
Reincarnated as Ash Ketchum In Pokémon

Disclaimer- I don't own pokemon I only own the si/MC - English is Not my native language.So,there might be some errors - This story is written as I watch pokemon series simultaneously - If any one has any suggestions or ideas comment or write a review so that I can improve its quality

Youu_Teen · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Ch-3: Veridian City Unveiled

( Marcus is just a normal boy in ash body with hazy memories of ash and the world. Marcus may act suprised to many things and mistakes and also from now I will not say Marcus but ash in following stories because it is confusing for me. So enjoy the story)


Veridian City welcomed Ash, but there was

something amiss. There was no sign of the infamous Spearow flock that had pursued him relentlessly in the animated series. Ash scratched his head in bewilderment. Had he misremembered the events? Perhaps the Spearow's behavior in the show was influenced by the powerful alpha Spearow he captured, the one with the abilities Sniper and Keen Eye.

The absence of the furious avian Pokémon made Ash to believe that perhaps the alpha Spearow had played main role in coordinating their actions. Or maybe, just maybe, the world he now inhabited followed a slightly different set of rules.

As he pondered this inconsistency, his train of thought was interrupted by a no-nonsense voice. "Hey, Mister, show your ID or Pokédex for verification," said Officer Jenny, appearing before him. Without hesitation, Ash handed over his Pokédex. It emitted the familiar sound and declared, "I'm Dexter, given to Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town by Professor Oak."

With a professional nod, Officer Jenny returned the Pokédex to Ash, explaining that the verification process was essential to distinguish trainers from potential criminals. Her stern demeanor faded as she noticed Ash's curiosity about a wanted poster on the wall. It depicted none other than Jessie, James, and their clever companion, Meowth—the infamous Team Rocket trio. She warned Ash that they had been recently spotted in the vicinity of Veridian City, suggesting that their activities were not limited to mere mischief.

Ash had seen Team Rocket's antics countless times in the animated series, but the thought of encountering them in the real world sent a chill down his spine.

Without lingering on the danger Team Rocket posed, Ash sped off towards the Pokémon Center on Misty's bicycle. Inside, he encountered the familiar scene of Nurse Joy in her traditional uniform, accompanied by Chansey. The Pokémon Center's uniformity across Kanto was both comforting and perplexing. As he handed over his Pokémon for healing, Ash's mind drifted to the numerous Centers he'd visited in the animated world. These sanctuaries were a symbol of safety and reliability.

Yet, as he waited at the counter, Ash was taken aback to see Nurse Joy replaced by another familiar face, her cousin. This nurse was virtually identical to her many relatives, from her pink hair to her professional demeanor. She smiled at Ash and swiftly initiated the registration process, asking for his ID or Pokédex.

Once the registration was complete, she handed Ash's Pokédex back to him, informing him that, as a trainer sponsored by Professor Oak, his Pokémon would receive complimentary healing. She then shifted her focus to the subject of the Indigo League and the accompanying 200 Pokédollar administration fee.

Without hesitation, Ash transferred the required amount, officially registering himself for the league. As he received a card bearing the number "69," and was told to wait until the number was announced.

Entering the PC room, Ash couldn't help but be amazed by the modern technology available. The computer now offered several new tabs: "Communication," "News," "Trade," and "Quest." It was as if the world of Pokémon had integrated seamlessly with cutting-edge technology.

Ash then saw a small *?* in the corner of the pc he then clicked that option and it explained the details about the options for the newbie trainer about how communication option is for calling, News is for the anything that recently happened which should be known to a trainer, Trade is for trading pokemon with any trainer their Pokémon and at last quest option is for the quests given by pokemon association to the Advance trainer only .

Ash's exploration of the computer's capabilities was momentarily interrupted by a video call. It was his mother, her face beaming through the screen. "Is that you, Ash? Where are you right now?"

Ash replied with enthusiasm, "Yes, Mom, it's me! I'm at the Pokémon Center in Veridian City. The journey has been incredible so far."

His mother's eyes twinkled with motherly affection as she shared a tidbit. "You know, Ash, your father took three days to reach there. Professor Oak mentioned that he's eager to speak with you. And remember, don't push yourself too hard. Take care, Ash."

With a warm farewell, they ended the call, leaving Ash with a sense of longing for home. His journey was in full swing, but the connection to his family remained a cherished comfort.

Ash then dialed Professor Oak's number and was greeted by his mentor's smiling visage. The professor was keen to know about Ash's progress and was visibly delighted when Ash showed him his Pokédex, which displayed two Poké Ball symbols, signifying the capture of his first Pokémon.

There was a glint in Oak's eyes as he chuckled. "Ash, boy, thanks to you, I've won a bet against Gary, a bet worth a million Pokédollars. And speaking of Pikachu, is it still your Pokémon?" Oak inquired, fully aware of the unique bond between Ash and his iconic partner.

Ash hesitated, his gaze drifting towards Pikachu. "I don't know, Professor. It's a bit complicated."

Oak, showing great empathy, responded, "I understand, Ash. And i have a deal for making me win a bet . I will give you a pokemon from kanto region in its first form but no dragon type ".

Just then, a jovial sound emanated from the PC room's speakers, announcing, "Number 69, please come to the counter."

Oak chuckled and said, "It seems you have a decision to make, Ash. Take your time and think it over. I'll be here whenever you're ready."

Ash nodded, ending the call, his mind buzzing with possibilities. In the bustling Pokémon Center of Veridian City, Ash approached the counter with eager anticipation. There, he found Pikachu looking healthier than ever, as though it had never been in the midst of a fierce battle with the relentless Spearow.

As the electric mouse Pokémon stood before him, Ash reached for Spearow's Poké Ball, a symbol of their shared past and a fierce battle.

Turning to Pikachu, Ash extended his hand in a gesture that was both apologetic and conciliatory. "I'm really sorry, Pikachu," he began, his voice carrying a tone of genuine regret. "You got hurt because of me, and I take full responsibility for that."

Pikachu gazed at Ash with understanding in its eyes, responding with a soft "Pii pika." The conversation paused for a brief moment, the unspoken words lingering in the air, as if both of them were unsure of how to proceed.

Breaking the awkward silence, Ash took a deep breath, his determination evident. "Our deal is complete, Pikachu," he continued, looking into his companion's eyes. "I've received a new Pokémon, and we're here in Veridian City. Now it's time for me to keep my end of the bargain. I'll release you if that's what you want."

The decision was left in Pikachu's paws, and it was a moment of profound significance for both Trainer and Pokémon, as they stood on the precipice of a new chapter in their journey.

( As in this story Pikachu wasn't injured by herd of spearow due to over exerting himself but due to inhaling water in his lungs and is still considered what to do now let's see what happens and also comment a pokemon which you want to give it to ash . I'm thinking of giving either a gastly or Abra )