
On the Road

Our last morning in this home...

This clearing that had housed us for months is now going to be made empty, allowed to grow and flourish, untouched by mortal hands.

It had been expanded, the pond widened and deepened, and the ground tilled and used for plant growth.

In other words, just like us, the clearing had changed.

You could argue that it was better, that it was still the same old clearing, or that our meddling had made it worse, but it didn't change the fact that, for months upon months this little clearing had been what we called home.

For Camara, Aethisia, Kalia and I, it was all we knew of this world; this small little clearing and some of the forest around us were all we had ever known.

That would change...

Staring at the now barren interior of the cottage, I felt a tear come to my eye as I began to store away the floors and walls, slowly tearing the cottage down and leaving little more than an indent in the ground.

Walking over to join me was Rhefia, and she gently pat my shoulder as we stared at the now empty clearing.

"You okay?"

Her voice was low and gentle, and I swallowed hard as I shook my head slightly.

Letting out a wry chuckle, I looked up at her with watery eyes as I muttered "No... it's so stupid, but... it hurts to leave this place. To pack it all up..."

Smiling a little, Rhefia pulled me closer to her body as she took a deep breath, her amber eyes floating around the clearing.

"It does feel weird, leaving this place. I mean, so much happened here. I met you, our two daughters were born here, we raised them into the women they are today... We laughed, cried, and made love here. This place could be considered a part of us, and now we have to leave it behind. For now, anyways. We could always return to see it, whenever you feel nostalgic."

Nodding, I sniffled slightly as I let my eyes dry out, before saying "Give me a moment... I want to put something here, as a marker or memorial..."

Stroking my hair, Rhefia's gentle smile made my pained heart ease up as she turned around, giving me space as she went to join the others, who were watching curiously from the forests edge.

Camara and Kalia seemed as sad as I was, while Aethisia seemed more excited then anything, her deep crimson eyes filled with anticipation as she shuffled around, glancing at me as she waited.

Moving towards the pond, I crouched down and stared at my reflection, smiling slightly as I recalled this same view months prior.

This was where I had woken up, a clean slate of a woman who was told she had reincarnated here, her memories sold for a system dedicated to pleasure and breeding.

Chuckling, I sifted through my inventory and found a stone pillar, a three foot tall, one foot wide pillar that was able to be engraved.

Using the chisel in the inventory, I engraved 'Starting place and home of Love, Dreams, and Family : Astra, Rhefia, Camara, Aethisia, Yiksa, Kalia' before placing it beside the pond, securing it into the ground.

Stepping back, I stared at it for a few more moments before nodding, turning away and walking over to the others.

"You okay Mama?"

Camara stepped forwards, her eyes filled with worry as she stared into my eyes, while Kalia walked forwards as well, her pink eyes just as worried as her oldest half sister.

Smiling at them, I pulled them in for a hug, muttering "Yeah, Mama's fine now... just needed a moment is all. What about you two? Are you feeling sad about leaving?"

Pulling back, I looked between them as they pursed their lips, both in deep thought.

"I... just a little, Mama."

"Yeah, it's weird leaving this place... it's all I've ever known, after all."

Like Rhefia had done for me, I stroked their hair before gesturing towards the forest, smiling slightly as I watched Camara climb up onto Rys, the large Geri huffing slightly before trotting forwards.

Like that, we set out into the lush Geard Forest, all of us walking while Camara rode on a Geri most of the time; she had wanted to walk alongside us, but we had all instantly told her that she would do no such thing, at least not the entire time.

With five large Geri trotting around us, as well as Rhefia in front and Aethisia in the back, we formed a miniature convoy as we trekked through the forest, most animals and other Geri frightened off by the sound and smells.

The two Deerkin were just as equipped as they were when they went out for their hunts, their large, heavy spears resting on their shoulders while their bows and quivers were slung on their back.

They showed no signs of being burdened by the weapons, and both seemed as excited as they could possibly be, their heads swiveling around as they smiled slightly at our surroundings, happy to be in the forest.

I was worried by how Aethisia might react to being inside a city for the first time, more so than the others; she thrived more in these woods, almost to the point that it seemed second nature for her to move between trees and over roots.

Kalia would be the second most affected, but I imagine that as long as there was some kind of park in the city she would be fine; unlike Aethisia, she preferred being inside most of the time anyways, and as long as we found a spot to camp at with some ground around us, she could create an impromptu garden to tend to.

Camara was the least of my worries in that regard as well, as she seemed rather adaptable, but of course that was just my own thinking; who knows if that's what she'll be like in reality.

We reached the base of Aoak Mountain that evening, and Rhefia allowed Aethisia and I to take two Geri and go look for some more ore, which was a fruitful endeavor.

Not only did I get another hundred some odd chunks, I also got some more Quetzalcoatl parts, which were likely rather valuable.

Returning to the camp, I enjoyed the basic stew that Camara had prepared with Kalia before laying down in my tent with Rhefia, my wife pampering me with gentle thrusts and tender kisses before we fell asleep, our first day away from the clearing, and our first day on the road now over.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts