
Red room: The origin

The Red Room is a story of resilience in the face of profound adversity. Emerlda, a young woman burdened by a painful past, finds herself abandoned in a world that deems her inferior – the ruthless mafia. This scarlet chamber, a symbol of her isolation and despair, becomes the crucible where her spirit is tested. Yet, from the ashes of abandonment and societal prejudice, Emerlda rises. Like a phoenix, she refuses to be consumed by the flames of hardship. This abstract hints at a narrative that explores themes of overcoming trauma, defying societal expectations, and ultimately, achieving personal triumph. The red room, a potent symbol, transforms from a place of despair to a starting point for her remarkable journey. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It condemns child and women abuse, emphasizing the inherent equality of all genders.

DaoistvtdATq · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 11 The Tragedy

Sam sauntered into the study, a playful glint in his eyes. He tossed a gilded envelope onto the desk. "Maxim's birthday bash this weekend at the villa. Thought we could throw him a proper celebration, lift his spirits after Luka's…" His voice trailed off, sensing the storm brewing in Emeralda's emerald eyes."America," she declared, her voice tight with barely suppressed urgency. "I need to get back."Sam frowned. "But Emeralda," he began, concern softening his features, "we just laid Luka to rest. Shouldn't you be… grieving?"A flicker of something akin to pain crossed Emeralda's face, quickly masked by a steely resolve. "There's unfinished business," she muttered, more to herself than to him. "This needs to be dealt with before it escalates."Sam sighed, frustration lacing his voice. "What could possibly be more important than Maxim's birthday? He's a mess, Emeralda. We were hoping a party this weekend, something to take his mind off…" He trailed off again, his gaze lingering on her troubled expression.A heavy silence descended upon them. Then, with a swift movement, Sam bridged the gap between them, his lips brushing against her ear. "Besides," he murmured, his voice a husky caress, "I was hoping to see a smile on your face again. Maybe even a little… joy."Emeralda felt a warmth spread through her despite the chill of grief and vengeance that gripped her heart. She reached up, her fingers brushing against the lapel of his jacket. A spark of defiance ignited within her."You're persistent, Sam," she said, her voice a low purr. A playful glint returned to her eyes as she slowly unfastened his jacket. "And I must admit," she continued, her lips brushing against his throat, "it's a quality I… appreciate."The air in the study crackled with spent passion. Sam, a satisfied smile playing on his lips, reached for Emeralda, but she pulled away, a flicker of shame crossing her features."Maxim," she said, her voice hoarse. A muffled knock echoed through the room, shattering the fragile intimacy.Emeralda straightened her clothes, a mask of composure settling over her face. "I'll be down with him in a bit, darling," she called out, her voice laced with a hint of forced cheer.Maxim, a lanky teenager with a mop of unruly hair, sat perched on the edge of a sofa in the living room, his usual bravado replaced by a nervous energy. He chewed on his nails, a habit that betrayed his anxiety.Emeralda, her heart heavy with guilt, entered the room. Sam, ever perceptive, caught the fleeting look of shame in her eyes. He reached for her hand, but she gently pulled away."What's troubling you, champ?" Emeralda asked, forcing a smile as she knelt before Maxim. Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling over onto his cheeks."I saw the news report," he confessed, his voice barely a whisper. "About Uncle Luka. I'm scared, Mama. What if those bad people hurt you?"Emeralda's heart ached. The weight of her choices, the burden of protecting her son, pressed down on her. She gathered him into a fierce hug, the scent of his hair a balm to her soul."Don't you worry, my love," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "Mama is strong. I'll always protect you, my little prince."Maxim sniffled, clinging to her embrace. Slowly, a smile replaced his tears. "Are we still having the birthday party this weekend?" he asked, a flicker of hope returning to his eyes.Emeralda straightened, a determined glint in her eyes. "Of course we are! I even got you a special present – the one you've been wanting forever."Maxim's eyes lit up, and for a brief moment, the darkness clouding Emeralda's world seemed to recede. As he bounded upstairs, his enthusiasm infectious, a genuine smile touched her lips.Downstairs in the dining room, Maxim, now transformed into a ball of excited energy, described his vision for the party to Sam. "Uncle Sam," he declared, brandishing a plastic car key, "I need a special parking spot for my new car! And I'm driving myself, no arguments! Right, Mama?"Emeralda, her gaze flitting between her son and Sam, who wore a new ring on his finger – a gift from her – felt a warmth blossom in her chest. A family. Laughter. Security. Perhaps, she thought, this fragile sense of normalcy, this semblance of what she had always craved, was worth fighting for.Across the table, Sam offered her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, champ," he said to Maxim, ruffling his hair. "We'll make sure your car gets the royal treatment."A silent conversation passed between Emeralda and Sam. A shared understanding of the precariousness of their situation, of the storm brewing on the horizon, yet a determination to carve out a space for happiness amidst the chaos.Meanwhile, unseen by them, Daniel, a ghost at the table, received a coded message. His eyes narrowed. Burns and his crew were making a move. The fragile peace was about to be shattered.

Burns was sweating at every second that passed by, he kept glancing at the clock watch hanging on the walls of his office. Roy was infuriated with Burns decision, but the pack had to quickly patch up broken bonds in order to live. They moved their families into safe houses, to protect them if the situation becomes bad. Tim and Bob were fully supporting Buns decision to save their asses, they gathered with just an hour left till the deadline Emerlda gave them. Burns and the crew gathered at the warehouse, Roy had a loaded silencer riffle, "This is an opportunity for us to attack. Maybe we can launch rockets to attack her plane for we hijack it…" "Don't be ridiculous." Burns had soggy baggy eyes, Roy pointed a gun at Burns head, "This is all your fucking fault, your greed for easy money has gotten us into this mess! Now we are like a bunch of little kids waiting to be punished…living in fear of a bitch." Burns looking straight in Roy's eyes replied, "When the mission were smooth your mouth was shut. I didn't raid the bitch myself and certainly didn't wish for all this to turn haywire! If you aren't going to help shut your mouth and sit your ass down." Gritting his teeth, Roy sat on his seat, Bob handed Burns a file, "I have a friend who can help us, she needs a cut on the honey bar. At this rate she is our better option." Tim looking at his tablet said, "A party is being held at her villa to celebrate her son's tenth birthday. Big names are attending the party, she is quite important." Burns starring at Tim responded, "As a gang boss and the President of an elite company of course she is important. The security will be tight, so we need a long-range killer." Tim examining the area handed Bob the tablet, "Luckily the woods are ten kilometres from the house, and the view is quiet clear. If we fuck this up, this will be our one-way ticket to hell." Burns looking at his team said, "I have sacrificed enough to be here…" "Fuck you, you sacrificed Neil and Steve. Don't take any credit whilst your ass is roaming around!" Roy yelled at Burns; Bob held Burns from hitting Roy. Roy kept blabbering his mouth, Bob said, "We have one common enemy, let us focus on this Borstov and then settle our difference."

Maxim's birthday party was filled with Russian chaebols and gang leaders, for a day of preparation Sam had done an outstanding job. Emerlda tapping her glass, raised her wine glass, "Today we are gathered to celebrate the life of my one and only son, Maxim Borstov. I wish you a happy birthday my little Prince, cheers!" Emerlda bent down to give Maxim a kiss on the cheeks, looking at the crowd she said, "The fate of Evolution lies in your hands my son. To Maxim and Evolution!" Everybody echoed the room as they repeated the same sentence. Everyone sang a birthday son for Maxim, a large cake was brought in. Emerlda had double the rate of guards, hosting a party was risking his son and Sam's life. Emerlda blindfolded Maxim as he escorted him outside for his massive present, the other kids gasped as they saw the car. Before Emerlda opened Maxim's blindfold she felt a sharp pain through her chest, when she touched the area, she saw blood on her hands. Sam caught her head before she hit the ground, everyone rushed inside, Sam shouted, "Search the woods! Get the cars ready!" Maxim with a horrified look on his face shouted, "Mama!" The sniper shot straight through one fuel tank with a bomb, one after the other the cars exploded. The sniper looking at his time said, "I was expecting so much from you Devilish Angel. This was too easy; a queen always sinks with her castle." Sam tried to stop the bleeding; Maxim was quickly taken to his room. One after the other the sniper shot bombs at Emerlda's house trapping everyone inside, this person's intent was to kill. After a personal satisfaction the person dialled a number on a burner phone with a female voice she said, "The task is complete." Sam managed to rescue Maxim and Emerlda, their condition were critical. Emerlda during the explosion lost both her leg hand and leg. When the ambulance arrived, they quickly assisted the two surviving humans who were lying under a tree at the backyard. The whole villa crumbled on the ground; no bodies were recovered as they were all burnt down to ashes.