
Reincarnate To Kill The Demon King

The Gods gave me a second chance, so why not use it to save this world that is slowly falling into the hands of the Demon King ?

Nayzer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: A Second Chance

"The greatest Hero that the world is known for, was found dead today on the battlefield after facing countless demons, he will be buried in the cemetery of Astra where all his comrades rest, this Wednesday around from 1:45 p.m.


Watching the news about what was happening in the world with a smart bracelet that I had bought this morning - with money coming from one of my bank accounts, a sigh came out of my mouth without me being able to hear it to prevent it.

Well after all it's normal, while I thought I was dead after my vision went black, I found myself drowning in a river. After coming out all I could see was a city - which I had not visited for a long time - which proudly presented itself before me illuminating the darkness of the night.

Then after wandering through the streets, I was finally able to see my reflection which reflected the appearance of a young man with short snow-white hair and scarlet red eyes. This face was perfect, a perfectly chiseled face as well as a jaw sculpted by the gods themselves. Apart from the large dark circles under my eyes, his face was, as I said earlier, perfect.

In short, in the end I gave in and bought a smart bracelet which allowed me to do lots of things like call people, browse the internet or even place objects in it, because yes this bracelet can store up to fifty kilograms anything and everything that could be useful.


After walking a little more I arrived at a certain place, once in front, the first thing I did was to go inside to finally see the interior of a cafe which was personally very nostalgic for me.

In fact, I may have forgotten to talk about one thing, this thing has to do with the effects that mana has on the human body. The first effect of mana is to make the human body much stronger and more resistant than it was, the second effect is that the life expectancy of people who can use mana increases considerably compared to the rank of mana. the person.

In my case, being the strongest man my life expectancy was tripled. So I can walk around this town with my eyes closed and that without getting lost, in short, if I came to this crazy place it's because I know it thanks to one of my former comrades who now died in combat, in This place is the café run by this comrade's wife.

"Welcome dear customer, what can I serve you?"

After sitting at a table, a charming young woman, apparently around thirty years old, approached me, with a smile slowly growing on my lips I opened my mouth with a card in her hand .

"Well, I'll take this for you."

I said with my finger pointing to a certain place on the map, After that the young woman gave me a kind smile before leaving.

Shortly after his departure my intention was attracted by my bracelet which began to vibrate strongly, After a while I finally decided to look at the reason for this unbearable vibration, and the reason? Well as I said earlier this bracelet could make calls with people, and the reason for its vibration was precisely caused by a call.

I thought for a few seconds before finally deciding to answer.

"Hello ?"

"Where are you ?"

"Mm? With no disrespect, sir, I don't know you, so goodbye."


I said to the rather deep male voice on the other end of the line before finally hanging up.

"Here is your order dear customer"

"Mm? Ah thank you very much"

After that the waitress bowed slightly before leaving.



I quickly ate the dessert I had ordered before finally leaving the cafe with peace of mind, compared to my old life where I was always in danger. Once outside I began to wander the streets of Helsya, the capital of Enosis.


"Haa, this is the first time in my life where I haven't fought all day... it's, how can I put it, weird?"

As I was walking through the streets - going from shopping center to shopping center and buying a whole bunch of frankly useless things - a black car stopped in front of me attracting the attention of all the civilians around.

The door finally opened revealing the magnificent interior of the car but also the presence of a man, who was frankly good in terms of strength. His level was certainly close to the SS+ rank, a rather good rank but which would never rival that of the King of Demons.

The man who was sitting in the car finally got out of it now revealing these facial features, he had, just like me, white hair that went down - compare to me - to his shoulder blade as well as blue colored eyes and a large scar running along his beautiful face which is now slowly starting to become covered in wrinkles. He was certainly familiar to me but unfortunately for him he must have been not well known enough for me to even be able to remember his name.

He finally got close enough to me to finally give me a big slap on the cheek which made my whole body resonate, with this a pain that I had not felt for ages was born. Unfortunately for these old fools in front of me, I had a certain pride that made me keep my head high, so with a nonchalant expression I continued to look at this man in front of me then I opened my mouth with an arrogant smile playing on my lips.

"Who are you ?"

"Who are you kidding!?"


After the words of being an old bastard his hand went once again towards my cheek, but this time I didn't let it happen and I dodged this attack which this time was slower by a millisecond leaving me barely dodge.


"Hey, didn't you hear me? Who are you not to raise your hands on me?"


'This time it's going to be complicated!!'

As this thought surfaced in my mind, the man in front of me slowly began to approach. But while I had already put myself in position to fight, long chains began to surround the man, the next moment the long chains were stretched, holding with difficulty the enraged beast that the man had become.

"Young master....please get in the car, while we calm Mister Hyldra."

On the orders of this person who was wearing black clothes, I walked towards the car with a proud smile before getting in. I sat down on one of the benches before finally trying to remember who this man was.

I didn't have to think long to remember, Hyldra, this name is that of one of the houses that trained the most heroes during the Ten Years' War. This house became more renowned when Cheyrin Hyldra of the main branch rose to power, unfortunately for him who was endowed with incredible strength, this was not the case for his third child who was only a good to nothing.

There were rumors that Cheyrin hated her third child but I didn't believe her rumors, unfortunately for me, I must definitely be that child for several reasons like the fact that he slaps me and I'm so weak, so his rumors were beautiful and well founded. I will have to look at the problem of this body later, for the moment I wonder how I could have done such a stupid thing, Seriously should I have left the battlefield more often in my old life?

As I was asking myself this question, a man who had hit me earlier sat down next to me. Well that's what he thought, before he could sit down I put my left leg down preventing him.

"Push that leg out of there before I crush it."

"Do so, dear father."

'Yes kid, just because you're stronger today doesn't mean I'm going to give in to it'

"Y-You, you little-"

"Calm down, Mr. Cheyrin, my fiancée only wants to make you angry"

As I was pestering the spawn, a soft female voice was heard from the opposite side of the car. Turning my head slightly to my right, a beautiful little girl about fifteen years old entered my field of vision. This child - with red hair similar to flames and crystal blue eyes - looked at me with a strange smile dancing on those cherry red lips.

"Um, who are you?"

"Huh? Come on my dear, don't pretend not to recognize me."

"Mmm, well I don't care."

I say in an almost inaudible whisper.


After getting in the car, we headed towards the Hyldra main branch house, we can say that the main branch residence was frankly magnificent. Unfortunately for them, I saw even more incredible things in my former life, but anyway, let's move on.

Once we arrived we entered this house - which looked very similar to the Japanese house of three hundred years ago - then we headed towards a room before we sat down around a table that could accommodate up to only five people, and from there an extremely boring and boring discussion will take place.

"Why are we sitting here?"

"To decide what you are going to do, my dear"

"Eh ?"

"What are you going to do?"

'What is this wrinkly kid talking about?'

"You don't seem to understand, my dear?"

"Indeed, I really don't get it-"


"Mm? Why did you break that pretty table?"

"You, I don't know what's happening to you today but my decision has been made?!"

"Okay… So what is this decision?"

"You will go to the Heroes' Academy, you will do well in the written and practical exams. But seeing how weak you are, you will surely never be kept."

After that he left, leaving me with just this red-haired girl.

"Haa, was it really worth breaking that poor little table in two?"

"Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Mm? Well why don't we go to that Academy like he said."

'That way I won't see his dirty face anymore and I will finally be at peace'

I said my first words out loud while shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly, and my last words, obviously I kept them to myself.

"I see, so I'll tell you something. The fact that we're engaged is a total secret, I'm counting on you not to talk to me once you get there."

"Well, so much the better."

After my words I got up before leaving the room, once outside I went towards one of the women dressed as a servant then I asked her with a smile and in a tone as polite as I could.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where my room is?"

"Huh? Ah it's you Yuma, tsk follow me"

'I feel like I'm pissing her off?' I say to myself with a slight frown.

The woman took me back to a room - which frankly left something to be desired - before leaving as quickly as possible. Although I didn't care, it was still a bit weird, you'd think she was trying to make sure no one saw us together.

But anyway, not having any further intention of that, I headed towards my room, once inside all I could see was the fact that it was perfectly tidy but with a lot of dust invading the room, leaving me like impression that no one had lived here before.

I finally walked over to the chair that was positioned next to the desk, I quietly brushed off the dust that was on it before sitting down. I only had two things left to do for today before taking a shower and then going to sleep.

The first thing I had to do was see what problem the body had for being so weak. The second was for her to go and take back what was rightfully mine, but to do so I had to become stronger in a single evening, and it was frankly simpler than what would follow.

As I closed my eyes while directing the ambient mana into my mana core - which it uses to store and use mana - an excruciating pain raged in my chest where my heart was located which made me stop dead.

Ignoring the pain, I took a look at what was happening there with a very thin thread of mana that could already be stored in my core. What I could see around was none other than some sort of curse that was intended to stop the progression of the mana core. Even if it was a high-ranking curse, it's not at all something dangerous that aims to kill the target.

So first of all, the thing I need to do is remove this curse, just a super simple task for someone who was on top of the world in their former life.
