
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

LeaderTang · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"Second Ring"

Inside a cave a small young man was looking complicatedly at a rabbit roasting over low heat...

"If eating this is like eating a Xiao Wu?" He looked confused at the meat sizzling on the fire and wondered.

Just as strange thoughts continued to arise in his mind, a loud roar sounded in the forest not far away.

"This" cold sweat ran down his forehead without knowing it.

"He must not have found me, right?" However, upon hearing the sound of trees breaking, he

woke up.

Quickly, he got up and ran out, as for his luggage...

Well, he was lost a long time ago.

The name of this boy with somewhat dirty clothes was of course Jia Hao who entered the Star Duo Forest a few weeks ago.

As for why he looks somewhat embarrassed by him, it all starts a week after he hunted the first soul beast from him...


Jia Hao slowly withdrew a spear from the body of a five hundred and fifty year old blood wolf and was very happy.

It has been a week since he traveled from Noghting City to the Star Duo Forest and discovered that killing soul beasts got upgrade and copy points.

Although, based on the beasts he could afford to hunt, the points generated were very few, but after all he earns the amount.

In these seven days, Jia Hao took the opportunity to hunt many beasts while looking for one suitable for his second ring.

But, to his bad or perhaps good luck, the beasts he encountered were not very powerful, generally hovering around hundreds of years of cultivation.

Although, he occasionally encountered some beasts over a thousand, but unfortunately either they were not suitable to be his ring or his age was not good enough.

As for Jia Hao, although he has not yet been promoted to Grandmaster Spirit, he has undergone quite a big change in terms of experience and combat skills.

From the first battle until now he learned a lot about certain beasts' weaknesses, attack patterns, as well as their habits and behaviors.

As Jia Hao prepared to carry the blood wolf's body with him he whispered:

"This is not working, my plan originally was in the first week to get my second spirit ability, preferably from a poisonous snake type beast to strengthen toughness and add poison to my martial spirit."

"But if this continues like this, the time I asked for may pass and you still haven't found the right ring."

While talking to himself, Jia Hao thought of a way to find what he was looking for and that was to enter the Star Duo Forest.

But this action brought with it considerable danger, but, after thinking about it a little; he decided to take a risk.

After all, it wouldn't be so unfortunate, right?


He quickly passed the day and brought a new one with him.

Jia Hao had already rested and was in optimal condition to continue exploring.

As he advanced, the first thing he noticed was that the vegetation seemed thicker and there were not many human traces.

Later, he realized that the ancient beasts came out more frequently and even Jia Hao had to tread much more carefully.

As far as he knew, in his previous life the strongest animals were territorial and marked his territory either with his scent or by creating marks on trees.

But without a doubt the most characteristic thing about these animals was that they did not allow the presence of other powerful animals in their territory.

So it's a bit ironic, but as long as he followed the millennia-old beasts there was less chance of encountering beasts over ten thousand years old.

And if he found a very quiet place with few beasts, he would have a better chance of encountering very powerful beasts.

After a few hours the sun had already set overhead and Jia Hao still didn't find any suitable one.

So he decided to rest and eat something and then continue on his way.

However, before he managed to rest, a shadow passed by the corner of his vision and he quickly without much thought bowed down.


A loud wind sound rang in his ears and right where he was previously a crack appeared...

Looking cautiously in the direction of the sound.

Jia Hao quickly became alert and activated the Purple Demon Eye to scan the surrounding situation.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the origin of the sound and encountered a ferocious beast...

Its appearance was similar to that of a panther, it was about two meters long and approximately one fifty tall.

It had different purple lines similar to those of a Prussian Claw, behind it, in the air, two dark claws projected like a deep abyss.

Jia Hao took advantage of the brief moment when they saw each other's eyes and glanced at the status panel.

Mythical Black Panther

[Age within 2200 years]

Soul Ring: Purple

When Jia Hao looked at him, he seemed to discover Jia Hao's gaze, his four claws moving rhythmically at high speed, even leaving behind a series of mirages, in the blink of an eye he arrived before Jia Hao.

The two front paws were raised in an instant at high speed in the direction of Jia Hao's head.

Raising her front paws, she inevitably also propelled his body to rise.

Jia Hao practically without hesitation rolled to the ground, moving away from the attack of the strong claws.

At this moment Jia Hao was grateful that he had copied Tang San's skills, if he had not used Purple Demon Eye, he really would not have been able to see the attack.

This type of soul beast did not appear in the original work, after all the Douluo Continent is huge and it is impossible to show everything about it in a short story.

But it definitely must not be an unknown beast with such speed.

When he turned to stand up, his first skill activated immediately and he grabbed her tightly.

Jia Hao knew that simply attacking him would not solve the problem.

So he distanced himself and entered a terrain with a little more obstacles while using Shadow Path to dodge, just after reaching an advantageous terrain, when he was going to turn around, he felt a chill.

He didn't know when the Black Panther was on his back.

The two front claws attacked his body while the dark hands stretched out like shadows covering all escape routes.

Jia Hao used the tyrant emperor spear and attacked the exit route and managed to break one of the dark hands, but when he was going to escape his front claws managed to tear his left shoulder and right thigh.

He was thrown out by the counterblow, he rolled on the ground for a few seconds and although he escaped it was not cheaply, he clenched his lips in pain, but without losing sight of the Black Panther at any time.

He used his first skill again and again held the tyrant emperor spear that was destroyed.

Jia Hao found himself in danger, after all this beast was very fast even compared to his own kind; Furthermore, his cultivation level also far surpassed him, equivalent to a Spirit Elder if he is compared to a human.

Although Jia Hao's first skill is powerful it is still not strong enough, he is after all just a Spirit Master and spends a lot of spiritual power.

Considering the current situation, it could only be used twice more and then it will be the same as an unprotected lamb.

Jua Hao quickly calculated and created an immediate battle plan.

"All or nothing". Jia Hao said to himself.

He used Shadow Path and ran in circles while occasionally dodging and placing his hand on the ground.

After a minute of running and dodging he returned to the place where he was injured.

Already accustomed to the attack pattern, he crouched down immediately, but it seems that the beast also learned from his mistakes and beneath the ground hidden a dark hand which tried to grab his ankle, but Jia Hao quickly jumped with all his strength.

At that moment he was several meters in the air, the panther seemed to see his victory and smiled cruelly.

Just when Jia Hao was helpless, the panther made its final attack.

His two claws along with the dark ones raised apparently to jump and finish off his prey.

But at the moment he was going to jump, several wrist-thick Emperor Blue Silver Glass roots entangled all over his limbs quickly.

And one a little thicker, like a whip; He did a sweep and ended up falling on his back, leaving his chest unprotected.

Once on the ground, the roots seemed to entangle more tightly, although these roots were not hard enough to cause damage, it was all so sudden that he did not have time to react, and by the time he did it was already too late.

Jia Hao, who was in the heights, held the tyrant emperor spear high, used Mysterious Jade Hand and squeezed the spear tightly, he did several somersaults as he fell and before the frightened eyes of the beast, he fiercely stabbed the spear into its heart.

A few seconds passed as the light slowly faded from his eyes.

Jia Hao did not have time to pick up the spear and fell to the ground exhausted.

For the first time since he fought, he had a battle as tough as today.

Then without thinking he sat cross-legged and began to readjust his state.

And without thinking much he began to extract the spirit ring.

Although it wasn't what he had planned for his second ring, after all he couldn't be that demanding and this beast was so unusual that he didn't think it gave a bad skill.

Plus whenever he wanted, he could upgrade the ring and consequently his power, so it doesn't really matter much.

When the ring entered his body, he went through a lot of pain due to the age of the ring.

After all, a Spirit Elder was able to absorb 🧽 for the third spirit ring one of seventeen hundred year level, and that is for the level of an ordinary Spirit Elder.

And Jia Hao only obtained the second spirit ring from him. But in fact he was different, thanks to which his martial soul evolved into the Emperor Blue Silver Glass and had the awakening of him; He obtained great physical and mental power and the Mysterious Heaven skill [Stage 2] that allows him to better absorb energy along with the fact that he has a double martial weapon allows him to endure a greater number of years.

So after some pain, he managed to successfully absorb the ring and to his surprise with the improvement of his spiritual power the first ring he managed to cross the thousand year mark.

Jia Hao got up and his injuries had recovered somewhat, then he looked around worriedly and didn't see any beasts so he breathed a sigh of relief after all he was in an open space and it was very dangerous.

I don't know what he was thinking when absorbing the ring at that moment, perhaps the adrenaline or excitement of the fight.

Just as he returned to where he was attacked for the first time, after a few minutes he seemed to notice something strange.

"Wait, it's a little strange that after all the noise we made there wasn't even a beast..."

"Also, in everything I've traveled I haven't seen any other than the Black Panther... And when there is a place without many carnivores that..."


A loud, sad growl came from where he came and it seemed like the earth was shaking.

Jia Hao recognized this roar since until recently he was fighting while he heard it...

"Oh s###...."