
Reincarnate To Kill The Demon King

The Gods gave me a second chance, so why not use it to save this world that is slowly falling into the hands of the Demon King ?

Nayzer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Reclaiming What's Mine


Two hours is the time I spent removing this damn curse hovering around this body's heart.

"But hey, now I can use mana?!"

Indeed, once this was finished I just had to overflow my core of mana - which is located at the level of my solar plexus - in order to create what we call an overflow, which will have as its goal that the mana that was compressed in my core suddenly explodes before it disperses throughout my body with force.

But there is a risk, if I am not able to release all the mana - which will be dispersed - through the pores of my body, only death will come for me and this time for good.

But of course I'm going to do it, the reason is simple. Firstly, I am not afraid to redo something that I had already done successfully in my previous life, then there are also the benefits that this technique will confer on me which are quite attractive, indeed, even if the danger is great, the rewards are also greatly useful for your shabby body - but nevertheless very beautiful.

So while closing my eyes, I began to direct the ambient mana towards my core. Then finally a few minutes later it was full to bursting, so I pushed a little more mana inside and....


All the mana that was held inside me suddenly exploded with a force that ravaged my entire room, but I didn't care. So while remaining focused, I passed all the mana through my pores. Suddenly a pain even more excruciating than the curse's attack began to reverberate throughout my entire body.

Well actually this pain was completely normal, as I spent the mana - which had suddenly burst throughout my body - in my pores, my bones began to break before finally rebuilding themselves with light healing magic - that I had learned from one of my former comrades - that I was constantly asking myself, therefore causing strong pain that a normal person not being used to this type of sudden thing could not resist, therefore leading to death frankly horrible.


And shit, as expected it wasn't just my bones that were taking dearly, in fact there were also my vital organs that were slowly starting to burst causing me to spit out blood. Well not that I care, pain like this is nothing but a joke to me, the only problem was the fact that my healing magic was much slower than the damage which was inflicted on me by the overflow of mana, which was a bit annoying.

Then finally about ten minutes passed, and all the pain slowly began to disappear as did the injuries caused by the overflow that took place earlier.

And finally all this pain will have allowed me to recreate a dream body thanks to the mana which will have hardened my bones and above all will have improved my mana core as well as the control of it.

But hey there was a more important problem at the moment, the thing is that, when I let the mana out through my pores, well, there were also all the impurities in my body which took the opportunity to to pull. So I smelled extremely bad, I literally smelled worse than shit so I obviously had to take a shower as quickly as possible so I could go get whatever I wanted today.

Not wasting another second, I sneaked outside through my bedroom window, after which I ran - while channeling mana into my legs - for about thirty minutes before reaching the capital. 'Enosis.

After that I bought some black clothes before heading to a public bath which was always open even late at night which was surprising since it was around two in the morning.

Once in the male changing rooms of these baths called 'The pleasures of thermal waters', I undressed before wrapping a white towel around my waist, then I left the changing room before going to wash my body. dirty and especially smelly in a shower further away, and after finishing all that I threw myself in the hot springs..... And damn it was good, the heat of the water covering my whole body was so good , in my old life I never had the chance to go to hot springs to relax like I was doing now, so it was a real discovery - for a person who had lived a little over three hundred years - and all this in peace, because being very late, no one will have the courage to come here.... except for one person, other than me.

Because yes, there in front of me a young boy - who must have been the same age as his body - stood in front of me with a surprised look on his face, speaking of his, this kid was really handsome - but still less than this body that I possess, He had very dark black hair as well as large circles under his eyes, which were of a color similar to gold.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"H-Huh? A-Ah, well I'm just surprised that's all"

"And why that ?"

"Well, first of all, it's quite rare to see people here this late. And then, I'm quite surprised by your appearance."

Ah, maybe I forgot to mention that. My body, previously quite frail and skinny, had now become much more developed, it was now adorned with beautiful, bulging and perfect muscle.

Well I simply had a dream body, but that's not the problem. The fact is that this child is very talkative, I just had time to talk about my physique following the overflow of mana, that he had already told me his name and his rank - which was quite impressive considering the age of this child.

Anyway, as this kid named Yato Kendrick continued to talk to me, he ended up saying something that caught my attention.

"Tell me, you still haven't told me your name?"

Ah, indeed my name, what is my name?

"W-Well, my name is..... Resath, that's my name"

"I see Résa, so tell me, even if you try to hide it, I can still feel it, even very slightly, whether she is."

"What are you talking about ?"

"I'm talking about this monstrous force that you suppress as much as you can so that I can't feel it-EUURGH"

"Tsk, don't say another word or your life will be taken away without you being able to do anything about it" I said in a cold and indifferent tone, unfortunately for me, even if I was choking on mana kid it didn't have much effect on him.

"Don't worry...I don't plan on...revealing it"

"Is it true ?"

Slowly, he began to nod his head but with great difficulty, not feeling any hostility from him - despite the fact that I was literally strangling him - so I decided to release all the pressure that I had put him.

As he caught his breath with difficulty, he looked me straight in the eyes before asking me with a broad smile reflecting his.... admiration?

"Please train me?!"

"Eh ?"

"I will do whatever you want, I am ready to become your slave if necessary, so I beg you... help me to become stronger"

He said to me while giving a look that could only reflect hatred towards a third person. Seeing this face, a big smile appeared on my lips.

'I like it'

"Aargh, okay I'll train you" I said while getting up

"Ah is this true!?"

"Yeah yeah, so you definitely have to come back here around ten o'clock"

"Y-Yes master?!"

After that I went back to the guys' locker room.



The slight sound of drops of water falling on the ground, reverberating in my ears reinforced by mana. Currently, I was on the roof of a building located two jumps from my target, a target which was a museum where rests the sword which had accompanied me throughout my previous life.

Unfortunately for me, this museum was much more secure than I could have imagined. But hey, even if the task was going to be more boring than I thought, I had to move.

Currently, I was close to reaching Rank A. It was more than enough to be able to collect 'Lemure' without putting myself in danger.

After thinking quickly, I hung the mask - which I had bought earlier along with my clothes - on my face - then I headed to the roof of the museum as discreetly as possible while erasing my presence as best I could.

Once on the roof, I created a dome made from ambient mana - so as not to waste my own reserves which could play a decisive role if I had to fight someone - to finally place an illusion spell that I I learned from one of my former comrades.

It was a fairly expensive spell in terms of mana, so the best is to use ambient mana even if the result will be less good than if I used my own reserves but it's not a big deal.

Once this was done, I scratched the glass under me quite hard and then finally removed it before putting it aside. Now in front of me is a small passage where I finally squeezed through before I fell right in the center of the museum.

Unfortunately for me, I had fallen into a trap and from what I could see it was not going to be easy because of the woman who was further in front of me.

A woman who I could consider powerful given my lower rank than hers. This woman - who was standing in a hidden place hidden by the darkness - was at least rank S, surely sensing my presence, she stood up from where she was before she finally got closer to me revealing her features to me. face.

This woman was a beauty, surely one of the most beautiful women I had seen in my life. She had long, obsidian-colored hair that cascaded down to her slim, sexy waist, her amethyst-purple eyes shone in the night, now illuminated by the moonlight.

Despite its bewitching beauty, I was not as destabilized as one might think. Finally I decided to ask a question that I probably already had the answer to.

"Where have all the guards who were stationed here earlier gone?"

"Mm? Did you really think there would be so many guards in a place like this?"

"So it was a trap as I thought."

"Of course, you fell for it like a bruise" She said with a smirk that made her much more attractive than she already was.

"So what are you looking for in this old museum"

"What else could I want than the relic of number 1"

"This blade is cursed, only death will follow if you decide to wield it"

"Don't worry about me, I conquered death a while ago"

"What kind of bullshit are you talking about?"

She said before finally drawing her sword, so spanking the same, I brought my right hand to my left side to draw my blade but.... nothing.


Indeed I had made a mistake, but even without a sword I was largely capable of confronting this enemy who still had a beginner's posture. So covering my fists with mana, I rushed headlong towards my enemy before driving my right fist into his abdomen - while blocking his blade which had moved extremely quickly towards my neck in the hope of decapitating me - pushing her back a few meters.

"Come on kid."

Luis I said while motioning for her to come which she did out of anger.
