
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

LeaderTang · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"Sect of the Seven Treasures of Enameled Glass"

Heaven Dou Empire, Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect.

One of the most powerful and richest sects on the continent. And furthermore, his martial soul is recognized by everyone as the strongest in the auxiliary system.

A few moments ago in a series of western-looking buildings with beautiful views.

There is a little girl of approximately six years old:


Accompanied by bursts of crisp sound, some precious ancient jades in the villa were mercilessly smashed to the ground!

"Miss, don't break it, don't break it, the teacher will be angry with you!"

Some disciples and servants who passed by had a helpless look as they looked at the perpetrator and tried to persuade hers without any success.

But nevertheless her words had nothing but the opposite effect. As if they had punctured her painful spot.

"I just want to destroy, destroy, what do I care if that old man is here?"

Just at that precise moment two figures walked through the sect with slow steps.

Both of them were burly and tall, one of them was wearing black bone armor with black hair flowing, and he seemed to be very thin.

The other man was wearing a white robe and his white hair fell behind him like a waterfall, however the most impressive thing was undoubtedly his eyes, like a drawn sword shining with a sharp light.

"Elder Bone, Elder Sword! We greet the adults"

Seeing the two arrive, the maids and inner disciples knelt down and said with respect, reverence, and a hint of joy, after all not everyone can deal with the current situation.

If Jia Hao were here he would certainly recognize them.

As for the identity of these two people, they are undoubtedly the guardian Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect, the Bone Douluo Gu Rong and the Sword Douluo Chen Xin!

They seemed to have heard the noise and approached with slow steps.

They looked at the precious jade that many poor spiritual masters could not afford, saw the person responsible for this whole mess, and shook their heads helplessly and bitterly.

"What's wrong, Ronrong, who made you angry again?" Bone Douluo was the one who took the first step and asked.

"Yes, Elder Bone!" A maid who was present from the beginning responded and hurriedly explained:

"She is the lady just moments ago she broke through to the tenth level and said, she is going out to hunt for her own soul ring!"

"Go out, of course not!?" Chen Xin Douluo frowned slightly and did not think much and refused the idea. A spoiled girl like Rongrong wouldn't survive outside, plus she didn't really like the idea of her little princess getting hurt.

Bone Douluo was a little calmer huh he immediately asked:

"Didn't they already catch a soul beast suitable for Rongrong? Why does she want to hunt it herself."

"The lady said she, she is so ugly that she doesn't want him!".

Chen Xin Douluo sighed, walked closer, and said to him in a soft tone:

"Rongrong, don't be angry, the soul beast is too ugly, Grandpa Chen will take you to catch some beautiful ones!"

"I do not want it!". The girl replied grumbling, if anyone else dared to talk to him like that, she wouldn't have to go through the trouble of breathing anymore.

But according to this little girl's identity, she is normal and she won't care.

"I want to get it myself!" This girl with a great character is undoubtedly Ning Rongrong one of the future seven monsters of Shrek.

"Rongrong" Bone Douluo just gently rubbed his forehead and asked:

"Did someone irritate her?" He sighed lightly.

"Uncle Bone, where am I irritated?" He placed his small hands on his waist and pulled out his small jade teeth.

Just then a soft and somewhat embarrassed cough was heard.

Everyone looked at where the sound came from and saw a handsome and gentle middle-aged man, leaning on a very expensive jade stick at a glance, slowly approaching!

This person is the leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and a seventy-ninth level auxiliary soul sage, Ning Fengzhi.

Chen Xin and Gu Rong put on a look as expected:

"Fengzhi, you must have been bothering her again!"

"Hey, Old Chen, I just told you a little truth," Ning Fengzhi sighed.

"Fengzhi, you know that Rongrong's self-esteem is as fragile as glass, so you tell him that!" Bone Douluo reproached him lightly.

Rongrong who was next seemed to have been struck by lightning and became even more angry.

"Uncle Bone, Uncle Chen!"

"Hahaha Rongrong Grandpa Bone is just joking..." Chen Xin quickly spoke to appease her as a bead of sweat dripped down Gu Rong's forehead.

"Rong Rong, sooner or later you will leave us. If you are used to this, what can you do?" Ning Fengzhi tried to reason.

But if she listened to advice, she wouldn't be Ning Rongrong.

At that moment the girl did not bother to talk anymore and she began to leave the villa:

"Whether you accompany me or not, I am going to hunt my first soul beast by myself."

She was wearing a green pleated dress, she was very pretty and her eyes were like small almonds and shone like stars in the universe.

But in those beautiful eyes, there was a strong hint of arrogance!

"Rongrong, what are you talking about!"

Ning Fengzhi frowned and made a helpless face.

Since she was born, Rongrong has been pampered by everyone in the sect especially by the two Douluos of the sect.

And since her mother died a few years ago, she has been spoiled even more; so much so that even he as a father has had to be a little stricter so that his character does not affect him in the future.

So he looked at her and told her, trying to get her to put that idea aside:

"With old Bone, Chen and I watching you, we can take care of you. Do you know how dangerous the outside world is? Go down and you'll be hurt!"

Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo said coldly in unison.

"Humph!" Ning Rongrong just snorted softly already tired of hearing it, thinking in her heart:

"I have to go out and prove it to you!"

Fengzhi seeing that she did not back away, just looked at her old friends.

"Old Chen, Old Bone..."

Chen Xin and Gu Rong looked at each other and decided that Chen Xin would go with Rongrong, although the two of them would like to go with her; after all the sect couldn't be without at least one Douluo sitting in it.

After Chen Xin left behind his daughter Ning Fengzhi gave a small sigh and thought to himself:

"I hope Rongrong learns about the reality, she is an assistant teacher and her cultivation is very low, adding this to her young age and little experience..."

"I hope this helps you with her temper and gives you some thought."

Three days later, Star Duo Forest!


A small silhouette walked next to another of an even larger size as dawn broke.

And these two are undoubtedly Ning Rongrong and Douluo Chen Xin who left for the Star Dou Forest after a small episode…

"Rongrong you must have calmed down by now... come to grandpa; I won't tell your father anything and I will find a suitable beast for you"

The girl just continued walking with annoyance and only said:

"Hmph! I don't think I can't hunt a beast by myself, without the help of the sect!"

Her small steps faltered a little but she kept walking even though they hurt.

Ning Rongrong is not stupid, in fact she is quite intelligent, she knows of course that without the help of her father and the sect she will not be able to get a suitable soul ring for herself.

But anyway; She has her own pride in her after all. At least she will try and she won't let them say it's useless.

Although in fact, she was already a little tired, she was only six years old and since she arrived she has walked in a straight line and it has been very annoying for her.

Since she arrived they camped at night, insects, branches, mud and dirt. All this displeased him; She is the one who has lived her life on a silver platter and she is naturally not used to this environment, so she was just going to insist a little more and then...

Well, she'll see later...

Chen Xin could only continue to persuade, in fact since they arrived; Rongrong hasn't seen any beasts that are too ferocious; only some of dozens of years.

Although, since they arrived they have gone quite deep.

This is of course due to Chen Xin's protection otherwise Ning Rongrong alone would have hung up a few minutes after arriving.

While talking about small things, they approached a large cliff, looking up only the clouds were visible ⛅.

Ning Rongrong looked up and was a little stunned by the beautiful sight, in the sect it was very difficult to see such a beautiful and natural landscape.

"Well maybe this isn't so bad after all..." she said to herself.

Chen Xin also stopped, however unlike Ning Rongrong she did not go for the views.

He has seen even more beautiful landscapes and even these are not able to cause any ripples in her heart.

What caught her attention was that from her perception a fight was taking place at the top of the cliff.

However, she didn't plan to interfere, as long as it didn't affect Ronrong or him.

But just when she finished thinking she detected something again, but this time it was something falling.

Ning Rongrong also seemed to see something and shouted:

"Uncle Chen, is that a person!"

Chen Xin just nodded and said:

"It seems.."

"Uncle Chen, can't you help him?"

After all she is a girl and she wanted to save whoever was within her reach.

Chen Xin knew that one could not be merciful on this continent; unless you are very strong or you may be attacked or even have offended a greater force.

But after all who is he, a Douluo is the top on this continent and Rongrong is the princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect so this doesn't apply to them.

And the most important thing is that Rongrong is still very young and he didn't want him to see death so early.

So even without his request he would still save him.

I don't know who he is but he's lucky he's not Gu Rong or he could have been left to die so Ronrong could learn more about the world we live in...

"Uncle Chen!" Rongrong didn't know about Chen Xin's brain circuit and only saw that she was left in thought.

So she could only remind him as she was about to crash the black silhouette into the ground at high speed.


When she took a look she only saw a handsome young man with long deep blue hair; unconscious..