
Red Lilies

Wanting to become a normal high school student after her family life broke apart, Sakura finds herself in Karakura. Meeting new people and starting a new, sadly her Soul is still attached to those who once knew her. How can she hide from those who dress in black, those with white masks, those who follow the black butterflies?

OneWayToFly · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

The beginning of a happy new year; faces that she learned and stayed; voices she became accustomed to; new habits and routines she now loves.

Now, instead of running away, she stayed put.

When those sheer faces stared at her from afar, she stared back.

White masks ignored her presence, so did she.

It was as if the world she lived in was divided by two. And Sakura lived in a limbo of both worlds.

But she liked it. All those warning about violence and evil had been just that, words. People moved along, bodies of souls along with them. Even the hungry dark ones seemed to mind their own business most of the time.

Maybe it should be weird, they should be chasing each other like cats and mice as they cause destruction and panic around them.

However, they don't. As if a vail had been thrown on all of us, causing a strange sense of peace and tranquillity.

If you asked her why, she had no clue. Ask how it used to be, even less of a clue. Everywhere she went was calm, for the most part. Only her mind has been plagued with a darkness she tried to run away from.

Until it finally caught up with her.

First, her head was pounding, so hard she had to stay home. Pack a small bag of treats, pain medication and water... this could take some time.

With her body screaming at her to run, jump, hop on a bike or something. Anything! Because it was calling for her.

There was a fissure, a big one.

Maybe even bigger than she had seen in a while, but alas, her mind was telling her where to go. With her running shoes, sweatpants and a hoodie, she sprinted. Hair tugged safely in her hood and dark shades on, one might find her dark figure weird and hopefully take the hint to look elsewhere.

Just another random jogger in black, early in the morning. Her skin flushed and air huffing out in desperate breaths.

But she arrived. A little far away from the largely populated areas of Karakura, even she was a little lost. The greenery around the area made it feel like a different world. Large vast of trees, bushes and cobble stone roads. Even the homes looked like they had been built over a hundred years ago.


How far has she run!?

Glancing up at the sky with great effort, Sakura noticed it was mid-day. The warmer weather had arrived with a welcomed heat she missed.

Wait until a heat wave brings her happy welcome into sweaty nights.

Never mind that, the pounding in her head was a reminder of her reason to be here... wherever "here" was.

A few more steps and she found the clearing near an old well. Old grown out paths with stone and forgotten structures of wood and paper panels. This used to be a small shrine.

She could tell.

The markings on the mossy stone and wood were of those her mother thought her about. Beautiful words of love and protection made by those who bestowed spiritual guidance to the masses of scared people.

When monsters where normal.

Danger was as common as breathing, those with higher spiritual presence could see, feel and even talk to those "monsters".

A small thunder dragged the pinket out of her thoughts.

Right, the reason she was here.

That fissure.

Small thundering and the buzz of electricity in the air. Her gaze followed the noise and pounding of her head. Close that dam fissure before it becomes a door.

A door for the unwanted.

A few feet over her head, she could see it. A small dark crack in the air. As if there was a random wall right there, distorting the air and picture of the landscape above.

She could wait. See what happens. Let it break and show whatever... or whoever was on the other side.

Trying to break free into this world.

But that would be selfish. Not to mention reckless. Her mother would be furious, her aunt disappointed and her father... ready for a kickass battle.

Her laughter echoed in her chest, too much to hold back and not let out. No one was around. The energy from the fissures was confusing and caused your senses to drift. As if you forgot what direction was north and where the sun rises.

Time to close it.

Heal the broken lines of this walls with her soul.

Yes, as weird as it is. Her hands reached for the wall as she concentrated. Small fires of green at the tip of her fingers. No need to expose herself, just a little would suffice.

- "Secret art... Seal and Heal..." - the buzzing of electricity slowly died away as the dark lines of the crack were coated by the green energy of her soul, little by little.

- "That should do it." - her voice was tired, but the pounding eased away. - "Now you will heal." - the pinket whispered now. Almost commanding the energy to work faster, but she was no master of the arts. Her mother was.

But this is just how everyone started, with stumbles and difficulties to achieve the mastery of techniques and abilities she yearned to learn more about.

Too bad her teachers are gone.

The seal will keep those wondering this area away and safe. It will also keep the energy she poured in stay put. Like a protective barrier covering the medication on a cut. Allowing it to heal without outside intervention destroying her hard work.

Time to go back.


Large groups of people and police tape kept her from returning home. A tragic news swept the crowds of neighbours and onlookers.

A child, dead.

Just a few years younger than her.

Now gone in the eyes of the living.

If she left any later? If she arrived any faster? Could she have been there to prevent it?


It was sad, no one should have to lose a child like that. One day you see them, laughing away as they head out into the world... never to come back.

The mother cried and screamed for an answer.

"Why her?"

Empathy was such a hard thing to accept, Sakura felt those cries bone deep. But anger was easy. How dare these people just watch? A woman is crying her soul out near a policeman, and they just whisper their thoughts out.

A little too loud for the pinkets comfort.

"How sad"

"She should have watched her child".

"It's her fault for allowing this to happen".

"I can't imagine the pain".

Her steps had her bumping shoulders with those who could not stay away from the scene, keep their dam mouths shut or even just show a little bit of humanity.

- "Ma'am, let me help you home." - she offered.

The woman was a mess, had been crying for hours now. The police had started to leave and there was nothing to be done until tomorrow morning.

"It was a terrible accident, it was painless".

The little girl in stripes and creams shorts with piggy tails kept repeating to the woman. A woman who could not see or feel her.

The pinkets gaze softened at the smaller figure, covered by the form of the grieving mother, no one would notice as she repeated those words.

- "It was a terrible accident. It was painless." - the pinket whispered, only for these two souls to listen.

The cries turned into sobs.

The girl seemed confused as to why her mother could not see or hear her.

- "Her soul will rest, do not worry." - Sakura tried to comfort both. - "Please, you must rest." - she continued.

- "Ma'am, there is nothing we can do. Please, go home." - the officer took off as the crowd started to disperse.

Those loud whispers turned into dead silence and the night surrounded the new reality of a grieving mother. Return home, alone.

No, not alone. - "I will take you home." - the woman held herself for dear life as she gripped the pinkets arm, her sobs becoming small sounds in the background. - "You need to rest." -

- "No, my husband will be back from the hospital. I must prepare dinner." - she countered. - "I had to stay for the police. He-he took off right as he arrived from work." - the woman continued, talking and talking about her next chores.

Her life had changed forever, yet the only thing she could hold on to was to keep the house clean; her home nice and warm; the new recipe she learned from her favourite cooking show.

Anything to keep her mind occupied.

Holding on to her life duties, her family.

Wake up, work, sleep. Repeat.

It won't last long, running away from it won't work. - "Please take care of yourself." - with that, the door closed. White door with crème walls matching the windows; green bushes with small flowers of purple and pink hues; brown bricks lining the garden and corners of the house.

A beautiful and normal home, with such tragedy and darkness lurking above. - "Do not let those emotions rule your existence." - she whispered to the air.


The next day, her mind was elsewhere. Apparently, she was so obvious about it, her friends started to worry.

- "What's up with you?" -

- "Hmm?" -

- "Don't tell me!" - the excited squeaks woke her up from the mind fog. - "It's a boy!" -

All eyes were on her, the small group of girls and those big bright eyes of wonder and some of expectancy.

- "Oh! Do we know him?" - Orihime chimed in.

- "Never mind that! Is he a senior?" - another girl asked.

- "So what? I want to know what he did so I can beat his ass!" - Tatsuki's statement was surprising but welcomed, her friend would defend her feelings without question. The fire on her eyes was palpable, just as strong as the many times they trained together at the dōjō.

Sakura shivered at the memory of those many bruises they shared after practice.

- "Sakura." - the deep voice ended the endless questioning that felt like a police interrogation she saw on an action movie once.


The relieved pinket turned with a smile to her saviour. - "Chad!" - she excitedly answered. - "How may I help you." - she emphasized in the word "help" as if asking for help herself.

- "I have this..." - he glanced at the many eyes narrowed at him like daggers. But he wasn't fazed. - "homework I'm struggling with... math." - weak statement but she will go with it.

- "Come 'on, I know Sakura is smart. Can't you ask someone else? Go get Mizuiro o even Ichigo." - another girl whined.

- "No!" - Sakura almost shouted as all the girls stared back at her with more suspicion. -"I-I mean, I will help you." - she turned to her saviour at the end of her statement and bolted to her feet in record time. - "I will see you all tomorrow. Bye!" - the pinket exclaimed as she tugged the larger form of her friend with her towards the exit.

Far away from those questions that made her nervous.

It was almost comical how her pulls did nothing to move the tall student, but he obliged and let her lead the way.
