
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

LeaderTang · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"At the brink of death"

Jia Hao was shocked by the familiar roar.

She knew it could only mean one thing, rather; everything pointed to it.

That is to say, the soul beast that killed was not the only one and seems to have a father or mother.

As far as he knew, this was not a good sign after all as long as he is a father he will be older... And older equals more cultivation time..

As Jia Hao pondered, her face changed abruptly.

Not far away, from where he came walking, a huge, thin shadow was running towards him. Crushing all the trees in its path with brute force.

Even from a distance Jia Hao felt the pressure and frenzy. An aura of death rushed towards him and he didn't know what to do... no matter how much he ran he couldn't be faster, after all, he was a soul beast specialized in agility.

Furthermore, hiding wasn't very realistic; Seeing how it was coming at full speed towards its direction, the beast clearly knew it was here, perhaps because I killed its familiar it caught my scent, therefore it shouldn't be very feasible.

The time he was thinking about countermeasures was no more than a couple of seconds. As Jia Hao blinked a few times, the large shadow almost loomed over him, perhaps in a few seconds he would have to fight again.

But not only was he injured now but he also had little spiritual power left and the level of the beast was much higher.

"Ah, this rhythm may die, I have nothing that allows me to escape from this situation," he commented, a little bitter.

However, the moment he remembered this, his eyes lit up:

"It's true! Escaping is not only running, but also camouflage."

Jia Hao remembered in the plot how the teacher explained to Tang San the advantages of the Blue Silver Glass.

First of all, the spiritual energy consumption when using blue silver grass is considerably small and even compared to food system spirits, the consumption will be even lower.

Even spontaneously growing the Blue Silver Glass by ten meters will only feel a little expenditure of spiritual power.

Thanks to this, he managed to capture the Black Panther and kill her.

Furthermore, the blue silver grass is the most common, therefore, its confusing nature will be much greater compared to other spirits, especially; those common low intelligence spirit beasts that are like this.

Even if you call your spirit to them, they may not notice.

Third, the blue silver grass can grow unlimitedly. Because it is itself low-end, it can drive growth in many directions, and since the blue silver grass itself is small and weak, it cannot reject any spirit ring attribute evolution.

These are the advantages, don't forget that even if Jia Hao's spirit is Emperor Blue Silver Glass the advantages of him are not only not weakened, but are amplified.

The spirit expenditure is even less than the Blue Silver Glass, although the powerful skills will still spend quite a bit of power, they cannot be compared to other martial spirits.

As for its confusing nature, although the Emperor Blue Silver Glass is much more majestic, it can be hidden better by utilizing the power of the surrounding Blue Silver Glass. And of course there will be no rejection situation with a ring, thus avoiding the situation where it explodes inside the body.

Jia Hao did not dare to delay any longer; With the little power he had left he lay down next to a rock and numerous vines trapped him inside.

Others went in different directions, spreading his aura making it more confusing. Furthermore, the numerous Blue Silver Glass in the forest in unison emitted a faint trace of blue light.

Covering his aura even more. If someone with a martial soul or soul ability capable of perception were to investigate this area; He could only sense many Blue Silver Glass and not even a trace of Jia Hao.

While Jia Hao was on the ground he was sweating coldly and was still afraid, after all it was the first time he tried this, plus he wasn't sure if his assumption was true.

While Jia Hao stood still like a plant itself.

A black shadow passed not far away, the figure was so fast that he only saw one blink and it was gone..

But although he didn't catch it with his eyes, there is someone who was faster than him.

Mythical Black Purple Panther

[Age within 30,000 years]

Soul Ring: Black

Seeing this panel Jia Hao only quirked his mouth. As I supposed, this beast was much more powerful, let's not talk about an injured one, even in the best state he would have the slightest chance.

Even after a few minutes Jia Hao did not dare to come out, after a few hours he completely recovered his spiritual power and although he was still injured it was not a problem.

He got up and continued walking towards the exit of the forest, but what he didn't imagine was that this beast would not let him leave so easily...


A few weeks later...

Jia Hao was running 💨, he left the cave where he rested just a few moments ago and escaped as fast as he could.

He didn't know if it was karma but since he got the second spirit ring from him that soul beast never gave up on him.

No matter how far he went he would always intercept him, it's like they had put a locator on him.

Although thanks to the characteristics of his martial spirit he managed to hide many times, this was not a solution for this situation and would only work temporarily.

After these weeks in the forest being chased by such a powerful soul beast Jia Hao felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

And after hesitating for a couple of days he decided to go even further into the forest...

There was no other option, whenever he tried to leave they intercepted him, so he decided to go in, hoping that another territorial beast would tangle with him, thus giving him a chance to escape.

After a minute he came to a huge cliff and Jia Hao felt anxious. He had nowhere to escape..

In this situation there was no need to perceive anything, even if I did not perceive, in this almost treeless place a huge blue plant cocoon would be too conspicuous, plus the soul beasts of tens of thousands of years are very intelligent, perhaps not so intelligent. like a human but definitely not a fool.

Jia Hao managed to escape because there were places to hide and many Blue Silver Glass but here...

Jua Hao looked at the surroundings and felt desperate. Nothing, absolutely nothing, just an extremely high cliff even the clouds were possible to touch.

With a strong wind and the sound of some trees breaking, the panther appeared.

A huge shadow blocked the sunlight and he looked down.

It was very similar to the previous Black Panther but this one was much larger, almost three times the size of the previous one and a dark purple color.

His eyes shone like a deep yellow lamp, his mouth drooling seemingly angrily.


The beast let out a loud roar, so much so that it threw Jia Hao a few meters almost falling off the cliff but at the last moment he was supported by his martial spirit.

Jia Hao looked at the beast and felt a little bitter with himself, he shouldn't have gone so far in; It would be better to play it safe instead of rushing...

But no matter how much he blamed himself it wouldn't change anything.

In fact he even wondered why he was so hasty in leveling up, he didn't need to work hard; As long as he didn't get involved with the plot he could live safely and become Title Douluo.

But the moment he thought this he quickly denied it, even if he didn't want to, he would have to become stronger quickly, in this Douluo world only the strong had the final words.

And the way to become stronger is not simply to be cowed.

Jia Hao's eyes seemed to have an epiphany and his even-in-death mood relaxed.

His gaze was even firmer than before and he no longer doubted or blamed.

"Even if I die it won't be without a fight!"

Jia Hao's eyes turned red so much time being chased had angered him for a long time.

He summoned the Tyrant Emperor Spear and two purple rings emerged from his legs.

"Second skill [Shadow]."

Behind him, numerous emperor tyrant spears around a dozen or so emerged above his head.


When he gave the orders they all left at high speed, shooting at multiple vital points of the beast.

That's right, this is Jia Hao's second spiritual ability [Shadow]. This ability consisted of being able to use any ability possessed by Jia Hao and duplicate it infinitely as long as he possesses spiritual power.

For example, if Jia Hao has a skill that allows him to throw fireballs, with the shadow skill he can throw many fireballs and this while maintaining a cost of ten percent of the original cost.

It may seem very powerful and in fact it would be, if it weren't for the fact that the power of the attack can only use five percent of the original skill every ten levels, that is, Jia Hao can use this skill with ten percent of the original skill. .

Of course even though Jia Hao can only do ten percent of the attack of the original he is still very satisfied with this ability.

Keep in mind that not only does it have a low level of cost, imagine once you are a douluo how powerful this ability would be. Not only with a powerful forty-five percent attack of a douluo's full attack but in sky-shattering quantities.

When Jia Hao used the spears, the beast did not seem to flinch, a shadow appeared from nowhere and a dark claw repelled all the spears like toothpicks 🥢.

And at great speed he approached Jia Hao, so much so that even Purple Demon Eye could not catch a hint of his trail.

When he regained consciousness a huge claw pierced his chest.

Jia Hao was expelled and spat out a large mouthful of blood. As I fell off the big cliff.

Jia Hao was almost knocked unconscious by that blow, he looked up and stared at the appearance of this beast.

When he fell at high speed he felt the wind brush against his skin, making his wound bleed even more.

Jia Hao didn't have the strength to even raise his hands. But at the last moment just when he was going to fall against the ground and Jia Hao thought that this was the end of his little life.

He felt a pair of hands grab him...

Jia Hao thought he was hallucinating but just before he could see who it was he lost consciousness...