
Red Lilies

Wanting to become a normal high school student after her family life broke apart, Sakura finds herself in Karakura. Meeting new people and starting a new, sadly her Soul is still attached to those who once knew her. How can she hide from those who dress in black, those with white masks, those who follow the black butterflies?

OneWayToFly · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 10

- "Uff" -

- "Not too hard on the arm, use your legs." - I encouraged the small child in white training uniform. – "Remember, keep your knees bent and your feet firm on the ground." –

- "Like this?" - he moved his legs apart and wiggled his bare feet to get comfortable over the training mat. - "How does this help with my arms?" – his small eyebrows knitted together as his cheeks puffed up into a pout.

Kids are adorable.

- "Sora, stop complaining and follow instructions." – Tatsuki intervened. – "Let me explain…"- she continued as the children nodded and continued to practice.

- "You look like the owner already." – I joked.

She clicked her tong and shook her head. – "You should see my family; they will tell you the history of this dōjō." – she joked back… I hope. – "But you'd die from boredom." – her chin tilted down as the air suddenly turned a little cold…

My nervous laugh barely could be heard from the constant shouts of children at each kick, punch and jump they performed.

Her family was scary in the way they carried themselves around their dōjō. Strong and knowledgeable. The children received smiles and pats on the back… I got kicked on my shin because I arrived a couple of minutes late…

I won't forget that Mister Arizawa!

- "Thanks for coming, anyway." –

I turned to that familiar spikey hair and smiled. – "No problem. I'm more than thankful you let me practice here." –

She shrugged. – "It's been a while since I had someone to stretch, it's nothing." – as if the bruises on my arms and legs had been just a way to pass time… - "Stop pouting, the kids are teaching you bad habits, Sakura." – she scolded.

- "Sorry!" – I paled. Since I volunteered a few weeks ago, I am still supposed to be a helper and not act like the little students here. Tatsuki found me performing some meagre kicks in the gym after school when I was supposed to clean… it was embarrassing how she caught my shoe in the air.

After that, she offered to "save my poor soul" from the inadequate circumstances of my little warm up.

But alas, here we are. Assisting the children with practice when the adults had to do errands or talk to parents. It was only a couple times a weak anyway.

I just must be more punctual!

- "Sakura, what are your plans for the weekend?" – what a good question.

I hummed in response. – "Maybe I'll just catch up on some chores. I must visit that market your mother gets her ingredients for that beef stew!" – my mouth waters by just thinking of it.

- "Ew, stop salivating on the mats!" – she yelled.

- "Sorry!" –


All I wanted was to take a break.

- "You should be ashamed of yourself!" – the woman screeched. Her angry wrinkles protruded from her sneer while she pointed that offensive finger at me. – "Why would you even do that to your hair?!" –

A taller man in uniform held both hands up in surrender as he tried, but failed, to calm the older woman. – "Ma'am, please. There is no need to raise our voiced." – her short dark hair flew in the air as she whipped her head and directed that judgemental stare at the innocent man.

- "ME!?" – she scoffed in offense. – "You! You shouldn't even let criminals in this respectful establishment." – she scolded. – "Look at her! Her hair is pink!" – her hands flew in the air as she pointed out everything and anything about me.

- "So young and already looks like that!" – she continued. – "Did you notice her piercings!" – I had one… - "She even has those bandages, what if she is in a gang!?" –

Ok, I burned my hand over the stove… that was my fault.

- "Did you check if she was stealing anything?" – her tirade finally had some heads turning.

The man started to sweat. – "Ma'am, she is a student, another client at our establishment." –

- "So what? Even more reason to remove her!" – remove? What the hell. – "Students can't afford anything these days." –

I couldn't agree more…

Then she turned to me, while I was holding a small bundle of garments. – "Where are your parents missy?" –

To which I smiled. – "They are dead, Ma'am." –

The way her face paled and all those heads turned accusatorily towards her helped me breathe a little better.

I just wanted to get some new socks and undershirts… what a day…

I turned to pay until someone caught my eye. I've seen him before. More than that. We have the same exact uniform.

Uryū Ishida.

By the look on his face, he was not impressed by my managing situation skills. I'm not in the mood for this. My eyes rolled at his unimpressed stare before I b-lined to the counter.

I just want to go home.


- "What!?" - I covered my mouth, I didn't mean to shout so loudly…

- "It's true!" - she continued. - "He broke the wall and ruined my living room!" - Orihime continued with the most bizarre story, but all her storied are bizarre…

I turned to Tatsuki for reassurance that I was hearing the tale of another weird dream of our friend. But she only nodded in agreement with the continuous explanation (with hand movements and all) from our friend.

I turned to see the same confusion and amazement on the faces of the other girls on the roof. At least I'm not the only one… even the sceptical Ryō had no choice but to just accept the apparent truth.

But, behind her long dark hair, I saw those familiar spiked of orange I had been missing lately. He was busy talking to the new girl.

I should stop that; she has a name.

Kuchiki Rukia had been around him all the time since she arrived. Maybe it's all in my head. I must look like a creep always stealing glances. Turning back to the story, that apparently ended without me noticing. Orihime seemed… odd today.

I wasn't the only one noticing the new presence taking on the attention of out taller friend. As I followed her sight, she was also staring at him. His group of friends now gathered near him and a-

Is that a bird?


- "I said stop!" - I shouted at the tall and tanned man.

His steps halted faster than I thought before I could avoid crashing onto his back. - "Oh, Miss Sakura." -

I huffed. - "What do you mean by "uh"? I have been chasing after you since the bell rang." - I folded my arms over my chest, this was serious. - "You are injured." - I stated flatly.

His brows rose as if he hadn't even notice himself. The bird was gone though.

Not important.

My resolves fell, I couldn't be harsh with him when he had all those bandages and bruises. - "Come, let me help you with those." - I sighed in defeat.

How could he be so reckless?

- "I won't ask what happened." - I pulled him down to my small table. - "But!" - I stared at him with an unyielding seriousness. - "Make sure the other guy looks worse." -

The small twitch on the corner of his mouth turned into a full smile. It was a little melancholic from the other smiles I get out of him.

But I won't push it.

- "I couldn't see it, but I am sure he was." -

- "Good!" - I answered before dealing with his face first. - "You better go see a doctor for your back." - I scolded.

Chad was easier to help when you finally catch up to him and get his attention. Why do these men make it so hard to help?

- "When will you let me heal your?" -

My hands halted at his statement, halfway into removing the band-aid on his forehead. I couldn't stop staring at those eyes full of honesty.

- "It's just." - my lip trembled. - "I don't know how." -

Feelings, emotions, negative and overwhelming emotions are hard to explain. It's not just the feel of my chest crushing itself when I cry; or the pounding on my head when I'm angry; the cold rushing through my body when I'm scared.

But saying it out laud.

Those words I keep to myself most of the time.

"I'm afraid."

"I want to talk about it."

"I need help."

- "It is very easy to help others…" - I whispered.

But he heard me. - "But you don't ask for help." -

- "… I don't." - that admission felt like that one hard pill you must swallow to treat your muscle pain, annoying but necessary.

Uncomfortable at the beginning. In the end, you realize it's not that bad when you start to feel better and, eventually, you don't need that pill anymore.

Until you stand under the rain for too long…
