
Regretting the rejection

"I Tyler Shephard, future Alpha of the Pyramid Pack reject you Ava Andrew as the Future Luna of this Pack and my mate". Soon as those words escaped his mouth i felt my world crumble down with my wolf disapering with her own pain. I wasnt thinking straight so all i did was the first thing that crossed my mind. I ran, i ran untill i felt like i can't go no more. All that i hoped that it would save me from the pit i just came and crushed it like a dead rose. Follow up to see the story of Tyler and Ava once they have part ways.....will they ever meet.....and if so what will happen next..... #Mature Content #Rejection Series. #Broken. #Mate Series

meeh007 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The party

Here we are" announced Prince as soon as the car stoped and so he killed the engine and opened the door for me and the guys as we stepped out of it.

"So about the Berry guy...are you guysserious about that" they looked at me all of them at the same time"Look....if its your luck it can work out but nobody's gonna show you or introduce you to him but he knows you" Prince consulted me. I nodded and so we walked in together. The palace was decoreted so well and am really exites tk be in this pack because my mama used to tell me a lot about this pack and here i am in this pack.

"Exited huhh" asked Prince on my side. I just nodded as i was grinning from ear to ear.

"We have to split up right" said Brian as soon as he saw his mate and didnt wait for an answer instead he dushed off.

"Owkay little one....just be careful owkay" i just nodded and they all left as soon as i started to get bored i heard .y name. It was Phoebe

"Heyy Phebz i was waiting for you guys" as they dragged me to the counter.

"Three Magaritta Cocktail please" Anna said to the waiter in cbarge.

"Actually make them four" my eyes wanted to pop out of the socket

"You know i dont drink right" i asked her still shocked.

"Yeah i know that its just that you need to drink today..free up your mind meet a guy and maybe have sex with him"

"Okay enough now return my Phebz now Penny" i knew its her wolf because she's always thinking of sex and having a good time with guys

"No am preety serious well of not the sex then the meeting a guy thing" i just laughed to push it aside but as i turned to my friends they looked preety serious

"Okay okay...i'll drink some shots and go find a guy" and so the cocktails were bought and i took it on one go....pretty burny though

"Now lets do it with vodka" said Anna as she tells the weiter to bring lots of shots because its pretty hard to make a wild tipsy.

The shots came and more they came the more i started getting tipsy a bit. It was really fun as i felt relieved.

"Whats this" as i looked at the waiter.

"Oh that the sex in the beach with a mixture of vodka" just by one go i felt more alive but my blader was full from all the drinking.

"Am gonna go to the bathroom" as i wispered at Phebz as she nodded. I tried walking straight i mean its a party for Goddess sake. Greeted some people until i reached the washroom with a help from a waitress.

"Whatcha doing Ava.....you have to meet with this Berry guy and here you are feeling tipsy...come on wake up" as i poured some water on my face to make me feel a bit sobber and it worked so i did my bisiness and fixed my make up ready to meet this guy....just one thing.

"Where do i get this guy" as i started looking around

"What guy..." came a guy with a black mask on

"Jesus.." as i jumped a little from the sound beside me.

"Ohhh am so sorry...i didnt me to scare or frighten you like that am really sorry" well he was really made. I just stood there looking at him

"Perhaps a drink could cheer you up" as he points over the counter.

"Ohh no its fine i had enough drinks today" making an emphasy on the enough

"Then how about some snacks" well that was a very nice call there handsome.

"Why thank you" did i say that outloud

"Yes you did...cant your wolf tell you that" yeah just a way to ruin the fun. Am sure this time i didnt say it out loud as he didnt react.

"Heyy...did i say something offendful" i just shoke my head having a seat as i felt weak

"Its just that....its really personal and.."

"Its alright i've got time and if it will make that cute smile back up you lips then go ahead" as he seats beside me and brings the chair

"Well..i was an omega and through my hard my hard time for mw and my wolf woth all those bulliez and so the elders told me that only my mate would heal me" i paused for a sec

"Well did you find him" asked the hot guy just nodded.

"Then why are you still sad"

"I found my mate....he was more than i ever wanted and...and i had hopes even my wolf had hopes that we are going to be healed that day but what came was the complete opposite of what i dreamt.

I begged you know i mean i knew he could reject me because of the jerkness he had but you know...i still had hopes but he crushed them and threw them away like a gum stuck on his shoe

I thought he will atleast have dignity but all he said i dont want a weak person as my mate..my people will be worried seriously he cared more 'bout his people and so he just rejected me like i meant nothing" the guy just came and conforted as he hugged. When he pulled out i concentrated on his face as he had these brunette cute heir, hazel eyes with a 5o'clock beard and a really cute smile

"Soh it seem your not from this pack who are yoy with"

"Just my friemds and i leave in Prince's pack now" watching him become furious

"Which pack are you from" he asked with his hand on my face.

"Its Crypton" he just stayed silence as heis hand fold into a fist making his knuckles turn white.

"Hey...hey whats the probz" he just smiled then

"Nothing serious actually" and i decided not to push that.

"So why are you here" i asked from nowhere trying to change the subject.

"My father forced to come here.....how about you"

"Well my friends forced me to move on so am here looking for a guy named Berry so as i could try with him" i just blubbed.

"And why is that...i mean dont you wanna see the Berry guy" as he comes more closer to me.

"Well...j dont know i just wanna move on and they say that this guy is perfect for me"

"Its seems like you dont know the guy" as he smirks making me blush from that.

"But they say that he knows me...i wonder why he hast come yet"

"Maybe he's waiting for the perfect time or maybe place"

"You talk like you know this guy....do you k ow this guy" a laughed lightly

"Ofcourse i know this guy..." as he chuckles now.

"Will you show me to him" he just nodded making me smile lightly again

"I dont even know your name" as i pointed my index finger to him trying not to be awekward

"I dont know yours too" as he smiles again making my blood run to my chicks.

"Am Ava....Ava Andrew" as i fowarded my hand for a hand shake as he smirked again

"Well am B....."

"Hey B...you father needs to talk you like right now" came a man behind him with his white mask on.

"Excuse me i have to attend to my father" as he stands

"Its owkay..."as i stand to

"Hope to see you soon Ava" wr shoke hands and he desapeared with the man with a white mask. And so i decided to go back tk the counter and found Phebz flirting with a guy and the others still drinking.

"Its seems the washroom was in the forest or in a guy" came Anna's comment as soon as she saw me.

"Pssstttt....what are you talking about....i went to the washroom it was really hard to find you know"

"Ohh so finding a washroom tokk you an hour" as i was shoked from that

"But i thought it was just some minuts"

"Well its an hour...so did you find Berry" i just shoke my head no.

"Then who where you with because you cant just come here blushing like that"

"I just met a guy..and we talked" thats where the questions come.

"Whos is he"

"What ia his name"

"Is he freeking hot" evryone kept throwing me questions until i felt like being sick. After they were done they all stared at me silently


"Well.."they all asked at once

"I dont know...hd was wearing a mask i dont know his name i just saw his eyes, hair, nose and mouth" as i went back to my drink i order.

"Well...what color was his eyes, which color was his hair, how was his nose shaped...what about his mouth" asked MaryAnn

"He had some dark eyes, brunette hair, sharp nose and thin pink lips and a very cute smirk" i said in a dreamy way

"Sohhh..whats his name" i just shoke .y head no meaning i dont know.

"Are you gonna meet again"

"Ofcourse we are he promised that we'll meet" they did thus screem that really irritated me like a lot.

"Thats great girl...am so jelouse" Anna shouted.

"Hey...dont forget were at a party...and dont you have your mate" asked Phoebe

"Well i dint even get a chance to flirt with anyone before him...i met him on my birthday so..." we just laughed at the way she was complaining.

"Sohh when are you gonna meet"

"I really didnt ask that" as i started wondering.

"Dont worry fate will just bring you guys together" said MaryAnn as she patted my back

And we went back to other stories but my mind flew to the brunette why did he get angry when he heard of .y pavk name....maybe theres a history there.... can it be bad or something..after a lot of thinking i just decided to let it slide and proceed with listening to Anna's love life.

"Hey...its time to go home" said Bruce behind me

"Okay..wheres Brian" as i only saw Prince and Bruce no Brian...after some thinking...

"Ohhhh i get it...come on am abit tired" as i bit my bye's to my frinds and left with Prince. The ride was so booring with Bruce there it was sooo weard as he started talking of a guy who shoved his tongue in his throat and Prince had no intention of stopping him any time now so i just concentrated on my phone as i put my pods on not listen to the disgusting convo.


I woke very late as i checked my phone it was already afternoon and so i decided to take a quick shower as i was stervinggggg like i stayed in a desert for a uear with no food. After as i was done with my morning routine i put on my green shots with a big gray sweater which Brian gave me, tied my hair in a loose ponytail and headed downstairs for some food.

"Hey there flitter" said Bruce as soon as he saw me

" Am not a flitter and who told you such stuffs"

"Phoebe poured all your secrets about the brunette guy you met and became soo dreamy when talking about him" i went and sat at the table prepared my coffee and some muffins i saw on the table and sat.

"Sorry to but your bubble but she lied to you"

"Ohh and what about you saying that he promised to see me again thing huh"

"I wasn't flirting" already getting irritated.

"Okay tigger...just saying what you were doing ita actually what i was told"

"Yeah lets just keep it that way okay" as he raises his hands like defeated and so i went back to my breakfast and he went back ti whatever he was looking.

After a while i was done i washed my utensils and went to join Bruce who was watching The Magician Elephant. Suddenly we heard a knock on the door

"Ava go answer the door" said Price as he was on the stairs.

"Why cant you..you are near the door for Goddess sake" annoyed already

"Am you alpha and brother so be a nive little sister and answer the door"

"Uggghhhhh fine" as i went to answer the door.

"How may i he.....hey do i know you" a familier guy stood there

"Yeah its me from the party" i just stayed there staring like a freak...i mean why cant i he looks even more hot without the mask.

"I came to take you somewhere" i was still stuck

"Who is it Ava" Bruce's voice brought me back

"Nobody" i shouted back

"I'll just change and meet you here okay" he just nodded and so i closed the door and reushed upstairs. I went straight to my closet to choose my outfit. I picked white pants with a matching top with its baseball green coat. Left my hear loose and wore white rubbers to match the outfit and off i went.

