
Red room: The origin

The Red Room is a story of resilience in the face of profound adversity. Emerlda, a young woman burdened by a painful past, finds herself abandoned in a world that deems her inferior – the ruthless mafia. This scarlet chamber, a symbol of her isolation and despair, becomes the crucible where her spirit is tested. Yet, from the ashes of abandonment and societal prejudice, Emerlda rises. Like a phoenix, she refuses to be consumed by the flames of hardship. This abstract hints at a narrative that explores themes of overcoming trauma, defying societal expectations, and ultimately, achieving personal triumph. The red room, a potent symbol, transforms from a place of despair to a starting point for her remarkable journey. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It condemns child and women abuse, emphasizing the inherent equality of all genders.

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28 Chs

Chapter 12 Cacophony of Chaos

Emeralda's opulent villa, once a symbol of power and wealth, now resembled a warzone. Smoke billowed from the smoldering wreckage, painting the twilight sky an ominous grey. A swarm of reporters, their faces etched with a mix of morbid fascination and professional urgency, buzzed outside the police cordon. Ambulances, sirens wailing a mournful symphony, ferried away the wounded.Detective Inspector Zirech, a grizzled veteran with eyes that had seen too much, stepped forward to address the throng. His voice, hoarse with exhaustion, echoed through the gathering darkness. "The events that transpired here tonight," he began, "have left the nation reeling. My sincerest condolences go out to the families who tragically lost loved ones in this senseless attack. We are devoting all our resources to apprehending the perpetrator, or perpetrators, behind this act of barbarity. Justice will be served."His words, however, did little to quell the rising tide of unease. A question hung heavy in the air, unspoken but burning in every mind: Where was Emeralda Borstov, the iron-fisted leader of Evolution Industries, amidst the devastation?Unseen by the authorities, a lone figure, Daniel, moved like a phantom through the wreckage. He'd arrived before the sirens, before the flashing lights, and with chilling efficiency, ensured his mission was complete. Now, shrouded in smoke and shadow, he surveyed the scene, a grim satisfaction etched on his face. Emeralda Borstov, the woman who'd orchestrated his downfall, was gone. Or was she?Inside the sterile confines of the Intensive Care Unit, a desperate battle raged. Maxim, his once-vibrant eyes clouded with pain, fought for each shallow breath. The doctors, grim-faced, had delivered the verdict – his legs were shattered beyond repair, a permanent reminder of the night's brutality.Sam, his own body a canvas of wounds, clung to life by a thread. Machines beeped a relentless rhythm, the only counterpoint to the storm raging within him. Would he survive? Would he wake up to a world irrevocably altered, a world without Emeralda?Miles away, a solitary figure perched atop a high-rise building, their telescopic lens trained on the hospital entrance. This was the architect of the night's carnage, the unseen sniper. A sliver of doubt, however, gnawed at their confidence. The intel had been clear: eliminate Emeralda. Yet, the unsettling silence surrounding her fate was unsettling. Had they underestimated the Devilish Angel?Once a bustling metropolis, was shrouded in an unsettling quiet. The Borstov massacre had ripped a gaping wound into the city's soul. As the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cityscape, a single question pulsed through the collective consciousness: Was Emeralda Borstov truly gone, or was this merely the first chapter in a far more sinister story?Burns, his face flushed with a mixture of relief and exhilaration, raised his glass high. "A toast, gentlemen! To freedom...as millionaires!" he declared, a humorless smirk twisting his lips."To the Jackals!" Roy bellowed, a touch of nostalgia lacing his voice. The past few weeks had been a nightmare, a constant dance with death. Now, for the first time in a long while, he could envision a future where he wasn't staring down the barrel of a gun.He downed his double whiskey in one go, the potent burn a welcome sensation. Lighting a cigar, he puffed out a plume of smoke, his eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. "The clients should be arriving any minute now. We gotta keep some product back for future endeavors, of course."Roy's words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the dark cycle they were perpetuating. Bob, ever the pragmatist, simply nodded his agreement. Tim, however, his gaze glued to his tablet, muttered, "The whole Russian operation… it makes my blood run cold. But damn, this is efficient. Brutal, sure, but your contact, Bob, doesn't mess around."A dark chuckle escaped Burns' lips. "Efficient is one way to put it." He wasn't naive about the consequences of their actions. They'd taken out a major supplier, disrupted the drug trade, yes, but they'd also created a power vacuum. New players would undoubtedly emerge, a hydra with multiple heads.The arrival of the clients – a motley crew of Arabians and Gotham City's most notorious drug dealers – jolted them from their contemplation. Burns, with a practiced charm, ushered them in, his minions scurrying around to display the merchandise.Twenty million dollars' worth of narcotics changed hands in a flurry of crisp bills and terse negotiations. The warehouse was then locked down tight, transformed into a heavily guarded fortress with Burns' private army patrolling the perimeter.As the night deepened, the weight of their actions settled on them like a shroud. They were no longer small-time players – they were now major power brokers in the global drug trade. The thrill of the heist had faded, replaced by a cold, sobering realization: they'd escaped the frying pan, only to land squarely in the fire.The sterile hum of the hospital room was a stark contrast to the inferno that had consumed Emeralda's life. Daniel, his face a mask of grim determination, stood beside her bed. Her chest rose and fell with a shallow rasp, a testament to her tenacious hold on life."Do whatever it takes," he rasped to a burly man with hands scarred like burnt iron and eyes that mirrored the cold steel of his prosthetic limbs. "Money's no object. Just save her."The man, Kruger, Emeralda's former head of security, raised an eyebrow. "With all due respect, sir," he rumbled, "taking over Evolution Industries would be a more permanent solution."Daniel slammed his fist on the table, the sharp crack echoing through the sterile room. "This isn't about Evolution! This woman…" He choked back a torrent of emotions, his gaze flickering to Emeralda's pale face. "She took me in when everyone else shut the door. She saw potential where others saw a monster."He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, his voice dropping to a low growl. "This place," he gestured around the makeshift medical bay hidden within Doctor Irish's abandoned office, a room filled with the macabre remnants of past experiments, "this is the only place she's safe. Every breath she takes is a debt you owe, Kruger. Fail me, and your family joins her in that grave six feet under."A tense silence stretched between them, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor. Finally, Daniel slumped into a chair, his bravado crumbling. He leaned closer to Emeralda, his voice rough with a strange tenderness."You've fought through worse, boss lady," he murmured, brushing a stray strand of hair from her forehead. "I know you'll wake up and curse me for blowing up your little party. You'll probably even threaten to cut my throat again."A ghost of a smile played on his lips. "And I'll be right here, waiting. Because honestly, Emeralda Borstov, you're the only reason this monster even gives a damn anymore."He pressed a lingering kiss to her hand, a gesture both intimate and strangely clinical in the sterile environment. The line between loyalty and vengeance blurred in his eyes, a complex mix of emotions warring within him. As he continued his vigil, a single question hung heavy in the air: would Emeralda awaken to a world reshaped by his violence, or would the darkness finally claim her, leaving Daniel adrift in a sea of his own making?Stepping out of the sterile confines of Doctor Irish's hidden clinic, Daniel shed the cloak of bedside vigil. The sterile air was replaced by the cacophony of flashing cameras and a throng of reporters eager for a piece of the tragedy. A practiced mask of grief settled on his face, the raw emotions locked away behind his steely gaze."Mr. Daniel," a particularly aggressive reporter shoved a microphone in his face, "a horrific event claimed the lives of many prominent figures last night. Can you shed some light on what transpired at Ms. Borstov's residence?"Daniel steepled his fingers, his voice a carefully modulated mix of sorrow and indignation. "It's a tragedy beyond words. Half of Evolution's esteemed shareholders perished in that senseless attack. They were all pillars of the community, visionaries who would be sorely missed."He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "As for Ms. Borstov…" He trailed off, his eyes welling up with manufactured tears, a performance worthy of an Oscar. "She was more than just a leader, she was a friend, a mentor. We're making arrangements for a private ceremony to lay her remains to rest."A ripple of murmurs went through the crowd. Public perception was crucial. He had to portray Emeralda as a benevolent leader, a victim of circumstance. The truth, the web of violence he'd spun, would remain buried with the doctored reports Doctor Michel had provided.Speaking of the doctor, a slender figure with sharp eyes and an aura of quiet competence joined Daniel's side. This was Michel, his new confidante, the architect of their elaborate deception. Together, they had concocted a believable story – a catastrophic gas leak responsible for the inferno, a tragic accident that claimed innocent lives.Michel discreetly handed Daniel a small, intricately designed urn. It held not Emeralda's ashes, but a carefully crafted concoction that would mimic the chemical signatures upon testing. Daniel cradled the urn close, his expression etched with grief."It is with a heavy heart," he declared, his voice thick with emotion, "that we commit the remains of my dear friend to the earth. May her legacy of innovation and philanthropy live on. Now, if you'll excuse us, we require some privacy for this deeply personal moment."The reporters, satiated with his performance, reluctantly dispersed. Daniel, with Michel by his side, turned away, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. The world saw him as a grieving colleague, a loyal friend. The truth, the darkness that simmered beneath the surface, remained his secret, a chilling testament to his ruthlessness and meticulous planning.A month had crawled by, each day a slow bleed for Evolution Industries. Profits plummeted, deals stalled, and the air crackled with a palpable sense of unease. The shareholders, a viper's nest of self-interest, were circling, sensing weakness.Daniel, ever the opportunist, strolled into a crucial board meeting, fashionably late. His entrance, however, was met with a frigid silence. The mahogany table, once a symbol of Emeralda's ironclad rule, now resembled a battlefield, littered with hostile glances and veiled threats."Apologies for the delay," he drawled, his voice laced with a false nonchalance. He scanned the room, his gaze lingering on the vacant seat – Sam's seat. A cold anger flickered in his eyes, quickly masked by a predatory smile."Seems like a lively discussion," he continued, a dangerous edge creeping into his tone. "Anyone care to catch me up on the delightful gossip I've missed?"A portly shareholder, his face a mask of avarice, cleared his throat. "Mr. Daniel," he began, his voice dripping with condescension, "this meeting concerns the future of Evolution. With Ms. Borstov… indisposed, it's time to appoint a new leader, someone with the vision to steer this company out of the… current predicament."He didn't finish the sentence. A gunshot, sharp and unforgiving, shattered the sterile silence. The shareholder crumpled to the floor, a crimson stain blossoming on his expensive suit.The room erupted in chaos. Screams pierced the air as the remaining shareholders scrambled for cover, their faces contorted in a mix of terror and fury. Daniel, however, remained calm, the smoking gun a chilling extension of his hand."Seems we have a misunderstanding," he said, his voice low and dangerous. He swept the room with a predatory gaze. "Did I stutter? I said catch me up, not plot a hostile takeover."A bead of sweat trickled down the temple of the remaining shareholder, a nervous tremor shaking his hands. "W-we were just discussing… options, Mr. Daniel. We all want what's best for Evolution."Daniel chuckled, a cold, humorless sound. "Of course you do. Now, let's get one thing straight. Sexism," he spat the word like venom, "doesn't fly under my watch." His eyes narrowed, his gaze lingering on the cowering figures. "Anyone else harbor similar… sentiments?"Silence, thick and suffocating, filled the room. Daniel sighed, a theatrical display of exasperation. Loosening his tie, he muttered, "This is getting tiresome. Look, I need some time. Time to get things in order. Consider this a… temporary setback."He holstered his gun, the metallic click a chilling counterpoint to his words. "Anyone who gets in my way," he continued, his voice a low growl, "will find themselves looking a lot like our departed colleague here."With that, he turned and strode out of the room, leaving behind a trail of fear and a suffocating silence. The message was clear: whoever dared challenge him would face a swift and merciless end. But beneath the bravado, a flicker of doubt flickered in Daniel's eyesDaniel's gaze lingered on the plummeting sales figures, a physical manifestation of the company's freefall. A deep sigh escaped his lips, a stark contrast to the booming pronouncements of their recently deceased CEO, Emerlda. He, more than anyone, understood the void her absence left. Emerlda, the "Boss Lady," had been a force of nature, her leadership a potent mix of unwavering authority and infectious enthusiasm. Under her iron fist, veiled in a velvet glove, they'd conquered new markets and experienced unprecedented growth. Now, with her gone, the once vibrant company felt like a ship floundering in a storm.He wasn't naive. He knew Sam, Emerlda's designated successor, was the logical choice to lead them back to calmer waters. But Sam, currently incapacitated by a mysterious illness, was no Captain Kirk. Their past interactions were peppered with passive-aggressive barbs, a constant undercurrent of competition veiled by a facade of camaraderie. Daniel yearned for Emerlda's unwavering presence, the woman who'd fostered loyalty and respect, not veiled hostility.Yet, the company needed a leader, and with a grim determination, Daniel stepped forward. He addressed the hushed boardroom, his voice betraying none of the turmoil within. "Sam will be back soon," he declared, a statement that hung heavy with unspoken doubt, "and together we'll weather this storm. In the meantime, I'll hold the fort."The news of Sam's death hit Daniel like a rogue wave. He raced through sterile hospital corridors, the sterile white a stark contrast to the storm raging within him. Reaching Sam's room, he found the lifeless form bathed in the harsh glare of medical equipment. A raw, primal scream threatened to erupt from his throat, but he choked it back, the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders like a leaden cloak.Staring down at the man who was supposed to be the savior, a torrent of emotions flooded him. "Damn you, Sam," he cursed under his breath, voice tight with a cocktail of grief and frustration. "You had to give up now?" The vulnerability in his voice, so at odds with his carefully constructed facade, surprised even him. He needed a break, a chance to grieve, to process the relentless onslaught of loss. But the company, his responsibility, hung precariously in the balance.

Truly Daniel wasn't lying, he had threatened and beaten the caretaker half dead to obtain the burial spot. Till the very end Daniel knew how to piss Sam to off, in real life Sam hated oranges. The only person left was Maxim, his body and internal wounds were slowly recovering whilst he was in coma. Managing the gang and business was exhausting for Daniel but he kept his head up high as he saved his Boss's legacy.

Dr. Irish, a figure shrouded in whispers of brilliance and ostracized madness, hovered over Emerlda's lifeless form. The sterile lab hummed with an air of forbidden science, the metallic tang of ozone a stark contrast to the cloying scent of formaldehyde that clung to Emerlda's pale flesh. Irish wasn't merely performing surgery; he was conducting a macabre symphony, his instruments the scalpels and electrodes that danced a precarious ballet with death.The journey to bring Emerlda back wasn't a waltz through a field of daisies. Three times, a chilling silence replaced the rhythmic thump of her heart. Her lungs, once instruments of life, became deflated bellows, gasping for air that refused to come. This macabre ritual claimed another casualty – the nascent life nestled within Emerlda's womb, a silent victim of Dr. Irish's ambition.Fueling this audacious experiment was Daniel, a man driven by a love that transcended the boundaries of life and death. He emptied his coffers, a king pouring his treasury at the feet of a capricious god in the hopes of resurrecting his lost queen. Unlike the nameless wretches Dr. Irish procured from the fringes of society, castaways bartered away by desperate families, Emerlda was different. Her life was a filament woven into the tapestry of Daniel's very being.Dr. Irish, a fallen Icarus, was once a golden boy in the sterile halls of military research. His pursuit of a human weapon, a chilling Frankensteinian vision, led to his expulsion. Now, ostracized and fueled by a warped sense of purpose, he found himself at the precipice of scientific blasphemy – the reanimation of a human being.

The dismissal from the military was a public spectacle, a tarnished Icarus plummeting from the sun. Fifty lives lost, a grotesque error in Dr. Irish's calculations, a permanent stain on his reputation. Now, banished to the fringes of science, he toiled in this sterile lab, his ambition a twisted phoenix rising from the ashes of disgrace.

A month had crawled by, a calendar marked with the crimson ink of countless surgeries and experiments, all enacted upon Emerlda's lifeless form. Each procedure, a macabre dance on the precipice of life and death. Irish, a voyeur of his own creation, watched with morbid fascination as Emerlda defied the odds, surviving each brutal stage. Yet, a chilling contingency plan resided in the back of his mind – a vial of euthanasia serum, a failsafe should his creation turn against him.

Staring at Emerlda, now peacefully suspended in a chemical-filled glass tank, a single tear traced a path down Irish's cheek. "An angel of death," he rasped, his voice thick with a disturbing mix of awe and madness. Three hundred failed experiments, a graveyard of nameless souls, all paving the way for this singular success.

The lab door hissed open, admitting Daniel, his face a mask of barely contained fury. "Taking a peek at your boss in the buff, are we, Doc?" he spat, the words laced with venomous sarcasm. "When can we expect Sleeping Beauty to wake up?"

Irish, his face morphing into a mask of manic enthusiasm, thrust a sheaf of papers at Daniel. "Here are the calculations," he declared, his voice surprisingly high-pitched. "Simplify that garbage yourself, can't you?"

Daniel scowled, unfolding the papers with a flourish that sent them scattering across the table. "Garbage?" he echoed, incredulous. "This garbage," Irish retorted, puffing out his chest, "has produced the greatest scientific marvel humankind has ever witnessed! Two, maybe three months in that…containment unit," he finished lamely under Daniel's withering stare.

"You assured me she'd be out of danger," Daniel growled, his voice dropping to a dangerous octave. "Exactly what kind of 'weird experiments' have you been conducting on her?"

Irish met Daniel's gaze, his eyes gleaming with a disturbing intensity. "The chemical compounds I've injected are still integrating with her cellular structure. Once complete, she'll possess unparalleled capabilities – the extent of which remains to be tested. The solution regulates her temperature, preventing a…catastrophic disassembly event."

Daniel, despite his simmering anger, recognized the truth. Irish, for all his eccentricity and questionable ethics, had managed to revive Emerlda. He turned towards the tank, his gaze falling on Emerlda's pale, hairless head. "Oh, for crying out loud," he muttered, burying his face in his hands. "Bald? You had to make her bald? She's going to have my head. I hope that hair grows back before she wakes up."