
Red Moon: Dead Future Alpha

“Alpha rogues!” I hear warriors yelling through the mind link. I sit quickly only to hear growls and the strong stench of rogues. As soon as I stand up I can feel Victor coming to the surface. I need to check on my parents and help get the women, pups, and elders to our panic room. Right before I reach the door, two wolves burst through. 'HOW DID THEY GET IN MY HOUSE' Victor growls. I try to shift, failing, as they both lunge at me. I can feel my eyes go black as Victor lets out a furious growl. “You walked into the wrong house, rogues!” I yell with Victor's voice echoing through mine. I watch both of them as they begin to snap their jaws at me when a dark shadow appears in the doorway firing a gun at me. I barely dodge it as the bullet grazes my skin and searing pain begins. The bullets are silver! Victor groans. I smash into my bedpost and hear a rib crack. Rolling onto my back, “Fucking rogues are going ––!” A scream came from my parents’ room. My head snaps in their direction. “Mom!” I yell for her. The two wolves pin me down as I try to move, despite the searing pain, to find my parents. The dark figure comes closer, dropping his hood.

Sky_Carver · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 15: It's Not Good

Violet POV

It's been hours since I talked with Mr. Zane, I have texted and called Vince multiple times. My dad has called me a few times again and I told him that Vince went out with Mr. Zane. I've been sitting in the same spot on bed just staring at my phone waiting for it to ring. Everytime it did ring, it was Kevin, leaving voicemails and asking me out.

I pulled out the letter I wrote, reading it again and replaying everything that happened. I wish I could've read my real letter to him. A few days before Vince's birthday I went out to get him a gift and ran into Kevin.


I enter the men's sport section, looking at all the colors and outfits on the mannequins, when I feel a hand on my back. I scream and turn to see who and to my disapproval, it's Kevin.

"Kevin, you scared me, announce yourself next time," I say, taking a few steps back.

"Whatcha doing Vi? Buying me a congratulation present for getting the job?" He asks, coming forward.

I shake my head, "No, it's Vince's birthday in a few days." I watch his body tenses at the mention of Vince.

"So, you guys are serious?" He touches my arm.

"Yes, Kevin, we are serious," I moved away from his touch.

"You don't want to be friends? We've known each other for a long time. I just want to be around you again. I couldn't get you out of my head," He steps closer and grabs my hand, "I just want another chance for you to see that I have changed and I can take care of you."

"Kevin, I am with Vince and I am not interested. I'm sorry." I pull my hand away and turn to walk away but he grabs my arm. "Kevin, that hurts, let me go." I try to pull away, but he yanks me closer.

"You are going to leave him or I will make sure you understand the pain." He whispers into my ear.

"What?" I softly ask.

"Do it on his birthday actually. If you don't want to, then when you go home, make sure to kiss your mother." He lets go of me and walks away whistling.

I stood there stunned for a minute, did that just happen? What did he mean by understanding the pain and kissing my mom? I quickly pick out an outfit and head home.

(End Flashback)

I knew he was controlling and a bit crazy, but to threaten my mom and force a fake break-up. He didn't know that we weren't actually together, but I had to lie about my feelings to Vince. I'm going to call him again, maybe he's ready to talk. I grab my phone, RING RING, I bet it's Kevin I think as it continues to ring, watching the screen as 'Giraffino' pops up.

I quickly hit the answer button, "Vince?" I hear breathing, "Vince?" I question again.

"Hi, Violet, uhhh, do you have a minute to talk?" His voice is low and soft.

"Yes, I have more than a minute for you." I replied.

"I need you to come to Mr. Zane's place." I cut him off,

"Right now?" I eagerly asked him.

"It's getting late, you can come tomorrow morning. Unless you want to come right now. I would rather talk to you in person…" His voice faded off.

"I can be there tonight, we don't have to talk tonight, but I don't want to be here alone. I'll pack and be there soon." I finish and wait for his response.

"Okay, text me when you leave. I will let Zane know to have a room ready for you." He says and hangs up.

I jump off my bed, and I grab a small duffel bag, filing it with whatever I could grab and grabbing my car keys.

I text Vince that I am leaving and lock the door. Walking towards the car, popping the trunk when a hand grabs my mouth and everything goes black.

Vince POV

Violet texted me 2 hours ago that she was leaving the house, the guards have not informed Zane of her arrival. I was nervous for her to drive all this way at night. I tried to call her, but maybe she's just driving carefully.

"Zane," I found him in his office, "I need to go check on Violet."

"Why? Didn't you call her already?" He asks, looking at his paperwork.

"Yes, she texted me, saying she was on her way. It doesn't take that long to get here, she won't answer my calls. She sounded excited to come." I talk fast to get my point across.

"Vince, I will send some guards to the house. Just stay here, we will figure it out. In the meantime, Mia has been researching the First Mates, she's waiting for you in the living room.

"I want an update as soon as they arrive." I demand.

"You will be the first to know." He says with certainty.

I walk out of his office and towards the living room, I find Mia sitting on the couch with twenty different books surrounding her.

"Luna Mia," I say, grabbing her attention.

"Vince, how did the shifting training go?" She asked me.

" I still don't know why I can't shift. It hurts, and Violet texted me 2 hours ago." I say in response.

"What did she text you that caused you stress?" She asked, giving me her full attention like a proper Luna.

"It's not what she said, it was how long ago she sent it. She texted that she was leaving her house two hours ago and she's not here yet. Zane is sending warriors to her house, he told me to come find you." I say looking at all the books.

"I have been very busy as you can see," pointing to the circle of books, "well, I don't know if you are the First Mates, these books just explain the outcome of every situation. If one mate dies, if the mates reject each other, if one mate is rejected, and so on. However, there is no mention of human mates in the books. I did read a part about mates that are two different species, but it didn't specify which species." Mia finishes rubbing her temple.

"I appreciate you looking through all these books. The elders haven't said anything else about this test or whatever they want to do. Victor hasn't talked to me since I left Violet." I replied to her.

Mia stands, "I'll go make us some tea and we can talk while we wait for the warriors." She walks out of the living room.

It's been three hours now, Victor has been whining in my head for the past hour, the warriors should be at her house any second and I still can't get ahold of her.

Zane comes into the living room where I have been waiting, "Vince, the warriors I sent have arrived, it's not good." Zane said cautiously.

"What? Is she still there? Does she not want to come?" I question him.

"No one is answering the door, her car is still there with her trunk open and her duffel bag on the ground." He finishes and Victor forces his way to the front, I drop from the pain.

"Victor is trying to force a shift," I scream in agony.

"Victor stop" Zane yells in his Alpha voice but Victor wouldn't submit to another Alpha.

Victor, stop! I yelled at him.

Victor can't keep the pain up for more than a few minutes so I knew it would pass. I share his anger and worry, but I can't take the pain. I black out.