
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

secrets out

"5 minutes later"

now introducing her magasty queen ezray

bow before lady ezray i bowed she said in a comanding voice rise so i did she said i could call her ezray some of the nobels looked like i just killed the whole family in front of them ezray said i as the queen hereby grant you the rank of grand magus a.. but youre magisty this boy is a thilthy

commonor a nobal said SHUT UP YOU INSULINT FOOL let me finnish i also grant you the tital of cardinal half of the nobility where in shock or

in fear that the queens went mad i queen ezray also bestow the bronze dragon slaying medal and the govening rights over the enero dominian at this point i wanted to cry over this queen in our first interaction she proved 3 things to me

1. shes impulsive 2. has a temper 3. she has almost no filter

now boy since you are the first cardinal i have apontied tell me youre name my name is enoch

well enoch please demonstrate youre magic

yes ofcorse but i warn you i can be a bit destructive oh its fine ive allready run this kingdom millions of gold in repairs from my ice magic go ahead {system would it be weird if i use moon magic} [maby shocking but no]

(create moon palidin armour and weapon)

WHAT MOON MAGIC ezray shouted

now for (enchand moon godess blessing)(enchant fate godess blessing)

This this is the true talent of a mage moon magic

wait enoch what are youre titals i belive we should discuss this in privite ohh yess yess ofcorse ( ice conglomarance) suddenly a ice dome surrounded me and ezray this private enough yes it works well spill

ok so my titals are {system open titals}


child of the moon godess

blessed by the fate godess

the great protector

one with the nobals

hated buy the sun]

my titals are child of the moon godess blessed by the fate godess the great protector one with the nobals and hated buy the sun ahh so youre blessed by the godess of fate and child of the moon godess so whats youre top three stats

vitality durability and intelect wait durability is only given to an object so what are you she asked

well im a tree a tree she said yes a elder moon oak wait theres only 1 tree in this world so how old are you she asked well technacly im around 2 years but im accualy 20 what do you mean

well i wasent planning on telling this but i am from a magic less world called earth i died when i was 18 but reincartated as a tree huuu so youre human turned tree back to human yes but those trees are well trees she said well yes put i have a skills called human form and walking tree i replyed so where are you from {systme where is my forrest at} [get a map i shall burn a hole where the forrest is] i need a map i said ok she waved her hand a map appered suddenly i small hole burned through i said that where i rule what she said so youre like a king all ready hmm ye pretty much