

What happens when a normal anime lover gets reincarnated into the one piece world. this is my first time writing a novel. so keep the criticism coming. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to one piece or DBZ. all the rights belong to the original authors.

Kai_sensei · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

A frog in the well.

Gohan stopped thinking about the Devil Fruit and looked at Cricket, who was looking emotional. "Your ancestors were not liars. Sky Island exists, and I am pretty sure that the City of Gold also exists," Cricket nodded his head with a smile.

Gan Fall was having a conversation with the others. He gave them a whistle to call for him if they were to get in a tricky situation. After Gan Fall left, they started looking for a way to get to the Sky Island.

"Look! There are some weird clouds," said Chopper while looking toward a certain direction. Everyone looked toward the direction where Chopper was looking and found a waterfall of clouds. "Let's go there," said Zoro.

They started sailing toward the waterfall, but after a short distance, Nami told them to stop because there were some strange clouds blocking their path. Gohan jumped on one of the clouds. "Wow! These are really soft and bouncy. I have an idea! Why don't we take some of these with us? It will be useful for bedding and other stuff," said Gohan.

Luffy and Usopp also jumped onto the clouds and started to play. "But we don't have a lot of space," said Nami. Gohan looked at her as if she were an idiot and said, "They have very low density; we can fit a lot of these clouds in a small space. After upgrading the Merry, we can make bedding for everyone with them," said Gohan with a smile.

Everyone got excited about it. "Upgrading Merry?" asked Luffy. "Yes, our crew is getting bigger, it's getting too crowded here. And Merry wasn't made to sail in these kinds of environments. So when we reach Water Seven, we will hire some top-notch shipwrights to transform Merry into the best ship in the world," declared Gohan.

"Yosh! Merry will be the best ship ever!" shouted Luffy. "What's Water Seven?" asked Vivi. "That's an island which has the best shipwrights in the world. If we want to get a shipwright as a crewmate, that's the right place for that," said Gohan with a smile.

"But we will need a lot of money to upgrade Merry," said Nami. "Yes, and we will get it here in Sky Island. There's literally a city of gold in this place," said Gohan. He looked towards Zoro and said, "Zoro! Give me one of your swords." "Why do you want a sword?" asked Zoro. "Obviously to cut these clouds," replied Gohan.

Zoro gave him the sword. Gohan took the sword and thought, 'This is the first time that I am holding a sword. Yes! That's it.' He started smiling and raised the sword over his head. "By the Power of Grayskull!... I have the Power!!!!" Gohan shouted as the sword started shining.

Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper started clapping and praising, while the rest of the crew looked at him weirdly. "What are you doing?" asked Zoro as his face twitched. "I always wanted to do that. That was a very famous ritual from my world," said Gohan with a smile.

After having his fun, he started cutting the clouds. They squeezed all the clouds in a big box and continued to sail towards the waterfall. When they got near the waterfall, they saw a big gate named Heaven's Gate. There they met a woman named Amazon; she told them that they have to pay one billion Extols per person to enter Skypiea.

"How much is that in berries?" asked Gohan. Amazon looked annoyed by his question and replied, "One hundred thousand berries." "That's still very expensive," said Vivi. "You can enter without paying as well," said Amazon. "Really? Then let's go!" shouted Luffy.

"But how do we get there?" asked Nami. Then suddenly, a big shrimp grabbed Merry and started climbing the waterfall. "This thing is so fast!" said Sanji. Everyone grabbed onto something to save themselves from falling over.

After a few seconds later, they saw an entrance. Once they got through the entrance, they saw an island before them. "So beautiful..." said Vivi. "So that map was real," said Robin as she looked at the name of the island. "Skypiea... that means that ship really fell down from here," said Nami.

Luffy and Usopp jumped down and started playing on the beach. 'This place is amazing,' thought Gohan. Everyone started jumping down; Cricket also joined them. After a few seconds later, they met Conis. She helped Luffy in making a hole in the fruit, which looked like a pumpkin.

Nami wanted to get some information about Skypiea, but they were interrupted by the arrival of Conis's father, Pagaya. "What is that thing?" asked Nami while looking at the waver. "That's a waver," replied Conis.

Cricket's eyes widened after hearing that. "This is the waver that Noland saw," he said. Pagaya collided with a tree but luckily didn't get hurt. Conis told him about them, and he invented them. Nami asked while inspecting the waver, "How did it move without sails?" Pagaya then told them about Dials while Luffy tried to drive the waver and failed miserably.

Conis and Pagaya told them that it is very difficult to ride a waver, but Nami was able to drive it pretty easily. Luffy became jealous of her and started shouting, but Sanji kicked him for shouting at Nami. But suddenly, he looked up with a serious expression.

"Did you sense him too?" asked Gohan. Luffy nodded and said, "He can sense us too." "Yes, he can, but it doesn't matter. He is just a frog that doesn't know how big the world is," said Gohan with a smile, while everyone else looked at them in confusion.

"What are you guys talking about?" asked Zoro with a confused look on his face. "It's nothing important," replied Gohan. Pagaya then invited them to his house. Everyone left with Pagaya and Conis except for Nami, who was busy riding the waver.

Pagaya told them about how the different types of clouds are formed and how they use them on the way to his house. Sanji offered to help him in cooking while Conis showed them the different kinds of Dials.

"Can you show us where we can buy these Dials?" asked Gohan. Conis agreed to take them to buy Dials. Sanji came with the food; while they were enjoying the food, Sanji looked out of the balcony and asked, "Where's Nami-san?" "She's outside," replied Usopp. "She's not there," said Sanji.

"Don't worry! She is fine. I can sense her," assured Luffy. But Pagaya and Conis were still worried and told them about the Upper Yard. They told them that it's forbidden to set foot on the Upper Yard, and God Enel will punish anyone who tries to go there.

After eating, they returned to the angle beach as Luffy wanted to go

to the Upper Yard. But the wind was blowing in the opposite direction. After a few minutes later, they were approached by White Berets who crawled toward them.

"Who are these guys?" asked Luffy. "They look like weirdos," commented Usopp. "Heso!" They greeted. "Heso! Wha?" replied Pagaya and Conis. "So, you guys are the ones who came from the Blue Sea and entered Skypiea illegally," said McKinley while looking at Luffy and others.

He then told them that they would have to pay ten billion Extols per person as punishment for entering illegally. Luffy and Usopp tried to argue, but he kept upgrading their crime level. Gohan looked at McKinley and asked, "Oye! Can you fly with those wings on your back?"

"Why do you want to know that? Let me tell you asking irrelevant questions is also a crime," said McKinley. Gohan smiled and appeared behind him. "Then show me if you can fly or not," Gohan said and threw him away. He then looked towards the remaining White Berets and asked, "Do you guys want to swim in the Blue Sea?"

White Berets started backing away. "You don't know what you have done. Now the priests themselves will punish you guys," said one of them. Suddenly, multiple arms emerged from their bodies and broke their necks."