

What happens when a normal anime lover gets reincarnated into the one piece world. this is my first time writing a novel. so keep the criticism coming. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to one piece or DBZ. all the rights belong to the original authors.

Kai_sensei · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Beast Man!!

Gohan was burning with jealousy. "Doesn't that transformation look like Super Saiyan 4? Who the hell is the real Saiyan here?!" he thought while gritting his teeth. But no one noticed his frustration; everyone was marveling over Luffy's new transformation.

"Luffy looks so different now," said Vivi in surprise. "That bastard has gone beyond Ha-Ki mode," said Zoro with a grin. "That means we can also go beyond it," commented Sanji with a smile. "Wow! Captain became so strong!" said Merry.

"Ha-Ki mode 2... Beast Man!" announced Luffy as he took a fighting stance. Aokiji was so shocked that his eyes were almost about to pop out. 'His strength has reached an Admiral's level!!! What the hell is wrong with this guy?! I have to end it quickly. There's no way we can allow this guy to sail any longer,' he thought with a serious expression.

He appeared before Luffy and threw a punch at him, but Luffy just grabbed his fist. "Aren't you using that Haki technique anymore?" asked Luffy with a confused look. Aokiji was shocked by how easily Luffy had stopped his punch. "It was my mistake to show you that technique. Now, I finally understand how dangerous you guys are, so I will not be showing any more of the advanced Haki techniques," stated Aokiji.

Luffy got disappointed after hearing that, while Zoro and Sanji clicked their tongues. Luffy then pulled Aokiji towards himself, but Aokiji raised his hands to protect himself from the possible punch. However, Luffy gave him an uppercut and sent him flying into the sky.

'He is faster than me? How is that possible?' thought Aokiji while still in the air. On the ground, Luffy looked at Aokiji's figure descending to the ground and pulled both his hands back. "Gum Gum... Super Sonic Gatling!" shouted Luffy.

Luffy's hands disappeared, and Aokiji started getting hit by invincible punches all over his body. 'His punches are too fast for me to dodge, and even though I am using advanced Armament Haki, it hurts like hell,' thought Aokiji.

"Luffy's hands disappeared," said Chopper in shock. "No, they didn't disappear; he is attacking so fast that it looks like they have disappeared," commented Usopp. Everyone turned towards him. "Can you see his hands, Usopp?" asked Sanji, as he and the others couldn't see Luffy's hands.

"I can only see some blurs occasionally. I have never seen anyone move that fast before," replied Usopp. But the most shocked one was Robin. 'He is holding his own against an Admiral. That means... Gohan was telling the truth; he can take them on by himself,' thought Robin and clenched her fist in excitement.

Suddenly, Gohan frowned as he looked at Luffy. Just then, Luffy's attack stopped, and his body started to shrink. "What's going on?" asked Vivi in worry. "Looks like he hasn't mastered his new transformation yet," commented Gohan.

Luffy's body shrunk so much that he looked like a child. "Oh shit!" shouted Luffy in a childish voice. Aokiji finally landed on the ground and took a deep breath. His clothes were damaged because of taking all those punches.

"You scared me a little there, but it looks like you haven't mastered that form yet. Anyways, it's about time to end this," said Aokiji and threw a punch at kid Luffy. But suddenly someone grabbed his hand. "You Marines sure like to abuse kids," said Gohan as he had appeared beside them and grabbed Aokiji's arm.

'How did he appear here without me noticing him? Even Kizaru can't get near me like that. How fast is this guy?!' thought Aokiji in fear. He tried to pull his hand back, but he couldn't get free from Gohan's grasp. So he tried to use his Devil fruit ability, "Ice...?" But Gohan didn't let him and let out a burst of Ki which pushed Aokiji away.

Aokiji landed a few meters away from Gohan. 'What kind of power is that? It was so strong! Hm? I can't sense it anymore. Who exactly are you, Gohan?' thought Aokiji as he now felt hesitant to continue the fight.

"That was a great showing, captain! Even I am jealous of your new transformation," said Gohan with a smile, and Luffy just grinned in reply. "Hey, Mr. Admiral! Why don't we end this here? You were not here to fight us anyway," said Gohan.

Aokiji frowned, but after thinking for a bit, he let out a sigh and replied, "Fine with me. I was just here to see what Nico Robin was up to after joining you guys. But let me warn you; she'll betray you guys like all those people she has been with in the past," said Aokiji while looking towards Robin.

Robin bit her lips, and her face turned pale. Gohan started grinning and walked towards Aokiji. Straw hats started to sweat since they knew that Gohan was angry.

"When you are an eight-year-old child and the whole world is after your life, you don't really have a choice, do you? You, of all people who had witnessed a genocide and didn't do anything to stop it, have no right to question her morals," said Gohan.

Aokiji's expression changed. 'How did he know that?' He thought in anger. "You...?" He tried to say something, but Gohan appeared before him and punched him in the gut. Aokiji's eyes widened; he grabbed his stomach and vomited a mouthful of blood. 'What?' He thought and dropped to his knees.

'It was just a punch! So why do I feel so powerless?' thought Aokiji and tried to raise his head, but he was not able to do that. "If you say even a single word now, it will become the last word of your life," warned Gohan and started walking towards the crew.

Aokiji didn't try to say anything because he was sure that Gohan would kill him for sure. "Okay, everyone! Say thank you to Mr. Admiral for entertaining us, and let's continue our journey," said Gohan while walking towards them.

Everyone sweat-dropped after hearing that, but Chopper asked, "Should I treat his wounds?" "No need! He's just a little shaken, that's all," said Gohan. Everyone got on board and started waving their hands towards Aokiji. "Goodbye, Mr. Admiral. Please take care of yourself," shouted Chopper.

Aokiji finally was able to look up and wanted to cry after hearing that. 'Take care? You guys are the reason that I am in this state,' he thought with a resigned look on his face.