
Regretting the rejection

"I Tyler Shephard, future Alpha of the Pyramid Pack reject you Ava Andrew as the Future Luna of this Pack and my mate". Soon as those words escaped his mouth i felt my world crumble down with my wolf disapering with her own pain. I wasnt thinking straight so all i did was the first thing that crossed my mind. I ran, i ran untill i felt like i can't go no more. All that i hoped that it would save me from the pit i just came and crushed it like a dead rose. Follow up to see the story of Tyler and Ava once they have part ways.....will they ever meet.....and if so what will happen next..... #Mature Content #Rejection Series. #Broken. #Mate Series

meeh007 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Being Someone New

Well my life has changed ever since as i left my old pack as i've made many friends and Bruce has been like a brother to me as he is way protective ile i never expected.

To begin with, i cut my heir short and made them brunett and have a bang now. And i have gained some wheight and checks thus am not skinny anymore meaning its hard to notice me now. I was just communicating with Bea and her mate as the Luna succeeded and so everyweekend i spend it with Bea and Winny and its amaizing as we just do girly things as to escape the boys like play games like 20 qn or truth or dare and also tell each other how the week went. Also we sometimes have some sleepovers but sometimes Bea doest as she's 5 weeks pregnant and Winny is 3 months pregnant.

Am so happy for them as i've tried dating but Bruce says that i shouldnt trust anyone so....mpst of the time am with Bruce thoigh not dating but some say that we are but we actually dont mind them.....because Bruce doesnt like girls.....you know what i mean.

Also i cant stop thinking about my mate i dont know what he's doin or if he has move on....is he even thinking about me like how some nights i dont get sleep just thinking as my wolf hasnt spoken with me till then.....

"Wacha thinking beautiful" came Bruce's voice while puting my heir behind my ear making me smile.

"Just thinking.."

"Bout what..."

"Life....you know.."

"No....i dont" as he smiles a little making me giggle.

"You missing him" i just nod my head 'yes' with a sad smile. He looked at me until i felt uncomfortable

"Why are you looking at me like that" as i chuckled a little

"Like what"

"I dont know....like there's a gigantic ghost who eats brain is behind me or something" he stayed silence for a moment like he was digesting what i just said then butsed into a miniac laugh making me laugh too forget if i was even streesed.

"Come on lets go train again" i walked behind him feeling a bit guilty of not temlling them that my mate was an Alpha...i really wanted to tell them

"Hey.....i wanna tell you something" as we started fighting as i threw a pinch on him which he dodged lightly...

"Yeah watsup..." we we proceeded fighting as we threw kicks at each other

"Buy its going to hurt both oir feelings" as i won him and tugged him below me

"Are you in love with me"  i just looked it like a dumb in a deep water waiting for sharks...

"What..." as i stand up

"I...already told you.....your like my little sister....."

"I know but...." as he raised his hand stoping me

"And am into guys not girls.....dont you know the meaning of gay"


"Wait am not done....gay is a boy or man or guy who loves fellow bo...."

"What are you telling her" came Price's voice so loud and clear

"She falling for me....so i was explaining what a gey is"

"No i wa....."i tried explaining

"Ohhhh....dear he told you the first time that he is gay that is why he spends a lot of time with you"i looked at the Alpha unbelievable

"Was it the anttention...or the feeding" cane Bruice's voice

"I think it was the date nights and sleeping with her....you know girls like cuddling" and now they were talking like i wasnt there

"Am right he...." i tried again

"Ohh yeahh i think too and also th....."

"ENOUGH..." i shouted as i was tired and breathing so hard. They all stoped and looked at the pissed off me

"Am not falling in love with anyone" after a long breath.

"Then what did you want to tell you"

"Ughh...just....just forget about me....am going to my room and dont follow me" as i started walking off

"I wasnt even thinking of it" i looked at him sending sharp daggers his way as he raised his hands up surrendering with a stupid smirk on his stupid face

Ugggghhhh.....i hate you both" i walked away hard as they laugh behind me alaud.

I didnt look anywhere as i went straight to my room as on the corridle couples were full doing....what couples do.

I jumped on my bead after i locked the door and took a pillow and screamed in it to muffle mh screams. Unstoppable tears started falling as i felt guilty of not telling my friends the truth, i miss my mate, my wolf is not talking to me for the past nine months and i miss my pack woth the library as here there is no library. I also miss my parents as they wished for me to be a worrier and i am but there not there to see. I cried until no tears were coming out. After what felt like forever, i went to the bathroom and took a long relaxing shower then went out, brushed my heir and dreesed on some demin shorts with a white crop whritten 'Am In' after some min i went to have my dinner with the guys since Prince was so protective over his mate so she wasnt eati g with the pack but he cooks her meals and make sure she eats and then come and join us to our meal...thus she eats two hours before.

"How you feelin now buddy" said Brian as soon as i sat down

"Fresh and clean...and am not your buddy" as he has being calling me that for months now.

"Ohhhh...buts its amaizing" i just gave him the 'say that again and your dead' look making him to swallow hard and turn his attention to his food. Giving a small smile i put my attention back on my food. 

The Alpha cleared his throat gaining attention for all of us

"I have an announcment to make to all of you here" as everyone was looking at him as hr provided us with a huge smile.

"I want people to train per no limit and guards should increase in the borders" we all nodded our head with a chorus of 'yes Alpha'

"The last but not the least....." as he looked at me with a stupid smirk in his face making my brow rise

"The leader of the training will be nobody but Ava Andrew" making my eyes pop out of the socket

"What" came out unexpected. Everyone turned my side looking at me like am an alien with four eyes

"Am....i...i mean....i meant it like....what.....no way...." as i laugh on my own joke but still people didnt move an inch..

"It.....umm...its....amaizing.....yes.....thank you Alpha...i look foward to work with all of you" as i raised my glass pf juice to have a toast and they all toasted and went back to whatrver they were doing.

"That was....whats the word again...... horrible" said Bruce busting into a laugh as i started play punching him like a miniac.

"Jeesss.......hold your tights wolf"

"Teqnically i am a wolf"

"Ohh really.....when was the last time you spoke to your wolf huh" that made me stop all the fighting and went back to my phone as i was done with my meal. I just stared at it not doing anything

"You went to far Bruce" wispered Brian

"Yeah.....i see that now" feeling regret

"Soh...am i know i went to far but.....look my tongue sliped and i wasnt thin....."

"No....its fine...im....i think am gonna go" as i stood up

"But...where are you gonna go" asked Brian feeling worried.

I decided not to answer as i walked straight to my room holding back my tears. As i walked inside my room and closed the door the tears i was holding back just decided to poor down and i let them as i slid on the door letting all my pain and anger our through the tears as  always.

After a while i heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it" feeling sleepy

"Emma darling" with a huge sign i let her in knowing it was the boys who sent.

"Hey girl.....wacha doing" she said as soon as she ipened the door.

"The boys sent you to see if i committed sucide"

"I figured you'll say that once you see me"

"Am fine....you dont need to worry"

"They said you'll say that too" as she sucking her lower lip and realising it with a pop.

"Ppffffftttt whaaaaaaaaatttttt" as i chuckled fakely closing my left eye

"They also said you'll do tha....."

"Owkay enough with all the 'what i'll do next' its really creaping me out right now. I really hated how they knew me so much

"Sohh...how are you...and this is from me.....am a bit concerned....you disapeared at lunch hours and you were nowhere at the dinner table...we were all woried" as she came and sat beside me looking at me.

"Its.....its nothing really"

"We both know that thats a lie" as zhe made me chuckle again

"You can tell me....besties code remember" making curse myself for making that stupid code of 'secrets are prohibited and no lieing...we tell each others what we feel and help to solve our issues at any circumstances' it was actually made by me but passed by all of us.

"Its...ummm.....its just that....i cant...ummmm.....icantsencemywolf"

"Which language were you speaking.... speak slower woman" as she came more closer to me with her hand on her baby bump.

"I cant umm.....sence my wolf that it....."

"Oh my Goddess...how long has it been... was it since in the hospital" i just nodded my head.

"Ohhh...thats so bad girl.. like really bad a thing only a mate can help"

"But he rejected me how can we still have the connection" i was so confused there.

"You never accepted it dear and now its up to you" i just stayed quiet as usual not knowing whta answer that coyld make any sense.

"Look....we'll talk more in the morning as my mate is bugging in my head so am gonna go and give him a piece of my miniac mind" making me giggle

"Ohhh please do that...." as she hugged me and left letting the darkness embrace me like a blanket of sadness...

Time later came a pack maid with my food i just let her put it on my night stand as i wast feeling like puting anything in my mouth at this hour. So i went to the bathroom, took a quick shower and put on my sleeping shorts with my a hudy Bruce gave me and went to bed.

I just laid there looking at my seeling as sleep was far away from my reach.......

'I dont want a weak person for my mate.......'

'I need a strong mate like Britney.....

'Why did i have to get you.....

'I Tyler Shephard Alpha of Crypton pack reject you Ava Andrew...

'You never accepted it my dear.....'

As i took a pillow and screamed on ot to muffle my screams so as nobody could jear them. Feeling worm tears leave my eyes i just cried until th duvet of sadness and darkness welmed me.

Am really unloved in this world of mine
