
Regretting the rejection

"I Tyler Shephard, future Alpha of the Pyramid Pack reject you Ava Andrew as the Future Luna of this Pack and my mate". Soon as those words escaped his mouth i felt my world crumble down with my wolf disapering with her own pain. I wasnt thinking straight so all i did was the first thing that crossed my mind. I ran, i ran untill i felt like i can't go no more. All that i hoped that it would save me from the pit i just came and crushed it like a dead rose. Follow up to see the story of Tyler and Ava once they have part ways.....will they ever meet.....and if so what will happen next..... #Mature Content #Rejection Series. #Broken. #Mate Series

meeh007 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A Phone Call

After rejecting Ava i was so confused that i went back to my office as i met Britney dressing but she was still half naked and i really wanted a release and so i just went behind her and just moved my cock and shoved it hard in her while she wasnt wet so i wettened my fingers and strocked for some time and then put it back letting my mind think of the softness that rounds my dick as all the sound i heard was our skin slapping, her dirty talk and moaning my name and me groaning after every release

I went to my dad to see what he was calling me for.

"Hey dad...you wanted my presence" i said as i steped in his office.

"Well yes my son.....i wanted to ask you a question.....you might wanna sit down" as i followed his hand and sat on one lf the chairs.

"What do you wanna ask Paps"

"Well i just wanted to ask you if you have found your mate up to now....as Britney has already announcing that she is the Luna.....you've heard that right" i just nodded as its being going on for like months now as she already turned 16 like four months ask and thats when it all started.

"So we all wanted to know if she's your mate or not"

"Well teqnically i dont know because i haven't seen her like since two days back" as i sounded so natural. My mom looked at me like i was lieing but my dad just nodded his head.

"She's not your mate...is she" came my mother serious voice....i hated that voice which made me wanna tell the truth and  i just stayed quiet looking at my fingers

"I told her to go look if your okay this morning and she never came out of your office thats why i know she's not" i still stayed quiet not wanting to submit to my mom as she knows that she has already win.

"So who is your mate" asked my father again

"Still haven't found her....i've checked all over but still haven't found her" as soon as that statement ledt my mouth the door busted open revealing my Beta's wife

"Am sorry Alphas and Luna but my friend is missing" as she nelt down while Ronald came to her wanting her to stand up

"Rise my child" mom said it with a motherly tone

"Whats the name of this friend of yours" now my father asked

"Ava...Ava Andrew my Alpha" as she still didn't stand up

"What happend to her"

"I dont know she was sick then we left her in our room to rest but when we came back she wasn't there" said Ronald helping her sobbing wife to exlpain.

"We have looked everywhere but haven't seen her" as Bea said that my mom looked at me curiously then

"Lets go look at that room to see who was the last person seen there" well my mother can see what happened by the scent of those people there. Thats a natural thing for her.

We all went there me being at the tail wishing to tell he but afraid of being the bad guy.

'Was this your doing son' asked my mother in my head and i just put back my wall not wanting to communicate with anyone.

"Is this the room my dear" asked my mother as the sobbing Bea nodded at her. We walked inside and Ava sweet scent splashed in my nose like cold water splashed on my face making me close my eyes and feel it as it took away all the pressure i had.

As i opened my eyes my mother's green big eyes were stairing at me like an owl who wants you dead. She has seen everything.

"The last scent i can smell is of a girl and a guy" still looking at me deadfully.

"What made her disappear" asked Bea not sobbing anymore

"The guy she was with was her mate....but the mate didn't want her since she was an Omega and so she ran away"

"Were did she go" asked Ronald this time.

"She went down the stairs" as started heading down the stairs then on the back door as she proceeded running making me see how she was running from the pain she felt. My mom fell down hurting her ankle but her eyes were still closed as she sences her. My dad tried waking her but it was no use as she proceeded runing with her bleeding ankle. She again fell of hurting her knee and elbow and her rib as my mother looked at all those things with tears leaving her closed eyes. As soon as she was about to get out of those boders my dad held her

"MaryJane" that made my mother wake up

"I cant feel her anymore Clint....she ran off the borders" still crying

"Can she still be alive by now" asked Bea being worried again

"I dont know as her scent ended here....."

"I wonder who would reject such a sweet girl like Ava" said Ronald holding Bea and taking her away

"Yeah....i wonder who that would be" said my mom her eyes still stuck on me...and so i decided to go back to my office to have some alone time bit that didnt work.

"Honey...can i talk to you about something important" i really wanted to deny but i know i couldn't so i just followed her with dad to their office.

"Soh...." spoke my dad as we steped in the office.

"What" as asked trying to act innocent

"Don't play innocent Jason...why did you reject her" came my mother's harsh voice....i really had no answer as i knew my reason would sound stupid.

"Just say it...i just really want to know" now my mother came politely to me as she took my hand

"She was an omega mama.....i...i wasnt thinking at the time...i.....i just rejected her for...."

"WHAT...." came an angry voice from the door that was left ajar

"IT WAS YOU.....YOU REJECTED HER...DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE YOU IDIOT" now Bea was already in a pool of tears as she didnt bother to rub them but let them fall


"LANGUAGE.....its your alpha your talking to" defended, my dad.

"Ohhhh....but i thought Alpha had a duty to protect their people and not kill them instead" she still dint stop shouting.

"Why did you say he killed her.....whats the problem" asked my mom still calm

"Her.....her wolf was dieing and only her mate could save her or else....." she started crying again and this time sobbing really hard

"Or else what"came my worried voice as i really didnt want her dead

"Or else....she'....she's dead" as she proceeded sobing more. My feet gave up as i fell on my knees feeling a lot of pain inside but no tear left my eyes.

"Am so disapointed on you....i even feel ashame of calling you my best friend" came Ronald's voice filled with venom as he picked up her wife and left leaving me with my parents.

Soon my father also left leaving me with my mom...

"I dont know what to do mom....i killed her mom" as my mom came to me and gave me the mother hug that i needed as i cry on her shoulder like there was no tomorrow.


Bea's p.o.v

"How could he do this to us.....atleast she could come to us ...or even me" i was really complaining to my husband.

"She didnt even say goodbye...atleast she could write a letter or tell me where she goin...is.....is she.....dead" as i looked at my busband for comfort.

"Ofcource not....she's not dead" as he soothes my back making me smile as the mate bond works so much

"I really hate your best friend now"

"Yeah me too" as we stayed there quiet soothing each other his phone rung. He just kept looking at it

"Who's that....pick it up and keep it on loud speaker" and so he did then..

"Beta of the Crypton pack what can i help you" spoke his beta voice spreading spacks all over my body

"Ohhh..just the one i wanted am the Luna of Pyramid pack.." cane a woman voice but so polite

"Ohh...Luna...what can i help you with.."

"I was wondering if i could speak to your wife....privately" leaving all of us stunned as we were all shocked 'why would she want to talk to me privately'

"Am....Beta are you still there" as she asked hearing nothing from us

"Ye....yes here she is" i removed the speaker and put the phone on my ear

"Can you step aside from your husband for a moment" how did she...

"Yeah....i can hear his hard breathe from where yoy are" with that i steped a bit far from him

"Now someone would like to talk to you" then silence took place as no one was talking....i was about to speak but..

"Bea.." i was so shocked as i turned back to my husband who was looking attentive to me and i felt him roaming my head and so i put my walls up to block him completely

"Are you owkay.....where are you who are you with.....are they hurting you...." i started rumbling shits

"Hey.....hey...chill....am owkay the Pyramids helped me and am healing now"

"How about your wolf"

"Still not talking but i can feel her as she's healing me by now" she sounded really owkay and that made my heart stay at peace....atleast.

"When are yoy coming back...you didnt even say goodbye" tears were already threatening to get out.

"I....i cant Bea....and am so sorry.."

"Its owkay....i get you girl.....well....if yoy cant then i can and will be coming there"

"But wont they suspect anything....if yoy will be coming jere you have to talk your mate and thats risky" she sounded worried again

"I can do something about that" came the Luna's voice again from a bit far

"Couldnt help but listen...am sorry if your offended"

"No its owkay" me and Ava said it at the same time....making all of us giggle at the sams time

"You two realy are bestie....you even think the same" said the Luna still laughing

"Anyway.....i can help...i mean am a Luna and i might say i'll need like one girl from each pack to join me for the Luna trainjng and since yourAlpha has no mate then the Beta's mate will take the chance...then you will be meeting elwith her every weekends" she spoke sounding so senseful

"But Alpha told me that he loves someone else" came Ava's voice filled with hurt

"Then we just have to make your Alpha not to crow that slut you say as the Luna"

"I can do that.....I'll make sure Britney isnt crow the Luna of our pack"

"And i'll help too" came a voice beside me...as i looked at my mate who gave me a smile and so i peaked his lip mouthing a thanks you.

"Owkay thats the only thing we have to do...i'll call you later"

"Its owkay....have some rest"

"Why does everyone tells me tk have some rest...i wanna walk around...hospital sounds booring" said Ava complaining to everyone around her

"Owkay...rest for now then i'll take yoy for a straw around later owkay" said the Luna then we bid our goodbyes then we hanged up. I looked at my mate like...how.

"Well Eliza was talking to Elisha so ge told he everything" well my wolf and his cant stay even a minit far from each other.

'Cant you even for a minute' scolding my wolf

'But Elisha kept asking and you know how i become when he begs me when he licks...'

'Owkay i get it..' as i shut her down and bring my attention to my mate as we kissed and let our night be filled with moans and groans.
