
Reencarnation Battle Royal (Multiverse)

This is the story of a group of powerful beings who, in their boredom, have created the ultimate entertainment, a Battle Royal! But it consists of reincarnated humans. Watch our protagonist struggle to survive, live his life between each instance of this interesting program, and watch him travel to different worlds to find ways to improve his power, accompanied by his partner. ----- A world where he was reborn: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Worlds to travel: High School DxD, Marvel(MCU), Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Dark Souls, SCP. The cover photo was made for an AI. The characters that belong to other franchises are not mine, the mythological creatures are public domain. I only have my protagonist and the other reincarnated characters that will appear in the story. NO HAREM.

Sir_Traverse · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

LV: True Self.

"What would this deal be about?" asked Seone after a while of deliberation with his companions, they would not accept it so easily, but at least they would try to know and understand more about Kal and his possible motives.

The elf noticed the mistrust in Seone's tone, but who wouldn't be suspicious of a potential enemy? Especially when you've just wounded him badly and now he's proposing a deal that could easily be a trap.

"Look, I thought I could accomplish something great, you know, even though my cheat isn't as cool as others, it gives me a virtually immortal elven bloodline and a spectral dragon of my own that can grow, added to the elven magic I inherited, plus the one I learned on this site, I envisioned a future where I could put myself on top of everything...

But I never wanted to get into a war with humans! I am a human, even though my essence is no longer human, I was born as a human, I fought those alien bastards as a human, and I died as a human, why did I happen to be very compatible with my current template and was lucky to have it? 

Even though I have accepted myself, the desire to become human again has affected my current self, bringing me closer to a human state with each passing day. You will soon notice that my ears are not as long as they once were, and while I may retain some elven talents, I doubt that a group of proud and pompous elves will accept me.

So I want a deal, I want to defect, I want to be a traitor to the elves, I don't need any benefits, just an acknowledgment that I am indeed human... that's all I need", Kal explained all the details and made his position clear, astonishing the people who heard him.

There was an uncomfortable silence for several minutes until Seone, after hearing a few things said to him, turned his attention back to the call and relayed the news he had received. 

"Honestly, I feel for you, what can you offer the humans? You know that we're starting a war with the elves, we need you to provide us with deployment information, transport routes, information on prominent personalities, setbacks, trump cards... and a special spell that we need", Seone's words made Kal, who had been a bit tense at being rejected, feel joy and peace.

Perhaps because of his initiative and the willingness of the humans to listen to him, the power within Kal underwent a radical change. His magical power burned through his body, radiating a bright blue color. His physical features did not change much, but his ears were much more human-like, though somewhat sharper. 

Due to the drastic change and the loss of his magical organs, Kal felt terrible discomfort, but soon he felt a burning in his right palm and ambient mana began to flow into his body through the silver mark on his hand.

He knew he was no longer an elf or even a strange half-elf like Eragon, he was human through and through. He lost the immortality of his deception, leaving him only a long-lived life, but he retained his affinity for magic, and even his state as a human changed, and evolved.

You see, in the world where his cheat came from, humans were also in the pact made by the elves and dragons, they just didn't get the benefits of the elves, such as the inability to die of aging.

But humans slowly evolved from a barbaric species to a thriving civilization in a short period, becoming more intelligent and even creating many more wizards than before. Humans were evolving into a magical species, or so the author of this story believes. 

The change Kal underwent made him a completely supernatural human, a magical human. When the changes in him ended, his body unconsciously emitted a special aura that was detected by many powerful figures on the continent. 

"Damn, another supernatural human..." a supernatural being silently replied upon detecting this special aura, but he did not know where it had occurred, so he and many existences simply let it pass.

Sure, Minerva, the queen of the silver elves, and the newly awakened nine-tailed fox knew where this atmosphere came from, but unlike the two supernatural creatures, the queen of the elves didn't know who it was. If she knew that it was a prominent minion who had accomplished this feat by ridding herself of her elven blood, I don't know how she would feel. 

Let's make some distinctions: being a human with special abilities, whether innate, trained, or awakened, does not make you supernatural, only extraordinary. It is only when you cross a certain threshold, which varies depending on your energy system, that you become a supernatural human being.

It doesn't make you stronger, but it changes the nature of your life. It's a differentiating status, the only advantage is that your boundaries have expanded and you have much more room to grow. 

For example, Seone is on a path that will turn him into a supernatural being, Marie, with her gradual transformation into a dragon, as well as his other companions are on a similar path. Sure, you can be strong without being supernatural, like Goku, who is a 'human', although we know he is a Saiyan, but you understand, gained incredible power, and his transformations give him supernatural status, gaining higher limits, hence stronger power.

"Sorry, something just happened..." Kal held back his power and after checking his body, he focused his attention on Seone. 

Now he felt that magic was much easier for him, and he could even feel some things he couldn't before, seeing Seone in the projection, even though he didn't have the boy in front of him, he could feel something relatively special about our protagonist. 

But unlike Damien, who feels repulsion, or Minerva, who feels curiosity, or the masked woman, who seems to find amusement in Seone, Kal felt that Seone was pleasant to look at, nothing romantic or anything like that, but as if he was familiar with him. 

Maybe it has something to do with his Belmont surname," Kal thought as he remembered the available information about Seone, which he had checked because the swordsman had been his enemy at first until he had been wounded by him and then he had felt that he could find a way out of his awkward situation. 

"I can give you that information and more, but what spell are you talking about?" asked Kal curiously, he had many spells in his head, even some forbidden ones he had learned from the royal elven library, and even some rare or obscure spells, but he didn't know which spell the humans would want from him. 

"I heard that there is a spell that allows people to change their gender inside, is it real? What are its conditions and results? Can it be reversed or is it permanent?" when Seone asked these questions, Alex, who was standing next to him looking at Kal's picture, clenched his fists in nervousness.

He didn't want to pin his hopes on an illusory idea, even though Ron had told him there was such a spell in the elven realm, maybe because of the disappointments he had suffered before, Alex just thought they wanted to be nice to him, but when Seone asked those questions, he sincerely hoped the spell was real. 

Not knowing why Seone was asking him those questions, Kal just answered them after organizing his thoughts.

"The spell is real, it has two things as a condition: not having used the spell before, as well as a genuine desire to change gender, so it cannot be used on a person in a forced way, likewise you cannot force someone to use it on themselves, even if you mentally manipulate them or change their cognition, otherwise it will fail and the opportunity will be lost forever. 

From what I have studied and read, the results are a total change of the person's gender, from the physical to the physiological level. DNA, hormones, functions, everything. It cannot be washed away and is permanent, because the people who use it are only those who are willing, if there is no willingness for it, the spell will never work.

It's used by the elven princess to expand her harem, and it makes more sense because elves, at least the silver ones, are beings that don't care if they're male or female, even if they have certain preferences. The spell is..." After Axel had explained the incantation of the spell, the tone to use, the mudras, and the way to manipulate the magic power, he couldn't wait any longer and disappeared from the place in a flash. 

Monic followed his companion, he had to be with him in this important moment, even if he missed Kal's description of the requested information. 

"I have a friend who will use this spell, I'll leave you to talk to Princess Rolanda," Seone said quickly before he handed the amulet to the princess behind him, then he left with his companions, they didn't want to leave Alex alone in such an important moment. 


In a small treeless area of the forest, Alex methodically performed the spell he had just received. He wasn't much of a fan of complicated magic, preferring to simply drop a few bolts of lightning or proactively give his enemies a few slashes rather than mumbling and gesticulating behind lines. But his brain, sped up by the lightning magic he controlled, was now processing everything about this spell as he did it, not wanting to make any mistakes. 

Monic appeared right next to Alex, lowering her gaze to watch her concentrated companion intently, her blue hair fluttering in the occasional breeze, but if anyone knew her, they would know that she had total control over her hair. 

She was also concentrating, not wanting to see Alex make a mistake, but as the boy performed the spell, her expression relaxed, and just as the others arrived, a white light covered Alex's entire body, hiding him from sight and other external senses. 

Alex's consciousness was taken to a strange place, his mental body was similar in appearance, but if you looked closely, the small bulge in his chest had disappeared and he had some features that a woman would not have, although his appearance in this place was quite androgynous, his masculinity could be observed. 

The gaze of something indescribable rested on him, and Alex felt as if the world rested on his shoulders, but it wasn't, it was the psychological effect of the attention he was receiving, though it had to do with the world. He knew that whoever was looking at him right now was the will of the world, examining him.

The spell he had just cast was not a normal spell, it was more of a ritual that communicated a request to the world, in this case, a gender change, and you had to be judged by the world itself for this change to happen. 

Such a powerful and complex spell could not be performed just by hearing it, and unless you were someone with special abilities or a powerful being, no one was capable of changing a living being in such a profound way, but the world itself was. 

Therefore, it was impossible to force someone with the spell, and those who did not want to change could not do so. Only someone with a true desire could succeed, which was the case with Alex. 

Soon Alex woke up in reality, feeling quite comfortable for the first time in a long time, as if his mind had adjusted to the changes he had undergone and he felt satisfied. Alex, not caring about the audience he had, patted his chest and crotch, realizing the things that were gone and the new things he had.

Then he began to cry because finally, after so much time, so much suffering, so much despair, and anguish, for the first time since he had been aware of himself, Alex did not feel disgust, disgust or hatred for himself, but joy, joy from the deepest part of his being.

The tears he shed were tears of joy. 


A certain nameless character, affectionately nicknamed 'Rinnegan Boy' by the author, had just received incredible news, he would finally have a chapter to himself! Or at least he would be more involved, he would just have to give that blonde bitch her comeuppance, what a pleasure!

Feeling that his recovered body and gradual control over his eyes were enough, the Rinnegan boy, who didn't deserve a nickname, made his way to the Land of Flowers. 

But he was not the only one to go there; a certain fox, compelled by an existence of his kind but much stronger than him, also left for the Land of Flowers.


AN: Alex was inspired in a true friend that I have, a true brother. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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