
Reincarnate To Kill The Demon King

The Gods gave me a second chance, so why not use it to save this world that is slowly falling into the hands of the Demon King ?

Nayzer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: First fight in this body

"Child approach"

I said, motioning for her to come back, which she did a few moments after my words.


The woman in front of me disappeared for a moment before finally reappearing in front of me her sword which now came into contact with my fists covered with a thick layer of mana protecting them from any risk, a sharp sound echoed throughout the museum while the floor cracked under the weight of the colossal force that had fallen on me.

But as I pushed the blade away, my left fist came towards the woman's right side quite easily. The impact was much more powerful than I could have imagined, once again knocking the woman back several meters.

If my goal was to kill this woman, well I could have done it a dozen times in the space of a few moments. And this she knew, so she once again put her guard up, which this time was no longer that of a novice learning the art of the sword but rather that of a master wielding a blade for most of his life.

"Tell me... why didn't you kill me, there's no shortage of opportunities, so why?"

"My goal is not to kill you, but rather to put you out of harm's way so that I can get back what I came for."

"I see, then I wouldn't kill you either, instead I would take you prisoner in order to teach you a certain way."

She said with a charming smile that slowly began to sprout on those cherry-colored lips. This woman would have certainly captured the heart of my three hundred years ago self if I had seen her during my younger years.

But with the same nonchalant expression hidden under my mask, I began to channel a spell while heading towards this divinely beautiful woman.

But as I slowly approached her, a dull resonance was felt that shook all the foundations of the place, but this time unlike earlier it was neither me nor this woman who were there. the cause.

In fact, the cause of everything messed up was due to the enormous magic circle that had formed under me and the divinely charming woman. Obviously spell was not mine, and obviously spell was very powerful, one of the most powerful in the category of summoning spells.


"That's the case to say"

Me and the woman both stared before she opened her mouth with a horrified expression.

"L-Let's put off this fight for later, f-for now we should run away"

"Are you crazy? We must put this summon out of harm's way before it destroys the entire capital and kills frail civilians"

"B-But, don't you know what's going on?"

"Of course it is, it's the reaper's summoning circle."

The reaper or even the personification of death, she is a frightening creature embodying the god of death. She looks like a skeleton although I was never able to see under her cape to be sure, her weapon of choice was a black scythe that went hand in hand with her cape.

The most annoying thing about the reaper was that it used the souls of the deceased to increase its strength tenfold. But anyway, I had already faced this fake bastard fifty years ago, so I don't think she was able to heal herself from all the damage suffered during our fight, she should have a rank similar to that of this woman now.

With this thought in mind I headed towards the place where 'Lémure' was with a sweet smile hiding under my mask. Then I finally stopped in front of a display case before breaking it and recovering what was placed inside.

The soft feel of the handle of 'Lemure' was like that of no other sword. I then hung the sheath of the sword on the right side of my belt before finally unsheathing it and damn it was good to see again the beautiful obsidian black blade which adorned this sword made from the bones of a dragon Dark SSS rank.

"C-Can you touch her?"


'Because it has been linked to my soul for over two hundred years now'

Now let the fierce fighting begin again.


The pillars that carried the weight of the entire building slowly began to break, causing the museum to fall at the same time. Then finally, there in the sky, only the almost omnipresent presence of the Reaper could be seen.

"A-Ahhh, we have to fight this?"


Well, his mind is giving up, it will have taken longer than I thought before it breaks.

You, young white-haired human, give me this sword you hold and I will spare your life.

He said to me while concentrating his mana towards me to put some pressure on me, but unfortunately for him it had no effect on me. Then with a frown - due to the fact that she had insulted 'Lemure' by calling her a sword as if she were commonplace - I finally looked at this pile of bones before opening my mouth and insult.

"Fuck you fucking corpse"


'Yeah yeah, that's it, get angry so I can defeat you more easily you old bastard'

Finally, he burst into an uncontrollable rage after being insulted like this. Obviously this suited me quite well, so I strengthened my entire body with the mana stored in my core before finally taking off into the sky like a bullet.

Once high enough, I channeled the mana towards my sword causing it to glow with a blue glow before it finally turned as red as the blood I had shed throughout my previous life.

Once the blade glowed a crimson red, I swung it towards the reaper with the sole intention of killing it as quickly as possible. This is when a long blade detached itself from the end of my sword before leaving at incredible speed towards this corpse. But in life nothing goes as planned and obviously this fake bastard had dodged this almost fatal attack for her.

After that this bastard started sending ghostly skulls at me that followed me and never let go, even though I was flying in the air while finally changing direction at the last second to try to lose them but nothing did so I finally decided to use it to attack this downright boring fake.

I rushed towards the right arm of his old skeleton before finally stopping suddenly once I was only a meter away from his arm devoid of flesh. The skulls following me then continued their routes until they came into contact with the arm of the god of death, the results were quite disappointing.

Indeed, I already knew that the damage would be light on him but I was far from suspecting that these skulls would just pass through the arm of the scythe. As I could see this abominable result, my body which had been levitating in the air slowly began to fall downwards.

Then only a few seconds later my body fell against the ground, shattering it and digging a crater about ten meters deep. After leaving my hole, I looked at the sky to finally see long stakes heading towards me at crazy speed.

I channeled all my mana into my arms then a few seconds later I had fun deflecting stakes sent straight by the incarnation of death.




I first pushed away one of the many stakes before finally slightly deflecting the others while channeling a small part of my mana into my legs before finally propelling myself into the areas a second time.

While all this agitation was happening around me a big smile - due to the amusement that all this gave me - slowly sprouted on my lips while having a thought that even I found crazy.

There's no denying it... I really enjoy fighting against people who are stronger than me.


'Who is this kid?'

This thought has not left my head since I saw her with this sword in her hand. This weapon is known for all the murders it has committed against the Gods. It is also extremely well known for being the sword of this man who was able to rise to the same level as us.

This weapon which had the power to change shape or even to divide the body and soul of a being, was linked and fed on the life expectancy of a person to be temporarily stronger depending on the duration of life that she will have consumed.

What's strange is that this weapon is already linked to this man so my question is... how can this kid use it so easily as if he had already been used to it for a long time.

Unfortunately for me I didn't have time to think about it more than that, because the sight of a young boy with snow-white hair lightly waving his sword to deflect the stakes with disconcerting ease.

"Hey old corpse, is that all you got?"

I don't know who this kid is but-


A roar suddenly came out of my mouth after the insults the kid spewed.

But even though the sound that came out of my mouth was very loud, to this young human it was nothing more than the cry of an angry puppy. And therefore nothing stopped him from making his way to my face.

"Shut up asshole"

He said with a tone full of amusement and surely with a big smile hiding under his mask, he then channeled his mana into the tip of his weapon before swinging it towards me.

Unfortunately for him I wanted to win - no I had to win, and to do so I shrank my body so that it finally reached that of an adult-sized human.

After that a scythe appeared in my hand, its name was 'katesthio' the soul devourer. The young white-haired boy looked at me without even seeming to be shocked, and the next moment he disappeared before finally finding himself on top of me, he made a downward swing with his sword that I I obviously countered with my scythe but unfortunately for me, an incredible force pushed me towards the ground causing me to come into contact with the hard concrete causing a big crater on it.

I slowly got up before finally turning my head towards the kid, he was strong there was no doubt about it, but he wouldn't have been on my level if I wasn't seriously injured from the fight I was in. I fought against this man fifty years ago-

As I thought of this, the aura of a person far surpassing this kid's levels began to get closer.

'It's getting dangerous'

I glanced at the kid who literally had his mind elsewhere, then a few seconds later he finally opened his vulgar mouth again.

"Hey corpse, let's postpone the fight until later"

He said before finally turning away from me and running away.

I looked at her for a few seconds with a completely stunned expression before finally frowning and shouting like crazy at this weak human vaguely reminding me of her combat-addicted bastard.


"So it's you."

It seems that my fight brought back some flies, unfortunately I don't have time to play with a weak human like you

"I'm now number one, I'm now the strongest man alive so-"

Your number one rank will be taken from you by human force in the near future, so be careful even though I don't give a damn

I finally turned around before walking straight ahead, then a few meters in front of me a white portal appeared.

But as I walked towards him in an attempt to get out of here, the weak human's voice echoed in my ears.

"Will he be able to kill the Demon King?"

I hope so... otherwise nothing will stop this bastard from taking over this planet, and if he ever does, well I think we'll have to wake 'him' from his long dream

"Who are you talking about ?"


I said before finally entering the space door of a color as white as the chains holding him.
