
Reincarnated as a cheat: The life of a slime goblin.(Hiatus)

It's the story of a man who lives an unhappy life. He has no friends or family and a job he hates the only thing he loves are the animes,mangas and novels. He always loved isekai the most and always wanted to get summoned or reincarnated in another world. One day he was crossing the road and a truck(truck-kun) came and made his wish true. Now the MC is reincarnated as a goblin but not just a normal goblin he's a special goblin that can only be described as a cheat. Now our MC will start his new life as a cheat goblin in a new world.

Kiony_Fey · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter-5: No need to rush.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

My breathing was still deep as I sited on the ground and looked at the green bloodied corpse in front of me.

(It's nauseating but for some reason, I don't feel anything looking at it. Just like before, I only see it as a food source and nothing more... Is this what I've become? Is this who I am now?)

While I gazed at the corpse my thoughts and feelings started to build-up as if I had been avoiding them previously, and now that they've caught up with me, I'll have to listen to their lecture.

(I feel weird, I know I'm not the same... I'm not a human anymore, but is my humanity, really that valuable?.... Actually, what is humanity to begin with? What makes me or better, what made me a human?)

My thoughts started wandering from one point to the other, something in me thinks I should stop before I harm myself, but I couldn't put these thoughts aside without finding an answer.

(Well, what makes me human should be my ability to logically think and analyze the situation without giving in to my feelings or desires, right? Isn't that what separates animals from humans? Logic, right?.... But, isn't the real focus of humanity morality and compassion? Yes, the eternal conflict between right and wrong..... The problem is if what I'm saying is right, doesn't that make those with no conscience or emotions inhuman?)

My thoughts got more and more astray from the world around me with no straight conclusions.

(What am I even trying to accomplish with that? I'm no psychologist... All I have to focus on is the situation ahead of me, all the rest can come later. I'm a monster now, these worries should no longer resonate with me, the past is the past and it has no place in my present or my future)

I decide to shut my thoughts down seeing how they seem to only confuse me more, my drive for an answer continues but is now overshadowed by my more prevalent worries.

(I should worry about my survival and how I want to live from now on, rather than pursue meaningless thoughts.)

I forced myself to forget my ideas as I didn't want to have to think about them, so I decided not to.

I got up and moved closer to the goblin corpse with now cold eyes and some disdain, of which I don't know if it was directed towards the goblin or...

(This skill, that keeps helping me suppress these feelings... Is it helping me?.... Forget it, more pressing matters are at hand.)


I sigh heavily with the weight I've just buried left behind in my mind.

The wind is soft and breezy, the dirt smell entered my nostrils as I let out my last deep breath before I slap myself with both my hands from the sides and smile.

"I have to continue... With this one down there are fewer goblins to worry about, but I can't yet handle that many myself. I guess this means my hunt for weaker prey continues."(Protagonist)

I say then I proceed to store the goblin in my inventory and leave the body behind since my inventory only stores the loot and doesn't affect the physical body.

(Maybe I could infiltrate a goblin village and take over instead of just leaving... But even if I did manage to infiltrate, would I be able to take it over?)

I question myself in my mind as this thought brings an interesting possibility to my list of things to accomplish. I came to this world with the intent to explore it and conquer it eventually, so that wouldn't be a bad start.

(I'll try that later when I have a better understanding of my own and their strength.)

After making my decision I move in the opposite direction to that of the goblin group.

(Maybe I should stop living like a nomad and should instead make myself a home... Even if I do make a home, I think it should be somewhere near a river, just in case my magic powers become ineffective or some unexpected situation, having a water source is always good. I would also have access to fish as food, but I absolutely hate fish, their taste and texture bother me and I can always just hunt whatever animals come by the river.)

As I move to find new prey, I decide to make myself a home near a river once I find one.

(Wait a second?!... Other animals, why am I so focused on hunting monsters?! Shouldn't animals also give me exp?)

I came to this realization while thinking of making my own home, I was so focused on the fact this is another world with magic and monsters that I overlooked animals... In the isekai stories, I read before the normal animals become magical beasts and gain strength and speed that far suppresses theirs on earth, sometimes they even gain magical powers of their own.

Those creatures might be way more dangerous than they were on earth, but if I focus on small animals like rabbits, deers, weasels, and such, I don't think I'll lose.

"It seems there's no need to rush."(Protagonist)

I say as I understand that I am being too hurried with my little hunting adventure, and there's no one I have to meet or anything, and even though I do want to see the human side of things in this world, I can just take things slow, it's just like I said before 'Let's go step by step'.

After defining that I continue walking towards the unknown, this time stopping by from time to time just to appreciate the flora and to get familiar with it, if I'm going to take my time and look around might as well make it useful and get familiar with the type of plants around.

I collect some herbs in my way and ill apprise them later.

By coincidence, I found a bunch of rabbits hopping around. I immediately hide in the bushes and observe them from the distance.

A few white-furred rabbits with the size of a typical high schooler bag with red eyes and one horn on their forehead, stand before my eyes.

The way they move doesn't look any different from the normal ones, or at least what I think normal rabbits do since I've never had contact with an actual rabbit.

(They are quite cute and I'm weak to cuteness, it melts my heart to look at cute animals but I also never got myself a pet in my past life, and that's due to the fact I never thought I would be able to properly take care of one.)

(Maybe I'll get myself a pet in this new life! Yeah! I'll have to think about that later.)

While I got distracted thinking of maybe getting myself a pet, one of the big rabbits jumped against a small tree.


The impact echoed in this area of the forest and some birds started flying away in response, while the tree that was hit now has a pretty deep dent. It looks like I would be able to now take that tree down quite easily just with my hands.

(It's surprisingly strong even if we consider that it's only a small tree, but why did it attack the tree?)

I attentively observe the big rabbit as it shakes its head as if it's regaining posture after attacking.

(It looks so adorable! With its little nose and big ears!)

The excitement in me was taking over for a second before I started shaking my head and once again focused on the rabbit as prey.

(I like cute animals the most but I'm here to grind exp.)

<Godly Demonic purple eyes>

I use my appraisal skill to make sure I can deal with my opponent.


Horned rabbit


Age:7 years old


Race:Rabbit (100%Rabbit)












Bite-lv-1, horned impact-lv-2, hoping-lv-3, Jump-lv-2, Rabbit language.




Cute terror

[Bite: This skill increases the bitting strength by 5%.

The percentage is increased when the skill levels up.

Skill can optionally be activated when the user bites something or someone.]

[Horned Impact: This skill allows the user to increase the speed and power of a horn attack.

The power and speed increase is defined by the level of the skill and the STR stat.

Skill can only be used by individuals with horns.]

[Hopping: Increases the hopping speed by 15%.

The percentage is increased when the skill levels up.

Passive skill- It is active at all times.]

[Jump: slightly increases the jumping height and speed of the user.

For better results please level up the skill.]

[Cute terror: This title is given to creatures that have a cute exterior but a very blood lusty interior. The title gives +60 charm.

Those with this title are most likely psychopaths hiding in plain sight.]

(Did I just find a rabbit that enjoys murder?)

(The psychological aside It's not that strong..... But now that I look at it, I can't see its stamina. Sophia, why is it that I can't see the stamina of my foes?)

"That is because some pieces of information can only be accessed by the individual, and if you wish to see those you would have to make your appraisal more powerful."(Sophia)

(Well that's not happening any time soon... Forget it, it's not really important anyway.)

Hearing Sophia explain I decide to not mind it since it's not something I can change. Then I focus on the rabbit once again.


Once again the sound of the impact echoes as the horned rabbit cuts down the tree with its horn, the tree falls and the rabbit seems a bit energetic, confused by this I look at its status again.


Horned rabbit


Horned impact-lv-3(level up)

(So that's it, it was leveling up the skill.)

I conclude by looking at the only change its status has.

(Since it doesn't know I'm here, it's the best time to attack. Sadly the other rabbits ran away when it took down the tree.)

I get the short spear out of my inventory and aim at the rabbit then I pull my arm back and throw the spear.

The moment I do so both <throwing-lv-1> and <Short spear mastery-lv-1> activate improving my accuracy and throwing strength. So, even though I'm not necessarily used to doing this it didn't feel completely alien to do.


Blood splattered on the grass as my short spear pierced the rabbit in its leg.

(It hit! Great! But it's not over yet.)


Horned rabbit


(Fortunately, I aimed for the leg to make sure it could move, since I didn't trust myself to hit the head.)

I immediately moved closer and without giving it time to understand what's going on I pull a rock from my inventory and hit its head.


Then I repeat it a couple of times more until it dies.

*Pum* *Pum* *Pum* *Pum*


[You have killed a Horned rabbit]

The moment I killed the rabbit a message I hadn't seen before popped up, then disappeared as fast as it popped up.

(Sophia, why did this message only pop up now and not when I killed the goblins before?)

"The message did how you said 'pop up' before, but you were distracted with your thoughts both times. These messages are just so you know your foe is dead for sure, but they are also made to be fast and easily ignorable since you might be distracted if it appeared in the middle of a battle, for example, they are different from skill, title, and magic messages."(Sophia)

(So, they are just for confirmation... I understand why it would be dangerous if I got distracted by them after killing one enemy or something like that, but I'm also worried, cause I might something important.)

"Were you even aware of the fact you've been a level 2 for a while now?"(Sophia)

Sophia said something I wasn't expecting at all.

(What? Since the... Oh yeah, I killed my second goblin! I was so immersed in my doubts I missed it. Let's see how much it changed.)

"You're a lost cause."

I ignored Sophia and her remark as I opened my status window.



Age:0 years old


Race:Slime Goblin(50%goblin and 50%slime)(Evolution goblin)

Job: Beginner chef

C.Job: Spearman, thief, mage

State: excited

Father's name :none(100%goblin)

Mother's name:none(100%slime)



MP: 679/679

STA: 1,000,000,000,440/1,000,000,000,440










Blessing of the Ancient Goddess of growth and evolution (Ancient god grade).

Titles:Otherworlder, Reincarnator, The evolution goblin(slime goblin), the descendent of N and D, the one loved by the ancient goddess of growth and evolution, the one loved by spirits, kin eater,The dishonorable one, the apostle of the ancient goddess of growth and evolution.



Godly Demonic purple eyes, Hyper thinking -lv-1, Ultra detection -lv-1, Ultimate regeneration-lv-1, Mana manipulation-lv-3, Stealth-lv-2, Steal-lv-1, Short spear mastery-lv-1


Auto-mapping, All magic, All skills, Resistance to all abnormalities, No boredom, Universal language, Chantless, cook-lv-1, Shortened chant, Throwing-lv-1, Understanding


light magic-lv-2, fire magic-lv-2

"Well, it does look better than I expected... But aren't the increasements that good in on my so-called cheat stats but that aside I'm actually happy with all the rest, also I like how now active skills are differentiated from passive skills, why did it change though?"(Protagonist)

I say as I look at the not very big changes to my status. Then a question about the new layout arises.

"The author felt like it"(Sophia)


I was confused cause for some reason the words that Sophia said were censored.

"I said because the system readjusted to give a better experience for the user, this will happen I'm the future as well if necessary"(Sophia)

"Oh, ok. Then I guess I should loot the rabbit!"(Protagonist)

After Sophia's explanation, I was satisfied with my improvement and directed my attention to the rabbit's corpse.

"I'm eating some great meat today!"(Protagonist)

I say as I loot my prey.

After very long a chapter is out. I'll try to have the next one out soon.

Thanks for reading!

Hope you're enjoying it!

Kiony_Feycreators' thoughts