
Red Moon: Dead Future Alpha

“Alpha rogues!” I hear warriors yelling through the mind link. I sit quickly only to hear growls and the strong stench of rogues. As soon as I stand up I can feel Victor coming to the surface. I need to check on my parents and help get the women, pups, and elders to our panic room. Right before I reach the door, two wolves burst through. 'HOW DID THEY GET IN MY HOUSE' Victor growls. I try to shift, failing, as they both lunge at me. I can feel my eyes go black as Victor lets out a furious growl. “You walked into the wrong house, rogues!” I yell with Victor's voice echoing through mine. I watch both of them as they begin to snap their jaws at me when a dark shadow appears in the doorway firing a gun at me. I barely dodge it as the bullet grazes my skin and searing pain begins. The bullets are silver! Victor groans. I smash into my bedpost and hear a rib crack. Rolling onto my back, “Fucking rogues are going ––!” A scream came from my parents’ room. My head snaps in their direction. “Mom!” I yell for her. The two wolves pin me down as I try to move, despite the searing pain, to find my parents. The dark figure comes closer, dropping his hood.

Sky_Carver · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 16: Where is my daughter?

Violet POV

"What the hell happened?" I say trying to focus my eyes on the dark room.

I try to sit up getting restricted by the cuffs on my right wrist and left ankle. The brown paint is chipping off, windows are boarded up, the door has fist-size holes in it and the raw smell of mold doesn't help the already pounding headache I have. I try to remember how I could've ended up here, I remember talking to Vince.

Vince! He probably thinks I flaked on him, "FUCK" I shout and the door flies open.

"Such a naughty word love," the male voice says, coming closer.

"Kevin?!" I cautiously ask.

"I thought we had an agreement, Vi?" He questions coming closer to my face.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Where am I? Why did you do this?" I scream and cry at him.

"Why?" He chuckles, "Because I love you, Violet. I have loved you since our first kiss. You agreed to stay away from that sad homeless boy and then the second he calls, you go running to him. What about me?" He cups my face with his hand.

"We are not together Kevin, we haven't been together in 2 years. People grow up, they grow apart, and just because you threatened my mother doesn't mean you dictate my life. How did you know he called me?" I look at him as a grim smirk crosses his lips.

I dropped my voice, "Kevin, how did you know that he called me?" I ask more sternly.

"Besides having your phone and going through everything you ever said to him, the day that dick head was out on a run and came back to my truck out front…" I sat still waiting for him to continue, "I was installing wifi cameras around your house; backyard, front yard, kitchen, basement, and of course your bedroom." He finishes listening and I can't breathe.

"You've been spying on me and my entire family!" My voice comes out weak which infuriates me.

"I had to make sure you weren't going to lie to me. I left you alone so I could watch and make sure you were actually with that dirty bastard. Did you know he sleepwalks to your room most nights? He just stands there watching you like some creep." Kevin says with disgust.

"At least he is sleepwalking and doesn't consciously know what he's doing. Unlike you, you are evil, disgusting, and a cry baby child! I hope you burn in hell!" I scream at him.

"He sent four very large men to find you a few hours after I took you. Funny, how it took him so long to come to look for you. I watched them search every part of your house only to find an empty house, an open car, and a packed bag. It's been two days and he still hasn't shown his face. Your parents should be home soon, they keep calling and texting you, but I turned your phone off, so they can't track you." He shrugs and leans against the wall.

"My parents, what are you going to do to them? I swear to god if you touch them, I'll-"

"You'll what? You can't do anything, the only thing you will do is," He came close and kneed in front of me, "you will be my wife next week."

"Over my dead body will I marry you." I spit at him.

"You will marry me!" He screams in my face, "I'm inviting your parents, if you don't want them to disappear, I suggest you say 'I do' and be happy Mrs. Berg." He grabs my face and pushes his lips onto mine. I pull my head back, but his hand finds my head, forcing me forward. He lets me go after a minute and walks away whistling.

Tears hit my cheeks before he makes it out the door, my parents are going to believe a lie, and Vince… Vince, the connection we have, my whole body wants to be with him and now I'll be living a lie.

Vince POV

"He's been out for two days, we don't know why he's not waking up. His wolf is still healing from the force shift." I hear the mumbled words.

"We have yet to find Violet, I don't want him to freak out again. Victor was out of control." I think that was Zane. I slowly open my eyes to the pack doctor, Zane, and Mia standing at the foot of my hospital bed.

Mia's eyes snap towards me, "You're awake!" she slaps Zane in excitement.

"You are not quiet talkers." I groan sitting up, "I need to stop ending up in the hospital." I say to myself.

Zane chuckles, "I don't think you did anything to end up here, Victor tried to come forward." He finishes looking at Mia.

"I heard what you said, about Violet. What day is it? Have her parents called me? Do they know she's missing?" I spit out the questions.

"Her parents have called and texted that they would be home later today. Now that you are awake, you can accompany Mia and me to have that talk with them." Zane says, watching for a reaction.

"When can we go? I don't want them to find that house empty." I say to Dr. Tia.

"You can go right away, Alpha. I want you to take it easy, your wolf is still healing and we don't want you to force shift again." Tia says, with a warning tone.

"Alpha, Luna," Tia bows and leaves the room.

"I will have one of the maids bring you a change of clothes. I am going to inform my Beta of our travels and prepare the car. I would like to leave within thirty minutes." Zane says, taking Mia's hand and leaving with a nod.

I grab my phone off the side table, seeing the missed calls and messages from Violet's father. Taking a deep breath I hit 'call',

"Vince! Where have you been? Is Violet with you? She hasn't answered any calls, we will be home in two hours." Hearing the anger in Steve's voice made my heart drop.

"Mr. Beck, I apologize for the lack of communication. I was actually in the hospital for the last two days. I am fine, I will meet you at your house. Please drive safely and I will see you soon." I say as softly as I can.

"Where is my daughter, Vince?" He demands an answer.

"Please just let me explain when I see you." I pleaded with him.

"Be there by the time I arrive." He said strictly and hung up.

The maid walks in with a pile of clothes, "Alpha asked me to bring these," she says laying them.

"Thank you," I say, standing up and going to change.

I walk from the hospital to the pack house, watching a blacked-out SUV pull up and Zane gets out.

"Are you ready to go?" Zane asked.

"Yes, I called Violet's father, Steve, he knows I will be there when he gets home." I finish as Mia walks out of the house and over to us.

"Gentlemen, time to go." She says getting in the passenger seat. I nod and take my seat in the back.

We drive in silence for a while until Zane gets a mindlink from his head warrior.

Zane's eyes snap to mine through the rearview mirror, "The warriors who have been asking around about Violet, informed me that they don't believe it's another pack or wolf who took her." A growl escapes my chest.

"Kevin!" Victor's voice echoes through mine.

Victor, I know you are angry and worried about our mate, I am too. Do not try to force a shift in front of her parents! I put Victor in his place, I can't lose the trust of her parents.

I will rip his heart out and feed him to the rogues. Victor growls back.

The second that Violet is safe, he will meet his end. I say back and Victor growls in approval.

Mia turns in her seat to look at me, "Vince, who is Kevin?" she asked cautiously.

I feel Victor come forward causing my eyes to flash black, "Victor, let Vince answer me. You are not strong enough to shift, please control yourself." Mia says sweetly to my angry wolf at the mention of Kevin's name.

I cleared my throat, "Kevin is Violet's ex-boyfriend from high school, he recently moved back home. He wanted to marry her and move her to New York with him. She declined and he took it hard. She was uncomfortable knowing he was back in town. He's the only person who would do this. She's been missing for two days, she could be anywhere. I know he won't hurt her, but what if he goes on the 'If I can't have her, no one can'." I hang my head at the thought of losing my mate before I even had her.

"We will find her," Mia says in her soft Luna voice.

"We are here. It looks like her parents are home already." Zane says, pulling in front of her house. I look up at the house and I take a minute to collect myself. I open the car door, leading Zane and Mia up to the house.