
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 15: Maxim

Hearing the voice, the four turned their heads toward the direction seeing a middle-aged man with inky black hair, Brown eyes and sharp eyebrows. The unfortunate thing about this man is.

he was sitting on a wheelchair.

Maxim looked at the two strangers with a frown and turned to Joe. "Mr maxim these two are Leo and Nora they claimed they can heal your legs"

"Really?" A hint of surprise flash in maxim eyes, he sighed the next moment and ask, "Leo right?, I don't know what you can do, but countless doctors said I won't be able to walk in this life"

Leo smiled observing maxim and thought, 'this man was one of the world leaders in my previous life, the leader of the second-strongest base in 1st Nation, with a strength of the heavenly realm peak stage.'

In Leo past life, this man is one of the legendary figures he looked up to. That why he has enough confident to heal him.

"Don't worry Mr maxim, I can heal your legs, but first I want to tell you a story that will Change your life"

Maxim nodded calmly. "Sorry for my butler forgetfulness, please sit down."

Leo and Nora nodded and sat down on one of the most comfortable couch in their history.

After having their sit Leo started, telling them about his previous life and Nora using the storage ring as proof.

He didn't say he was reborn or taken back in time, but said he had a vision and with the ring and spirit stones, it was easy to convince them.

In about 20 minutes, the two look at everyone in the room.

Everyone was dumbstruck, staring at Leo and Nora as if they have grown two extra heads. Leo Smile seeing their expression, brought out 5 red spirit stones and gave 3 to maxim and 1 each to Jing and Joe.

"Eat these, it will heal your legs" Leo said handing them the stones.

Maxim looked at the stones on his palm and ask, "I should eat these?"

"Yes" Leo nodded.

Hearing Leo reply and thinking about his predicament, maxim sighed and put the stones in his mouth, gotten inside his mouth the stones dissolve into liquid in an instant.

After a moment, a wave of energy spread all over his body, heading to his legs, hands, chest and head. Maxim looked down at his legs with a stunned daze and said incredulously.

"I can feel my legs" he then tried to stand up, shakily, but he was doing it, Jing his butler rushed up to him to support him.

"This is a miracle" Maxim said and look at Leo and ask with sincerity. "How can I ever repay you?."

"Well... Mr maxim, there is something we need" Leo said relaxing on the comfortable couch.

"What is it? No matter what happens, even If I have to use all the powers of the Mu family, I will make sure to give it to you"

"It's not that Mr Maxim, we are just looking for workers, l'm planning to built my base on CELESTIAL island and I need enough workers, and the most important thing is that, they will all have to move to CELESTIAL island with their families, you don't need to force anyone, they can choose to come or not, and also, I will also increase the salaries of those coming to CELESTIAL island" Leo said with a smile.

"Is that all?, don't worry Mr Leo, I will handle it and don't worry about their payment and building materials or transport, I will handle everything, will 1,000 workers be enough?"

"Yes Mr Maxim" Leo answered with a smile.

"When should they move to celestial island to start building the base?" Maxim asked.

"Six days from now, is that ok with you?" Leo answered and asked back.

"Wonderful" maxim agreed with a smile.

Leo nodded and gave him 2 extra spirit stones, maxim was overjoyed and quickly swallowed the two, with that his legs instantly recovered.

'System show me his profile'

[Ok Host]

[Name: Maxim Mu]

[Realm: Man formation 3 stars, novice stage]

[Attributes: 15]

[Status: healthy]

[Species: Super enhancer]

[Relationship: 55% 'friendly']

[Skill: Earth bender]

[Ability: Earth enhancer]

'At least the relationship is good and system what is this skill description?'

Earth bender skill description: [increase the user strength by 40% and grant the user the ability to control the earth, when master to the highest level unlock the unique skill known as earth stealth. Which allow the user to be able to travel and attack while deep in the ground.]

'Whoa, that's why he's one of the world leaders'

"Thank you, Mr Maxim, we will communicate later" Leo said getting up to leave.

"Wait Mr Leo, you want workers, it will be best to be familiar with all the workers right…?"

Leo thought for a moment and nodded "OK, we will follow Mr Maxim."

"Good, Joe contact the headquarters, tell all the workers to gather in the conference room" maxim said with a smile.

"Yes Mr Maxim" Joe answered, took out his phone and called his secretary. After eating the spirit stones, he also felt the energy in it, he fully believed what Leo said about the future.


All the workers, were in a heated discussion in the conference room, a room big enough to occupy thousands of people.

"I thought the boss can't walk?" A worker asked.

"I thought so too, maybe the news are wrong" another said.

"Or is he handing over the company to someone else." Another worker added.

"To someone else?, Who will be this someone else?, our boss doesn't have any family members." The third chin in.

"Let just wait and see" the fourth said.

In about 20 minutes, A Lincoln park outside the company and four people stepped out walking towards the conference room with majestic auras.

The conference room door opened and the four entered.

"WOW, she is beautiful." all the men stared at the silver hair girl with awe, but what shocked them more was the man moving in Front of the group. Their boss, the one the whole nation said won't be able to walk in this lifetime, now he was walking in Front of the group, filled of vitality with an overwhelming aura.

The more astonishing thing is that, he's aura was far weaker than the young man following him behind.

Mr Maxim got on the stage, And slowly move his daze around his thousands of workers and said,

"Good morning all of you, I know you are all wondering why you are here, so let cut to the Chase, my friend here is looking for workers to help built his base in celestial island, I know all or some of you had heard of the newly bought island, formerly known as barkeep then changed to celestial. This young man is the owner of celestial island."

"Whoa, owner of celestial island, this is the hottest topic on social media and this young man is the one who bought the island," someone said with Awe and astonishment.

"The island was brought 2 days ago, I can't believe he is so young, do you think he has a girlfriend?' A female worker asked observing Leo figure.

"Girlfriend?, don't you see that beauty beside him, they fit each other perfectly." A man said.

"Cough!.. Cough!.." Maxim cough twice silencing the crowds and continue:

"This young lady here is his sister, As I said he wants to build a very 'BIG' base" maxim emphasize the word big and continue "And all of you are needed, The most important detail is that you will all move to celestial island with your families."

"With our families?" All the thousands of workers were stunned hearing these.

Maxim looked at them and smiled, "those of you who will go and start these projects will have an increase in salary by 20%."

Leo looked at maxim in surprise, he said he will increase the workers salaries but didn't say how much, 'is this guy so rich?' He thought.

The workers looked at each other, some hesitating. "Don't worry all of you, Mr Leo have given you 5 days to think about it, on the 6 day, those of you who are willing to go will meet in this company, I will take care of your transport, so don't worry." Maxim said with a smile.

Hearing these all the workers nodded and breath a sigh of relief looking at both Leo and Nora with admiration.


Mr Maxim office.

"So Mr Leo... What are your plans now?"

"I am planning to go to celestial island, after returning, I want to put these news on all the news channels and media's stations." Leo said with a smile.

"Hmm.... Don't worry Mr Leo, when you are ready I will help you with that,"

"Thanks…" Leo said gratefully.

Seeing Leo was about to leave Mr maxim said "Wait Mr Leo."

"Yes…?" Leo asked staring at maxim.

"Can I have your account number?" These question caught Leo off guard, but till gave maxim his account number. "Thank again Mr Maxim." Nora said with a smile and the two left the office, Leo stopped and turned to maxim and said

"I won't tell you how you turned out in my vision, but you have to start building your base."

"Thank you, Mr Leo, what is the use of all this money after doomsday, I will now focus on buying all the survival tools and weapons needed."

"Good" Leo nodded with a smile.

"Then we'll talk later." With that the two left the office.

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