
Reincarnated as the Legendary Assassin!

27-year old Vincent Wolfe VII is your normal, completely ordinary office worker, working a desk job on the 17th floor of the Tokyo Union Bank, he lives a monotonous routine everyday rarely ever changing it up One day, a group of armed men attempted to rob the bank’s safe using violent means. Vincent, being the stupid bastard he is, tried to stop the men resulting in him killing two of the six. Alas, he was shot multiple times and pushed out of the window, causing him to fall 17 stories to the cold concrete below. He awoke in a strange form, one that made him more powerful and deadly than he can ever imagine. *This story contains characters, locations, and plot points from Dragon Ball, One Piece, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Mushoku Tensei, Re:Zero, and others. *This story contains violence, sex, and shit of that nature *Shoutout to my boy Kendrick for reading over the chapters and helping me out‼️

AetherNether · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter I: Discovery

I awoke in a cold sweat and started heavily breathing. I quickly looked at my surroundings and saw that I was in a room I didn't recognize. I remember now... I died! But, if I bit the dust at my office, then why am I in a random room? Shouldn't I be at a hospital or something? I walked over to a mirror to see if I had any injuries and saw the form I was in. My skin was purple and I wore a dark purple, blue, and grey trenchcoat.

Vincent: What the hell is going on!?

MY VOICE IS DIFFERENT TOO?! Did a mad scientist get to my body or something?

????: You died and were reincarnated.

Vincent: Who just said that!?

I quickly looked around the room for the origin of the voice.

????: I'm in your head, dumbass.

Vincent: Well then get out!

????: Are you sure? Wouldn't you like to learn more about your current situation?

Vincent: I... *Sigh* Fine. Explain yourself, what is happening?

????: Your name is Hit, you're an assassin from Primithia, the destroyed kingdom-

Vincent: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're going a little too fast! I'm Hit? An assassin? Why am I in this body?!

????: As I said before, you were reincarnated-

Vincent: Reincarnated!? Shouldn't I get a whole new life? Why am I starting in someone else's body!?

????: Well, if you would do me a favor and shut the fuck up, I could explain everything!

Vincent: Alright, alright, my bad, continue.

????: So, you are the Legendary Assassin, Never-Miss Hit-


????: I'll just... ignore you. So, you are Hit, You're an assassin from Primithia, a destroyed kingdom in the westernmost part of the world. Your former life ended after you were shot to death while trying to retaliate against the robbers, which was incredibly stupid. I mean, you couldn't even kill one of them!

Vincent: Ok, last interruption. I killed two of them, did I not?

????: HA! Hell no! You dreamt all that up while being transported to this world! You are not that guy!

Vincent: Damn, this is some bullshit!

????: Anyways, you might wanna watch yourself, you are the Legendary Assassin after all.

Vincent: Uh, I'm sorry w h a t ?

????: You are Never-Miss Hit, known for killing his targets in one hit. Renowned for his Time-Skip ability, he is the world's most-wanted hitman.

Vincent: And I'm in his body?

????: Yeah.

Vincent: And everyone will think I'm him?

????: Yeah.

Vincent: Well, s h i t

????: Yeah, must suck to be you.

Vincent: Oh shut up… oh, I never got your name.

Spawn: Just call me Spawn. I'll be accompanying you until you die.

Vincent: Alright, Spawn, what should I do next?

Spawn: Let's get someplace else, I wanna see the sights!

Vincent: Right!

Walking out of the room, I was on the second floor of what appeared to be an inn. On the ground floor, there were many people of many different races. And I don't mean black and white, no, there were humans, animal people, and even what appears to be a devil!

Vincent: Hey, Spawn, what's with these people?

Spawn: Just your average rough clientele at a back-alley inn.

Vincent: Dead-end losers. Got it.

Spawn: Oh, look at Mr. High and Mighty! In the body of the Legendary Assassin and thinks he has moral leverage.

Vincent: You're acting like I did Hit's contracts or something!

Spawn: Whatever, just leave.

I quietly walked out of the backdoor and walked out into the street below, to my surprise, this world seemed to be underdeveloped. In fact, it looks like something straight out of a fantasy anime!

Vincent: Ain't this something?

Through the fields and town, I walked with no destination in mind. Just me, Spawn, and the great unknown!

Vincent: Alright, that's enough sightseeing. What now?

Spawn: Uh... That certainly is the question.

Vincent: Exactly, that's why I'm asking you.

Spawn: You are asking me, yes.

Vincent: So... You're gonna answer right?

Spawn: That's another question.

Vincent: Just say that you don't know.

Spawn: I don't know.

Vincent: *Sigh* Let's just go where the wind takes us.

We walked and talked for a while as we wandered aimlessly through the town until we got to a forest.

Vincent: It's safe to go in right? No crazy monsters waiting for me?

Spawn: Who knows? Besides, you're Never-Miss Hit! Just kill them!

Vincent: Yeah right, kill them with no weapons? I'd be crazy to try and box a monster!

Spawn: Well, this forest is situated next to a bustling town so it should be safe.

Vincent: Okay then. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Immediately upon entering the forest a lizard looking monster jumped out and attacked me.


Spawn: Just punch him! Hit has some strong muscles!

I got into a fighting stance and stared the lizard monster down. My body suddenly felt like it was heating up. The monster just gave me a fearful look and ran away.

Vincent: Haha! The bastard... ran... away... Why do I feel so tired...?

Spawn: You used the magic skill "Menace", which drained your mana.

Vincent: "Menace"? Mana...?

Spawn: A person's mana is directly tied to their soul, since you aren't used to magic so it makes sense that you got burned out using a skill.

Vincent: Ha... I'm so cool...

Spawn: Maybe you should take a break, mana passively regenerates after all.

Vincent: A break sounds... good...

I collapsed on the ground as the world faded to black. After a while, I slowly came to my feet in a peaceful-looking land. The grass was a calming green and the calm crashes of the water against the seaside eased my soul. The land was completed with a sunset that was too beautiful to put into words.

Vincent: This... This is it. Is this heaven?

I sat down at a cliff that overlooked the vast ocean that seemed to go on forever, I was mesmerized by the land I failed to sense that someone crept up and hit me in the back of the head.

Vincent: Ow...

I turned and saw the same man I saw in the mirror when I woke up. It was no mistake. It was Never-Miss Hit, the Legendary Assassin!

Hit: So you're the one in my body.

Vincent: Yeah, but you didn't have to hit me!

Hit: Why are you in my body?

Vincent: That's something I've been trying to figure out!

Hit: Just who are you?

Vincent: I'm Vincent, Vincent Wolfe VII. Now then, if you don't mind I'd like to ask YOU a question, what do I do?

Hit: What do you mean?

Vincent: I'm in YOUR body. That means everyone thinks I'm you. That's an issue.

Hit: Have you figured out any magic skills?

Vincent: I just used "Menace" which drained my mana, but other than that no.

Hit: Learn up on some skills and it'll be fine.

Vincent: Another thing, where are we?

Hit: I have no clue, I went to sleep at an inn and woke up here.

Hit looked down toward my legs and had a shocked expression, I was fading away!

Vincent: W-what the hell!?

Hit: You're... fading.


Hit: I don't know, I've never seen someone fade like that. Except for that hakai...

Vincent: Oh God! I'm too young to die!

Hit: Hey V#n###t ## ######### ### #### ##






Vincent: H-hit? What were trying to say...?

????: It's about time you woke up.