
Regretting the rejection

"I Tyler Shephard, future Alpha of the Pyramid Pack reject you Ava Andrew as the Future Luna of this Pack and my mate". Soon as those words escaped his mouth i felt my world crumble down with my wolf disapering with her own pain. I wasnt thinking straight so all i did was the first thing that crossed my mind. I ran, i ran untill i felt like i can't go no more. All that i hoped that it would save me from the pit i just came and crushed it like a dead rose. Follow up to see the story of Tyler and Ava once they have part ways.....will they ever meet.....and if so what will happen next..... #Mature Content #Rejection Series. #Broken. #Mate Series

meeh007 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Moving on

Well my life has been crap and the boys told me to find a guy but am realy not into dating right now but maybe i should try because i've worked hard to move on so i'll try doing that as they have invited me into this stupid birthday party of this Berry guy in Atlantian Pack...never seen him just heaed about him from Brian as they clam to go school woth him so i just have to go or else i have to kiss some Adult they will choose...funny huh...i know.....its like were back to 16 or more like it but guess i have to.

We are on our way to the mall with my new friend Phoebe..we met when i was going for some waves on the beach and she was there sad and rejected like me so we became new friends and so did her friends to. So me, Phoebe, Anna, Miranda and MaryAnn are on his black toyota lexus.....

"Were here girls..."as he packs the car in the populated packing lot

"Cant imagine were doing out first shopping together its gonna be.......... amaizing do t you think" i just nodded as Phoebe already told about them and shopping...its like they are shopping maniacs or something

"Yeyy shoping...ugh" came Brians irritated voice. I heard itd kinda think for boys hating shopping and stuff but who cares were doing shopping nomatter what.

"Heyy...its gonna be fine...we'll do this really fast" as i tried to make him feel less boring

"Yeahh....hope so.....i mean do you know these girls....its like the're dempns of shopping....let me tell you the truth i know them more that you do and am not gonna lie to you but today is gonna be a loooonnnngggg day" as he smiled at me and petted bmy sholder and followed the girls inside

Brian was not lieing though i mean i tried like a hundres of dresses but they commented them all to be bad and i was already getting exosted from all the trying and hungry too

"Heyy.....um...am a bit tired can we eat fast"

"Ohh yeah su..."

"Ohhh Myyy Goddess....you gotta try this dress...please before we go to eat" i just signed and took it. I really didnt concentrate on it but just put it on and went outside to show them

"Ohh Goddess...we just found the perfect dress"

"Bet Berry's gonna faint when he see you on that"

"Ueah..yeah.. can we go now am starbing" as i started whinning now

"Okay..okay angry bird" i just giggle and went to change. We paid for whatever we took because it wasnt just the dress but we bought shoes and make up and our masks for the party and other stupid stuffs.

"We are we gonna eat" asked Anna

"Yeah i've never been here before" said MaryAnn.

"I know just the place" as i started walking to my favourate diner as they followed me back. As we walked in the bell run informing them that theres costomer

"Afternoon Mrs. Baker" i said as soon as i spotted her

"Good afternoon darling...how are you doing" as she walks towards us

"Not better at all" pouting fakely

"And why is that darling" she asked saddly

"Am starving for your pasta....but without pickles" as i pout more making her chuckle louldy

"Owkay....sit there lit me bring you that.. what about you" as she starts listening to the others

"I'll have the pasta with salad"

"Just plain lasagna"

"I'll have a bagger and some fries....and soda please"

"Sure just a sec" as she head back to the kitchen to make them. After like ten mins her son Max came with our order

"Hey Ava....didnt know you'll be here" as he gives me my oder.

"Hey Max....am just with my friends this is Brian, Phoebe, MaryAnn, Anna and Miranda guys, Max"

"Hey" they said in union as they smiled at him

"Its really nice to see you all...just wanted to...."

"Max make it fast stop flitting..its still work time" as he was interupter by her mom shouting inthe kitchen.

"Coming mom...can we talk letter"

"Its owkay...i'll see you leter" he then smiled as usual and left

"Wowwww.....you should date that guy" said MaryAnn as soon as he left. I just decided not to speak as i started diggin on my food like a hungry wolf..sarcastic right.

That didnt end there actually it went on until i was tired of it

"You should to the party.with him" said Phoebe

"But you told me to see the Berry guy"

"Forget 'bout Berry...did you see that piece pf meat back there" now its Anna

"What about you Brian...what is you suggest" he was just quiet and his eyes were on the road.

"Hey..Brian....Brian" i was shouting now

"Yes..yes im here" as he clears his eyes trying to turn to us

"Where were you"

"I think you left me in that diner back there" we were all so stunned by his words

"What is it.." now we were worried

"I found my mate"

"Ohhh Goddess thats great news....whos the lucky guy" again another silence then

"Max" now i was not only stunned but more like cant reallt get the word there

"Wow....i mean...just wow" not really knowing what to say

"Did he feel it too" asked Phoebe

"Thats what i dont know...he acted like he didnt feel it but my wolf felt it"

"Soh what are we gonna do" we all stayed silent not knowing what we should say then..

"He said he will se me later. When i meet him i'll ask him to come to the party then you'll meet there" as they all nodded but Brian stayed silence driving with his eyes focused on the road.

And so we decided to change the topic as we started talking of what can happen in the party.


"Sohh how have you been" Max asked me after a long silence.

"I've been better...just wanted to ask you a question"

"I know what you wanna ask"

"You do"

"Yeah...your friend is my mate right"

"Huh...umm well never expected that but yeah....why didnt you react"

"I...i just didnt know what to do...you know what i mean"

"Well you asking a girl who got rejected at first sight" as i laughed miserably while he didnt even flich


"You got rejected.."he was so suprised while i took it normal now

"Yeahh....why are you so supprised"

"You dont look like a girl whose got rejected....its like you havent .et your mate or something"

"Why say that....how do rejected girls look like"

"Well...they look unhappy and you know.....old" i just smiled and sboke my head

"You know...you get tired of the pain so you just decide to move on...you just cant keep on feeling the pain you just get exosted with it"

"Oh" its all he could say

"I understand the pain so just dont give this pain to my best friend....." he just nodded his head and silence took over for a minut

"Soh..i better go i just came here so you can come to the party you got to come... he's expecting you tonight so dont let him down" we just hugged and i decided to go to Phoebe's room to go prepare myself.

As i walked in i met all the three girls there waiting for me. So i went straight to the bathroom for a long shower because today was the longest day of my life and its not even done yet.

"Hurry up and come sit here" and so i sat there as they started makeuping my face but i needed no much make up so Phoebe just did my brows, a eye lash and liner with dark red lip stick and maxe.my short heir and put more to make it full after that i puy on my dress and shoes, held my mask on my hand and walked down stairs where everyone was waiting.

As i walked down the stairs everyone was silence making me feel creepy a bit.

"What....is my make up to much...do i look that bad or something"

"Its...umm...its just you look....stunning"

"No thats not the word Bruce...she looks expensive and wow....i even dont know what to say" i jist smiled at my Alpha

"Thanks...all of you" as i grinned at them as they mimick my behaviour.

"Owkay since everyone is ready can we go now" we just nodded and headed to Prince's car

"Buckle up guys here we go"