
Red Lilies

Wanting to become a normal high school student after her family life broke apart, Sakura finds herself in Karakura. Meeting new people and starting a new, sadly her Soul is still attached to those who once knew her. How can she hide from those who dress in black, those with white masks, those who follow the black butterflies?

OneWayToFly · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 9

I did not expect my day to end like this…

First, I go with Chad to train, exercise and blow off all the steam I could on a full body workout that had me boneless and outside way past my curfew.

Then I am escorted by the very man who helped escape from the intense questioning... on piggyback.

- "ugh..." - I complained, my muscles screamed by just taking a full breath of air. - "How do you do this almost every day?" - I continued with my tirade of whines and painful moans. - "Maybe I will be as strong as you are if I go with you to each session.... if I survive this one." -

But he wasn't answering, just hums here and a nod there. That was no answer!

- "Hey... is everything ok? I know I can be annoying sometimes. I was just trying to make conversation. With you carrying me back home like some -" -

- "Stop." -

- "But-" -

- "Stop talking down on yourself like that." - he continued.

After a few breaths of silence, he finally spoke again. - "Something is on your mind. Not always. But I can see, some days you are happy and present." -

I could not answer to that, he was getting somewhere. If I stop him, that would be me pushing him away. I did not want to push him away.

- "Other days, you are just lost." -


How I related to that one word so much. Lost all the time. Where to go? Who to talk to? How fast should I run?

- "hmmhm" - I could only hum in response, as if saying any word would make it too real to bear.

- "Why?" - the question was as low as my resolve to answer it. I could speak or just stay silent, because he was smart.

He could tell when I lied.

Every dam time.

Now I just don't even bother.

- "I wish I knew." - I admitted out loud. - "I just... I don't know." -

I wish there was someone I could ask.

- "It's late. I thought tiring you out would help you talk without being so tense all the time." - ouch, I didn't think I looked that bad. I couldn't help but flinch at his words.

Truth can hurt. But it's necessary.

- "Sorry." -

- "Don't. I just- I'm not good at this." - my hand waved absently. Everything still hurts. - "I am not talking about the exercise, but I was not ready for the intensity." - I laughed. - "But having someone to talk to... that is new for me." -

- "I'm a good listener." - he countered.

- "Yes, you sure are!" - I giggled on his shoulder. - "You listen to me all the time complaining about everything and anything. I am a little embarrassed." -

After a few beats of silence, I continued. - "Thank you. I will work on that question." -

But before we could continue, I felt something. Something bad. A strange intensity in the air that made my skin crawl with goosebumps.

At the same time, Chad stopped dead on his tracks. His muscles tensed under my weight and now I was more nervous.

Did he also feel that?

- "You're shivering." -

- "Oh! Yes, it's a little cold." - he was still not moving. - "Chad?" - I whispered closer, afraid of the tension I could not explain. - "Are you ok?" -

- "There was an accident last night, right?" -

- "...Yes." - is he worried about that happening again? - "It was an accident." - I tried to smooth the wrinkle on his shirt from my grip.

- "How did it happen?" -

Was he stalling?

- "Well..." - that was a hard question, the grieving mother's image was stuck in my head. Her cries echoed in my mind. It was an accident. - "It was an accident." - I repeated weakly.

- "Were you there?" -

I sobbed in response. - "I-I arrived there... after it happened." -

After that, he turned his heel in the opposite direction to my home. Where? I don't know... I just held on to his back holding those tears at bay.

After a few minutes he stopped in a park. I've been here before. On late nights, there is a small food stand with spicy and delicious food. The smell was so good, it made my mouth water.

- "Want a snack? I'll get you something if you carry me there." - I pointed to the lights from the food cart and few benches.

People would normally get the snack and go home, so the benches would be available for late nighters who did not want to go home yet.

Like me.

He hummed with a nod and we both sat with some fried goodies. - "Sorry. We just exercised ourselves to exhaustion and now we are here eating greasy food... not the best diet plan." - I joked.

The small smile on his face was a personal win for me. I did not want the night to end in a bad note... and home did not seem so safe after that weird feeling from before.

The reason for that was... for the first time in months, I felt fear.

Fear for my safety.


Morning was a blur; I can't remember when I got home. I was sore from yesterday and I knew some cardio and more exercise was better than relaxing all day.

But it was hard!

- "What do you mean? A truck did what!?" - I answered the phone call with concern. - "Are you ok?" -

- "Yes! Surprisingly no one got hurt! A miracle!" - my boss continued. - "But it will take some time for the repairs to complete and I can't have you working here with such a dangerous work environment!" - he continued with concern. He should be concerned about himself!

- "I understand. Please take care and let me know how I can help." -

- "You are an angel! I will have my little helper send you all the digital files so you can email my patients about the situation." -

- "Yes, I have my laptop here." - it was small and a little old, but in great conditions.

- "Great! I will take care of the rest. My little helper will call you with the date you will be able to return. Stay safe out there!" -

- "Yes, stay safe." - I hung up... what the hell!

I looked out of my window, and I saw it. The next-door clinic was my workplace. Very convenient and necessary. I could see the large hole on the wall.

If I returned last night when the truck hit the house... no. I can't go there. No one was hurt, that is the important part.

And I have a few days off if I complete all my tasks faster than just being at the clinic and assisting patients with paperwork.

I worry too much...

But then I get to school... and there is a new student.

- "Oh! Mis Haruno. A transfer student. Since you also were transferred, maybe you can help her catch up? Take your seat over there please; class will start soon." - the teacher ordered around the students to make haze before the bell rang.

- "Oh... sure." - by the time I could answer, this girl was in front of me. Shorter and with short dark hair that complimented her pale face and those big dark eyes.

- "Excuse me." - she said and moved around me to take her seat. Ignoring me completely.

- "Hi, I'm-"

- "Hey Sakura, about yesterday." - a girl chimed in before I could continue.

… I forgot about yesterday's interrogation.

But that weird feeling was back, only less prominent than before. Last night felt like a warning, this morning feels like tingling sensation at the tip of my fingers...

- "Did you hear? A new transfer student. You are no longer the talk of the school Sakura." - another girl lightly joked.

- "Good!" - I joked back.

- "I wonder why she ignored you?" - Tatsuki whispered, but I heard her clear as day.

I shrugged. - "Doesn't matter, let's not make her feel like a fish out of water." - I smiled. At least for now, they are distracted with another topic.


As they day went on, I could not shake the feeling off. But I could not do much about it today. Looking around there was no danger, it was a normal day in a normal life.

Except for the lack of a particular presence…

Maybe Ichigo was sick today?

- "Hey Sakura, you are very off today... again!" -

- "Sorry. I was given some time off from work. I don't know how to spend the next few afternoons now." - I apologized half-heartedly. A white lie did not hurt... it was partly the truth.

- "No way! We should hang out! What about the mall?" -

- "No! The arcade is perfect." -

They continued until something caught my eye as I sat in the back of the classroom. That familiar orange spiky hair was back. I was about to get up and say hello when I saw how tired he was. Maybe later.

His friends were there, Chad included. Maybe he can tell me later.

I couldn't hear much over the bickering and teasing of the girls around me, so I stood up while they chatted over the best way to get points on a game I don't even know. I stopped halfway as the new girl approached them before I could.

- "You!" - Ichigo shouted as he stood up and point at the girl.

- "What's wrong, Ichigo!?" - his brunette friend asked with wide eyes.

- "You know each other?" - Chad's calm voice chimed in.

- "Oh no, this is our first meeting. Right, Kurosaki?" - the girl spoke.

Why did he suddenly go a few shades lighter like he had seen a ghost?

- "She is a transfer student, Kuchiki." - his shorter friend helped.

- "Right, Rukia?" - the brunette teased at the end of her name.

With a smile, she held her hand out. - "Nice to meet you." - her hand moved, and Ichigo's eyes went wide before he left the classroom.

The dark-haired girl ignored the brunette's invitation to have lunch together and left.

Should I follow?

Before I could move forward with that thought, a very red Orihime caught my eye. – "The-the- brr-thing… yes." – she mumbles incoherently while Tatsuki pulled her into the classroom.

- "Come 'on, just sit down. Lunch time is your favourite!" – encouraged her dark-haired friend.

What have I missed?

- "Maybe I have been too distracted… "– I whispered to myself.

But I did notice something… that weird feeling got stronger when he entered the classroom… and almost disappeared as he left…

Stop that.

Overthinking is not good, there is no danger. "It's all in your head".

I just need to catch up on some sleep, I strongly agree with that idea.
