
Weak and helpless.

Gohan, Robin, and King Kobra returned to the palace. "We are going to announce all the crimes that Crocodile had committed in Alabasta after a few minutes," said King Kobra. "Okay! But don't announce our involvement because it will be bad for your reputation," said Gohan.

"But you guys are the heroes of this country. Every citizen should know about that," said Kobra. "No! We are not heroes. We are pirates!" said Luffy as he walked towards them while eating some fruits. "He is right! Those who should know already know about it. No need to tell anybody else about this," said Gohan.

Meanwhile, on the Marine's side, Smoker was having a very busy day. "This bastard!!! He has caused so much trouble," muttered Smoker while looking at Crocodile's body. "Did you guys catch everyone else?" he asked while looking at Tashigi.

Tashigi adjusted her glasses and replied, "Yes, we found five of the top agents of Baroque Works, but they were badly injured." "Must be Straw Hat's doing," said Smoker. "Impossible! They didn't look like they had a fight with someone when we saw them last night. How can it be possible for them to get this strong so quickly?" said Tashigi in shock.

"Didn't you notice their body language last night? None of them were afraid of us. By their behavior, it felt like they could defeat us easily," said Smoker with a frown. Tashigi bit her lips in frustration.

"Take care of the other things while I'll report to the headquarters," said Smoker and took out the Den-Den Mushi.

At the Marine's headquarters, in Sengoku's office, Sengoku and Tsuru were discussing something when his Den-Den Mushi started ringing. He picked up the call, "Sengoku speaking." "Fleet admiral, it's me, Smoker. I have called to report about Alabasta," said Smoker.

"How's the situation now?" asked Sengoku. "The situation is much better now. The Warlord has been defeated, and his organization Baroque Works has also been destroyed," reported Smoker.

"He got defeated already? Who did it? Death Demon?" asked Sengoku in surprise. "No! It was his captain, Straw Hat Luffy, who defeated Crocodile. And the other Straw Hats took down the top officers of Baroque Works," said Smoker.

"They have become so strong! They must have gotten injured as well. I'll send reinforcements; try to catch them," said Sengoku. "You are misunderstanding something, Fleet admiral. I saw Straw Hats' condition after the fight. None of them looked like they had a battle with anyone," said Smoker.

Sengoku's eyes widened. "What?? Even Straw Hat Luffy?" asked Sengoku. "Yes, none of them looked tired or injured," replied Smoker. Sengoku was having a hard time believing that. He sighed and said, "Ok! Send Crocodile to Impel Down," said Sengoku.

"About that..." said Smoker. "What is it?" asked Sengoku, having a bad feeling. "He's dead! Straw hat Luffy killed him," replied Smoker. Sengoku started to rub his temples. "Then send whoever is alive to Impel Down," he ordered. "Yes, sir," replied Smoker.

"Is there anything else you want to report?" asked Sengoku. "Actually, there is something I want to ask you, Fleet admiral. I forgot to ask it previously," said Smoker. "What is it?" asked Sengoku. "What happened to Ohara?" asked Smoker.

Sengoku and Tsuru's eyes widened in shock. "Why are you asking about it?" said Sengoku. "Because Nico Robin has joined the Straw Hat Pirates," said Smoker. Both Sengoku and Tsuru stood up after hearing that.

"Are you sure?" asked Sengoku. "Yes, they told me themselves. Now, can you tell me about Ohara?" asked Smoker. "No! Only the Admirals can know about that. You are only a captain. There's no way I can tell you about that. Anything else?" asked Sengoku.

Smoker sighed and said, "I have a more suitable moniker for the Death Demon," said Smoker with a smile. After that, he told Sengoku about his suggestion, but Sengoku was not sure about it. "Are you sure it's a suitable moniker for him? Do you have any personal grudge against him?" asked Sengoku.

"I am very sure! And you yourself have talked to him; you should have noticed it too," replied Smoker. "But what's with this description?" asked Sengoku speechlessly. "It's for the normal people; it will help them to beware of him," replied Smoker.

After that, they cut the call. Sengoku sighed and asked, "Should I send a Vice-admiral after them?" "No! It will bring too much attention to the Straw Hats. That bird Morgan will get suspicious. Then it will be hard to hide the incident of Conomi Islands. Let's monitor their movements for now," said Tsuru. "The Five Elders will not be happy about Crocodile's death," said Sengoku.

On the other side, 'So, they're hiding something about Ohara,' Smoker thought. He then called another person. "Beruberuberu... beruberuberu... kachaa... Hello Vice-Admiral Garp, it's me, Smoker," said Smoker as soon as the call was picked up.

"What do you want, brat?" asked Garp in a grumpy voice. "I want to ask you if that offer is still valid that you gave me when I was in the training camp," asked Smoker. "Hm? So, you can finally see the light, huh! But are you sure? I don't hold back when I train someone," said Garp.

Smoker gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I am sure." "I am sure too," suddenly a female voice sounded beside Smoker. Smoker looked to his right and found Tashigi standing there. "What are you doing here, Tashigi?" he asked. "Please let me join too, Vice-Admiral," said Tashigi, ignoring Smoker's question.

"Oh! And why should I take you in?" asked Garp. Tashigi clenched her fists and said, "I don't want to remain weak. I don't want to feel helpless ever again. So please accept me," said Tashigi. "Hmm... Ok! Go to Loguetown. I will meet you guys there," said Garp.

"Loguetown? Are you going to the Conomi Islands?" asked Smoker. "Yes..." replied Garp with a heavy heart. "Then we will meet you there," said Smoker. After ending the call, Smoker looked towards Tashigi and said, "Let's speed up the process here so that we can leave from here as soon as possible."

While Smoker and Tashigi were busy cleaning up the mess, the Straw Hats were enjoying their time at the Royal Palace. Everyone was having lunch at the time. "I think we should leave today," said Gohan.

Everyone else looked towards him. "Why? We just came here today," said Luffy. Everyone else nodded at that. "Because it will be bad if the news got leaked that we are staying in the Palace," said Gohan.

"People will think that the Royal family has been compromised, and the World Government can use this as an excuse to launch an attack on this country," said Robin. Vivi and her father got nervous after hearing that.

"Then we will leave tonight," said Luffy. "What are you going to do, Vivi? Are you coming with us?" asked Nami. Everyone else also looked at Vivi. Vivi had a conflicted face. "I..."

"I know you want to help your people by staying here, but if you decide to stay, you will remain weak and helpless," said Gohan. "But I can't leave my people in this situation," said Vivi. "Then what will you do if another pirate like Crocodile attacks this Kingdom? Will you search for a pirate crew like ours to help you?" asked Gohan.

"But we will help Vivi; she's our friend after all," said Sanji. "What if we couldn't get here in time? Crocodile could trample all over you guys because you are weak. If you want to protect your country by your own strength, come with us," said Gohan.

"But isn't it bad for her as a princess to sail with a pirate crew?" asked Usopp. Everyone else was also worried about that issue. "That's not an issue; I already have a perfect solution for that. So are you in or not?" asked Gohan.

But before Vivi could reply, Kobra said, "Go with them! I want you to become a strong ruler who can protect this country." "Father? But what if someone attacks us again when I am not here?" asked Vivi. "Don't worry! Nobody is going to create trouble here for a while because of what happened here. Marines will make sure of that," said Gohan.

Vivi finally smiled and said, "Everyone, please take care of me." Everyone started celebrating after that. But Zoro looked towards Gohan and asked, "So what is your perfect solution? Because even if she disguises herself, someone will notice her absence from here."

Gohan smiled and said, "You guys wait here; I'll be back in a few minutes." Gohan disappeared and appeared in the sky. "Let's hope they didn't take him away," he muttered as he flew away in a certain direction in high speed.

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