
Red room: The origin

The Red Room is a story of resilience in the face of profound adversity. Emerlda, a young woman burdened by a painful past, finds herself abandoned in a world that deems her inferior – the ruthless mafia. This scarlet chamber, a symbol of her isolation and despair, becomes the crucible where her spirit is tested. Yet, from the ashes of abandonment and societal prejudice, Emerlda rises. Like a phoenix, she refuses to be consumed by the flames of hardship. This abstract hints at a narrative that explores themes of overcoming trauma, defying societal expectations, and ultimately, achieving personal triumph. The red room, a potent symbol, transforms from a place of despair to a starting point for her remarkable journey. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It condemns child and women abuse, emphasizing the inherent equality of all genders.

DaoistvtdATq · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 13 The Awakening

Three months later

Crimson snaked across the dusty laboratory floor, leading Daniel's gaze to the half-furnished kitchen. Shards of glass and ceramic littered the counter, a tableau of destruction that elicited a sardonic chuckle. "Damn it all," he muttered, "a simple glass of water seems like an insurmountable feat." A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes as he called out, "Boss Lady! Up and about, are we?"Before he could complete the greeting, a blur of motion sent him crashing against the wall. The world dissolved into a dizzying kaleidoscope of colors before succumbing to blessed oblivion. Consciousness returned in waves, finding Emerlda in a lab coat, greedily gulping down water. Beside her lay Irish, his body a grotesque parody of life. The shattered remnants on the floor confirmed Daniel's suspicions – the container that held Emerlda captive. Her gaze, devoid of warmth, pinned him down. "What, in the deepest infernal pit, did I instruct you to do?" she spat, her voice laced with icy fury.Daniel winced as a fresh wave of pain radiated from his cheek. "I… I messed up, Boss," he stammered, voice hoarse. Emerlda's eyes narrowed, transforming into glittering chips of emerald. "Messed up? How much havoc have you wreaked, Daniel?" she demanded, her tone clipped and precise. Unable to tear his gaze from the lifeless figure of Irish, he choked out a question, "Why… why did you kill him?"Emerlda cracked open her eyelids, only to be met with the disconcerting sight of Irish scrutinizing her unclothed form. His gaze was methodical, likely searching for anomalies or signs of residual trauma. A knot of apprehension tightened in her gut. Misunderstanding hung heavy in the air, a thick fog obscuring the situation. "Awakening to find a strange man leering at my bare form..." she began, her voice laced with trepidation."He's the physician who facilitated your recovery," Daniel interjected, voice taut, his eyes flitting away from the scene before him. "How can we ascertain the absence of unforeseen consequences from his interventions?" Emerlda countered, a flicker of defiance igniting within her."Boss Lady," Daniel ventured, a hint of desperation creeping into his tone, "perhaps a more…suitable environment would be conducive to a more…appropriate discussion of the details." With trembling hands, he extended his coat towards Emerlda, offering a semblance of modesty.Stepping out into the oppressive heat, a sense of disorientation washed over her. The sprawling villa that greeted them seemed vaguely familiar, a distorted echo from a fever dream. A disconcerting clarity pierced the fog of confusion – the echoes of screams, the acrid tang of smoke, the flickering image of this very villa consumed by flames. Memories, both vivid and fragmented, threatened to overwhelm her. As they entered the cool, opulent interior, she was met with the unexpected sight of a steaming bubble bath, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within her.

Looking at the mirror she carefully examined her body, a maid offered her a gown and towels. Emerlda said, "I will have a cup of coffee in the garden." A maid bowed down before she quickly walked away, Emerlda sat in the tub filled with milk rosy water. Emerlda scratched her face a couple of times failing to properly operate her robot arm, she broke half of her body and facial creams. A maid offered to help her dress up after she had torn almost half her clothes. With a frustrated face Emerlda said, "Thank you Rose, you may leave." Emerlda with bare feet walked to the garden and saw Daniel already settled. Daniel kept starring at Emerlda who smashed one cup after the other, the maids hurriedly brought new sets. Daniel sat beside her, holding a cup of coffee up her lips he said, "You can borrow my hands for the mean time Boss." Sipping the coffee Emerlda said, "I gave you one fucking job to prove you can complete a task on your own. Should l always complete every fucking job…" Emerlda felt a sharp pain on her chest, her eye turned red and she threw the heavy wooden table on the roses. Taking a couple of breathes Emerlda said, "How much damage did you cause?" Emerlda looking at the file sighed, her company suffered internal heavy damages when the audit exposed her illegal dealings.

The smaller gang leaders intercepted her drugs and gun, it was a miracle the company was still operating. Emerlda threw the files at the table, "Where is my son?" Daniel starring at Emerlda's scary eyes replied, "Young Master is still recovering at the hospital. Sir Sam, passed away three months ago…Boss Lady, my mistake is only punishable by death…" "I need the names Daniel and prepare a press conference for Evolution tomorrow." Daniel gave her the manual to operate her robot arm and leg, Emerlda looked at the maids and said, "Clean this up." Emerlda went inside her training room, the screams kept popping up in her head. She trashed the study room shredding all the training equipment, sitting by the corner with her face buried in her legs, Rose walked in the room, "My Lady, your lunch is ready." After taking a warm shower Emerlda sat all by herself eating lunch, she recalled her son and Sam's bond. Wiping her mouth, she said, "Get the cars ready, I need to see my son." When they arrived at the hospital the doctors were doing an examination on Maxim, Emerlda removed her hat and glasses. Looking at her son's condition she asked, "Who is the doctor in charge?" An elderly man with a notepad in his hand replied, "Good day Mrs Borstov, I am the…" "How is my son doing?" Emerlda gently holding her son's hand asked. The doctor trembling down to his feet with a squeaky voice replied, "The young master is a fighter, his health has greatly improved. It is a matter of days before he wakes up." Emerlda looking at his son said, "Mama should have listened to you, wake up soon and I will allow you to eat all the ice cream you desire." Daniel had already gathered the information Emerlda required, it took him months to get the names behind the bombing. Looking at the rain pouring down Emerlda starred at the sky. Daniel drover her to Sam's grave, as they walked up the cliff Emerlda saw an orange tree. Daniel was holding an umbrella over her, her chest felt tight when she saw a grave engraved Sam Ivros. Emerlda touched the droplets falling off her eyes, gasping for air Emerlda said, "It hurts so much I can't breathe…Sam…Sam…we were supposed to get married remember…do you remember?" Daniel had ever seen his boss so emotional the sight was unpleasant to watch, holding his tombstone Emerlda broke down to tears. After an emotional moment Emerlda was escorted to the car by Daniel, her clothes were soaked with muddy water. Emerlda asked, "Who buried him under an orange tree? He hated oranges." Daniel with a puzzled face replied, "I fought really hard with the caretaker for the special spot…" "Even in his tomb you annoy Sam…the last time l cried was when l saw my mother's corpse hanging from a ceiling. I am to blame for all this…I killed Sam." Daniel starring at the view mirror replied, "You lost a leg and hand…we are all to blame for ruining Evolution. This is a chance to rebuild…a chance to reclaim what is yours Boss. Officially you are regarded dead, you can strike them, and they will never know what hit them." Emerlda wiped away the snort on her nose, "When they came after my family, they didn't crawl in the dark…they have to know their worst mistake of failing to kill me when they had the chance."

A phalanx of news cameras pressed against the glass doors of Evolution's headquarters, their hungry lenses devouring the scene. Inside, a gaggle of shareholders fidgeted in the polished mahogany conference room, a collective air of nervous anticipation hanging heavy in the air. They awaited their guest, the woman who held their futures in her slender, gloved hand.The doors hissed open with a theatrical flourish, revealing Daniel standing aside. All eyes fixated on the woman who emerged, an apparition in a pristine white Gucci suit. Long, white gloves climbed her arms, a stark contrast to the sleek chrome of her prosthetic limb tucked discreetly beneath the fabric. Shock rippled through the room like a seismic tremor. This wasn't the meek girl they remembered.Emerlda strode with a quiet confidence that belied the steely glint in her eyes. A glacial smile played on her lips as she settled into the head seat. "My apologies for the abrupt summons, gentlemen," she began, her voice a velvet caress laced with an undercurrent of steel. "Let's dispense with pleasantries. Daniel, enlighten them as to the purpose of this gathering."Daniel stepped forward, his face a mask of professional detachment. A sharp click, and the projector whirred to life, bathing the room in an accusatory light. Across the screen scrolled a damning montage of falsified documents – irrefutable evidence of the shareholders' transgressions. Fraudulent contracts, misappropriated funds, and a meticulously planned coup d'état – their treachery laid bare for all to see.Emerlda's gaze swept across the room, lingering on each now-pale face. The amusement in her eyes was devoid of warmth. "The foundation of this company," she declared, her voice a low hum, "is built on the bedrock of my mother's suffering, which consequently warped the very fabric of my childhood. I've offered you enough leniency, a misplaced belief in the efficacy of kindness. But as is often the case, such misplaced trust backfires spectacularly."A pregnant pause hung in the air before she continued, each word dripping with icy finality. "Here's the new reality, gentlemen. Every single penny you've stolen from me will be returned, willingly. Additionally, you will divest yourselves of your shares in Evolution, effective immediately. Consider this a lesson in reaping the bitter harvest one sows."Emerlda's gaze swept across the room, lingering on each now-pale face. The amusement in her eyes was devoid of warmth, a glacier reflecting the cold sun. "The foundation of this company," she declared, her voice a low hum that vibrated with repressed fury, "is built on the bedrock of my mother's suffering, which consequently warped the very fabric of my childhood. I've offered you enough leniency, a misplaced belief in the efficacy of kindness. But as is often the case, such misplaced trust backfires spectacularly."A pregnant pause hung in the air, thick with the weight of her words. Then, with icy finality, she continued, each word dripping like venom. "Here's the new reality, gentlemen. Every single penny you've stolen from me will be returned, willingly. Additionally, you will divest yourselves of your shares in Evolution, effective immediately. Consider this a lesson in reaping the bitter harvest one sows."The shareholders erupted in a cacophony of mumbles and protests. Daniel, ever the stoic figure, materialized beside them with a stack of documents. Filled with a potent mix of hatred and fear, the shareholders scrawled their signatures, the pens scratching out a symphony of defeat.Standing from her chair, Emerlda's gaze turned steely. "In the future," she warned, her voice dropping to a low growl, "if you ever cross paths with me again, you will not live a second to celebrate it."With that chilling pronouncement, she swept out of the conference room, leaving the air thick with the stench of their fear. Stepping confidently through the glass doors, Emerlda emerged before a throng of hungry reporters, their cameras flashing like a swarm of fireflies.Clearing her throat, she commanded their attention. "Thank you all for coming," she began, her voice a beacon of control amidst the swirling chaos. "As the President of Evolution, I am here to officially make an announcement."A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Here she was, Emerlda Borstov, alive and well, defying the media's narrative of her demise. A faint blush crept up her neck as the camera lights beat down, but she held her composure."I offer my deepest condolences," she continued, her voice gaining strength, "to the victims who lost their loved ones in the bombing tragedy. Evolution will offer its full support to the police to bring the criminals behind this senseless act to justice."Her gaze swept across the sea of faces, her eyes flashing with determination. "The rumors and accusations swirling around Evolution are just that – baseless rumors with the sole aim of tarnishing our reputation. We may have lost some business partners, but through this struggle, we shall continue to rise as Evolution. This is the beginning of a new era for us."As she finished her speech, the reporters surged forward, a barrage of questions erupting from the crowd."Here we are, standing in front of Evolution, witnessing the sudden appearance of Mrs. Borstov who was announced dead four months ago," boomed a voice from the back. "As a nation, we still pray for the victims of the tragedy and hope for a safer environment for Russia. Thank you for watching RNB news."The doorbell chimed, interrupting Daniel and Emerlda's lunch. Daniel hurriedly wiped his mouth with a napkin, a hint of nervousness creeping into his eyes. The door swung open to reveal Dr. Michel, his arrival seemingly unexpected by Emerlda."Dr. Michel," Daniel greeted warmly, extending a hand and leaning in for a quick, professional kiss on the cheek. Rose, the housekeeper, barely batted an eyelid at the gesture. Dr. Michel was a frequent visitor, often staying over on weekends.Emerlda, however, couldn't hide a flicker of surprise. "Daniel," she began, a slight edge to her voice, "after all the...entanglements you've had, I wouldn't have pegged you for a man of refined tastes." A sly smile played on her lips. "Has my absence somehow rewired your preferences?"Daniel chuckled, his hand finding Michel's discreetly. "Rude, wouldn't you say? Dr. Michel here is actually my boyfriend."Emerlda's amusement faltered. "Boyfriend, huh?" she challenged, a glint of skepticism in her eyes. "Bold claim, Daniel. I give it a week, tops. If it lasts that long, feel free to ask anything you want."Michel, meanwhile, found himself captivated by Emerlda's prosthetic arm, his gaze lingering on the sleek metal beneath the fabric of her sleeve. Daniel, clearly enjoying the awkward tension, grinned. "Actually, we've been together for four months," he announced, a playful jab aimed at Emerlda's prediction. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe dinner needs tending to."Emerlda's eyes flickered back to Michel, a mix of curiosity and suspicion brewing within her. "Did he brainwash you or something?" she quipped, her tone laced with a hint of amusement. "Four months seems an awfully long time to tolerate..." she trailed off, leaving the implied insult hanging in the air.Michel, captivated by Emerlda, blurted out, "Is that a...bionic arm? Fascinating!" He leaned closer, his curiosity battling with a hint of apprehension. "But wouldn't that require immense energy to operate? I thought all the other test subjects..." he trailed off, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper.Daniel, returning with plates of food, froze at the doorway. He saw Michel's wide-eyed fascination and Emerlda twisting her robotic arm, a flicker of something akin to pain crossing her face."Michel," Daniel began, a hint of warning in his voice. But Michel interrupted, tears welling in his eyes. "Daniel, how could you keep this from me? This is groundbreaking! The greatest medical marvel of our time!"Emerlda scoffed, her voice tinged with frustration as she flexed her arm. "It's not exactly a walk in the park, Dr. Michel. The power is…overwhelming at times. Feels more like a curse than a blessing."Michel, his medical instincts kicking in, ignored the barb. "Emerlda," he said, his voice filled with determination, "let me help you. With the right calibrations and training, you can learn to harness that power. It could be life-changing."Emerlda, surprised by the doctor's genuine concern, met his gaze for a long moment. Daniel, relieved by the turn of events, chimed in, "That's a great idea! Michel's the best in the field."Emerlda, after a thoughtful pause, nodded slowly. "Alright, Doctor," she conceded, a flicker of hope igniting in her eyes. "Let's see what you can do with this...scrap metal."A fragile bond of trust and collaboration began to form in the tense yet charged atmosphere of the room.The ceramic mug clattered to the floor, shattering the serenity of the living room and jolting Burns' wife from her book. Startled eyes, both young and old, fixated on the news report flickering on the television screen. A low growl rumbled in Burns' throat as he barked, "Pack your bags! Now!"Fear flickered across his wife's usually composed features. "Honey," she began, her voice a soothing balm amidst the rising storm, "what's happening?"Burns slammed his fist on the table, the force sending tremors through the room. "Pack your bags, damn it," he roared, his voice laced with a raw desperation. "Meet me in the garage. Essentials only, understand?"A curt phone call had shattered Burns' world. The caller, a man named Roy, had only managed a single, choked reply: "We're screwed."His family huddled together, a silent picture of bewilderment as Burns rushed them into the car. The destination: a concrete bunker buried deep within the woods. Before sealing them inside, Burns confiscated phones, laptops – any device that could connect them to the outside world. His wife, her gaze locked on his now-desperate eyes, spoke with a quiet determination that chilled him to the bone."When this is over," she said, her voice devoid of warmth, "I want a divorce. And the children stay with me."With a heavy heart, Burns sealed the hatch, plunging his family into an artificial darkness. Back at his house, he rejoined a group of worried men, each with the same haunted look in their eyes. Roy, the source of their panic, paced frantically. "This time," he muttered, his voice laced with dread, "she'll definitely kill us. She's…unkillable."