
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

LeaderTang · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


After sleeping comfortably Jia Hao got up because Wang Sheng woke him up to go to class.

Jia Hao slapped his forehead and forgot to tell this boy yesterday that he was not going to class.

After kicking him out with a random excuse.

He prepared to leave the room, but just before passing he ran into Tang San and Xiao Wu who seemed to be discussing something.

After listening for a few seconds he found out that it was why Tang San was going to hunt for his spirit ring with the Grandmaster.

Then Xiao Wu would have to do the student work alone which was why she was complaining to Tang San.

I didn't want to bother him so I just left him a note and left.

I left the academy and arrived at a store where I spent almost all the money I brought with me on elegant clothes.

I wandered around Night City a bit while trying one or another food stall, when it was getting dark I decided to choose a carriage to the outskirts of the city.

As for where he would go, of course to search for a soul ring to overcome the Spirit Master's bottleneck.

Specifically to the Star Dou Forest which is located southeast of the Balak Kingdom, with the city of Suotou less than five hundred kilometers nearby.

The Star Dou Forest is one of the most famous great spirit beast habitats in the Douluo Continent.

Its area is huge and spans the border of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

The spirit beasts there are known for their cruelty and killing intent.

They are extremely terrifying and strong but as long as a spiritual master has the right power and a little good luck, he will be able to find the most suitable Spirit Ring for himself.

For this reason Jia Hao wanted to go, plus with his strength as long as he doesn't stray too far or encounter a spirit beast over ten thousand years old, he will be able to escape.

He spent time on the road.

After three days and three nights, until noon the next day, the carriage he was in finally arrived at the first destination of the trip: Souto City.

Jia Hao left excited, he had never missed the cars of his past life so much, after so many days in the carriage he decided to stay a few days to rest in the hotels.


After resting for four days, Jia Hao already changed and removed the cloths covering his face. He prepared the necessary things and left for the Star Duo forest. In fact, Jia Hao took off what was covering his face as he arrived in Souto City. After all, it is suffocating to be covered all day, and it was already necessary.

Even by exposing his face he earned some copy and improvement points from some older sisters.

It takes a day and a night to get from the city to the forest, so Jia Hao had to camp outdoors.

However upon arrival he was shocked, as soon as Jia Hao entered the Star Dou Great Forest, he felt that he had entered the so-called virgin forest of his previous life.

Large trees surrounded by several people could be seen everywhere. This was only in the outer area, and he didn't know what the central area would look like.

The soul beasts that live in the outer area are mainly ten- and hundred-year soul beasts, although thousand-year soul beasts can occasionally be found; The soul beasts that live in the core area are mainly the thousand-year soul beast, and occasionally you can see the ten thousand-year soul beast and even deeper deep even beasts over one hundred thousand years.

Jia Hao did not go deeper after entering the edge zone.

He needed time to adapt to the environment in the Star Dou Forest.

According to his plan, this time he would stay in the forest for a long time.

After having leveled up and gained Tang San's skills, he had not yet gained the respective combat experience, he was thinking of fighting a hundreds of years old soul beast to practice and after becoming familiar with the fight, he would go a little deeper. little more.

According to the theory gathered by the Grandmaster, the limit of the first ring was four hundred and thirty-nine years and that of the second ring was seven hundred and fifty.

But he was special, because he obtained his first ring through lineage it grew the stronger he became and subsequently strengthened Jia Hao's body so according to his assumption as long as he does not use the system, his current limit must be a thousand year old beast.

While Jia Hao was wandering through the forest he heard a sound of something quite fast approaching between the branches of the trees.


The noise was a whispering voice that changed from small to large.

Jia Hao jumped to the top of the tree and activated the purple demon eyes and saw a flying snake approaching quickly in the distance.

The snake was not flying high, only two or three meters above the ground. There was a fleshy crown on his head, which seemed larger than his head and was bright red. Like blood, the tail is fan-shaped.

"Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake, the age is between six hundred and eight hundred years old," Jia Hao said secretly. As for how he knows, well, it's not for nothing that he read all of DouluoDalu's books.

And a panel that appeared in front of him confirmed this assumption.

Phoenix Tail Cockscomb Snake

[Age within 800 years]

SoulRing: Yellow

The centuries-old Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake does not pose much of a threat to Jia Hao, but after all, it is the first soul beast he encountered after entering the Star Dou Great Forest.

Although he had already seen some, they were small ten-year-old beasts like the shadow cat or the white fox.

Jia Hao through his sight noticed that she was his target, so he jumped down from the top of the tree and prepared for combat.

Since it was his first time battling it was inevitable that he would be nervous, so he summoned the martial spirit and stared from him to the approaching beast.

Between these thoughts he only passed a few seconds and at this moment, the Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake had arrived in front of him, suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed a puff of colorful dense mist towards Jia Hao.

You didn't have to be very smart to know that the thick colorful mist was poisonous, so he chose to avoid it with Shadow Path and reached the side of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake and hit it with a fist.

But this didn't cause much damage after all, his skin was very thick and he only carried some spiritual power in his fist.

The snake waved its tail like a fan and tried to hit him but it quickly ducked, dodged and moved away. After this brief confrontation Jia Hao knew more or less his combat level.

With bare hands and spiritual power he would not be able to cause much damage and even unable to end his life, but with skills and a somewhat sharp knife he would be able to kill him with relative ease and if he used his first skill well ...

"First Spiritual Ability Tyrant Blue Emperor Spear!" The Emperor Blue Silver Glass emerged in his hand and stretched out and took the shape of a majestic blue silver spear.

With it in his hands, Jia Hao did not hesitate any longer and approached the snake, avoiding a strong bite, and when he least expected it, he jumped high and climbed onto the head of the spiritual beast.

He used the Mysterious Jade Hand skill and grabbed the snake's crooked mouth and launched the Tyrant Emperor Spear through its head.

When he succeeded, he used Shadow Path again and jumped on top of a tree while he watched as the snake rolled in pain.

Jia Hao let out a satisfied sigh, although the spirit ability he obtained was not as powerful as when Tang San obtained it, it still had a chance to improve with Jia Hao's increasing strength, so the effect of it still left him very satisfied.

After a few seconds the snake lost all signs of life and then a familiar ringing sounded in Jia Hao's ears:



Although it is not much, it is always better than nothing.

Jia Hao approached the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake and looked at the glowing spirit ring and after thinking he decided not to absorb it, although it was not bad he still wanted to absorb the ring of a thousand-year beast.

"But, it's better not to waste" He mentioned to himself as he dragged the corpse of the beast to a relatively clean place and began to clean it to eat, after all he didn't know how long he would be here, and he didn't bring enough supplies to last. one month...