the moment, before letting Kalia go through and force the crops to grow faster.

Her magic was potent, and I watched in awe as dozens of wheat and corn crops sprouted in mere moments, the lush golden strands of wheat and rich orange ears of corn making me grin widely as I hugged Kalia.

Harvesting this first yield, we gave the crops to Camara and Yiksa, who began to shuck the corn and sift the wheat seeds off the stalks.

This continued on for a few hours, and by the end of it Kalia was sweating, her movements sluggish as she made her way inside, obviously exhausted.

The yields were impressive in just a day; two large fields of corn and wheat, as well as three small gardens worth of different herbs...

In other words, since she was so proficient with her magic, Kalia saved us weeks of tending to crops in just a few hours, providing our family with at least a months supply of excessive eating.

It was safe to say that I was immensely proud that she was as reality defying as I was~!

Since we would be here for a few more days at max, I wanted to get so much food that we would never need to worry, especially since my inventory seemed boundless...

Thank you, Reincantra~, Demetra~!

The reason we needed to stay here for a little longer was simple; I needed to get a working carriage made and tested, before 'collapsing' our house and storing all of that away as well.

I needed to make everything we would need before we departed, though I imagine I could implement a crafting station on the carriage itself; turn the bench into an actual bench...


With those kinds of thoughts floating around my mind, I idly stroked the fluff of the Geri Wolves, who lounged around the house, enjoying the lazy life of domesticated monsters.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts